IA010: Principles of Programming Languages Concurrency Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Terminology Concurrency The order in which instructions are executed is non-deterministic. Parallelism Several instructions are executed at the same time. Distributed computing The computation is distributed over several spacially separated work stations. More terminology Fibre one path of execution in the program. Thread, process a fibre running in parallel. Coroutine a non-parallel fibre with explicit switching. Synchronisation communication between fibres Implementing fibres make_ready : (unit -> unit) -> unit; // make fibre active schedule : unit -> unit; // switch to next fibre spawn : (unit -> unit) -> unit; // create new fibre yield : unit -> unit; // yield control to next fibre Implementing fibres let ready_fibres = Queue.make (); type terminate = | Terminated; let make_ready(f) { Queue.push(ready_fibres, f); }; let schedule() { if Queue.is_empty(ready_fibres) then throw Terminated else { let f = Queue.pop(ready_fibres); f(); schedule() } }; Implementing fibres let start_scheduler() { try schedule() catch e => case e | Terminated => () | else => print "uncaught exception" e }; let spawn(f) { letcc k { make_ready(k); make_ready(f); schedule() } }; let yield() { letcc k { make_ready(k); schedule() } }; Synchronisation primitives type condition(a); new_condition : unit -> condition(a); // create condition wait : condition(a) -> a; // wait for conditions wait_multi : list(condition(a)) -> a; // wait for several resume : condition(a) -> a -> unit; // wake up waiting fibres Synchronisation primitives type trigger(a) = [ cont : a -> void, triggered : bool ]; type condition(a) = [ waiting : list(trigger(a)) ]; let make_trigger(k) { [ cont = k, triggered = False ] }; let resume_trigger(t,v) { if t.triggered then () else { t.triggered := True; make_ready(fun () { t.cont(v) }); } }; Synchronisation primitives let new_condition() { [ waiting = [] ] }; let resume(c,v) { let waiting = c.waiting; c.waiting := []; List.iter(fun (k) { resume_trigger(k,v) }, waiting); }; let wait(c) { let wait_multi(cs) { letcc k { letcc k { let t = make_trigger(k); let t = make_trigger(k); c.waiting := [t | c.waiting]; List.iter( schedule(); fun (c) { } c.waiting := [t | c.waiting] }, }; cs); schedule(); } }; let c1 = new_condition(); let c2 = new_condition(); let f1() { let f2() { for i = 1 .. 10 { for i = 1 .. 10 { print "fibre1:" i; print "fibre2:" i; resume(c2, ()); resume(c1, ()); wait(c1); wait(c2); }; }; resume(c2, ()); resume(c1, ()); }; }; spawn(f1); spawn(f2); start_scheduler() Ramifications Concurrency makes programs much more complicated, in particular in combination with side-effects. • Mutual exclusion • Deadlocks • Race conditions • Starvation • Lifeness • Fairness Message passing Variants • synchronous • asynchronous, buffered • asynchronous, unbuffered • one-directional • bidirectional Implementation new_channel : unit -> channel(a) // create new channel send : channel(a) -> a -> unit // send value over channel receive : channel(a) -> a // read value from channel Implementation type channel_state(a) = | Free | Reading | Written(a); type channel(a) = [ state : channel_state(a), readers : condition(a), writers : condition(unit) ]; let new_channel() { [ state = Free, readers = new_condition(), writers = new_condition() ] }; let receive(ch) { case ch.state | Free => { ch.state := Reading; wait(ch.readers) } | Written(v) => { ch.state := Free; resume(ch.writers, ()); v } | Reading => error }; Implementation type channel_state(a) = | Free | Reading | Written(a); type channel(a) = [ state : channel_state(a), readers : condition(a), writers : condition(unit) ]; let send(ch,v) { case ch.state | Free => { ch.state := Written(v); wait(ch.writers); } | Written(v) => error | Reading => { ch.state := Free; resume(ch.readers,v) } }; Example let produce(ch) { let consume(ch) { while True { while True { let x = get_next_item(); let x = receive(ch); send(ch,x); process_item(x); }; }; }; }; let ch = new_channel(); spawn(fun () { produce(ch) }); spawn(fun () { consume(ch) }); start_scheduler() Inversion of control: callbacks let event_loop() { while true { draw (); let event = next_event(); case event | MouseDown(x, y) => mouse_down(x, y) | MouseUp(x, y) => mouse_up(x, y) | MouseMove(x, y) => mouse_move(x, y) } }; let state = Idle; let draw() { draw_window(); case state | Idle => () | Dragging(obj, x, y) => let (mx,my) = get_mouse(); draw_object(obj, mx, my); }; Inversion of control: callbacks let mouse_down(x, y) { case find_object_at(x, y) | Nothing => () | Some(obj) => state := Dragging(obj, x, y) }; let mouse_up(x, y) { case state | Idle => () | Dragging(obj, ox, oy) => drop_object(obj, x, y) }; let mouse_move x y { () }; Inversion of control: fibres let ch = new_channel (); let event_loop() { let handler() { while true { while true { draw (); let (x1,y1) = wait_for_mouse_down(); let event = next_event(); let obj = find_object_at(x1, y1); send(ch, event); let (x2,y2) = wait_for_mouse_up(); } drop_object(obj, x2, y2); }; } }; let wait_for_mouse_down() { let event = receive(ch); case event | MouseDown(x,y) => return (x,y) | else => wait_for_mouse_down(); }; Discussion Message passing • is simple to use, less error-prone • scales well • works on distributed systems • has some overhead Shared memory Atomic operations test_and_set : location -> a -> a; compare_and_swap : location -> a -> a -> bool; Locks/mutexes type lock; lock : lock -> unit; unlock : lock -> unit; • reentrant, non-reentrant Lock implementation type lock = [ locked : bool; waiting : condition() ]; let new_lock() { [ locked = False, waiting = new_condition() ] }; let lock(l) { while test_and_set(l.locked, True) { wait(l.waiting) } }; let unlock(l) { l.locked := False; resume(l.waiting, ()); }; Special syntax lock name { ... } ⇒ lock(name); ... unlock(name); Lock-free stack: non-threaded type node(a) = [ next : node(a), data : a ]; type stack(a) = [ head : node(a) ]; let push(st : stack(a), x : a) : unit { let n = [ next = null, data = x ]; let old_head = st.head; n.next := old_head; st.head := n; }; let pop(st : stack(a)) : a { let old_head = st.head; if old_head == null then throw Empty; let new_head = old_head.next; st.head := new_head; return old_head.data; }; Lock-free stack: incorrectly threadedtype node(a) = [ next : node(a), data : a ]; type stack(a) = [ head : node(a) ]; let push(st : stack(a), x : a) : unit { let n = [ next = null, data = x ]; while true { let old_head = atomic_read(&st.head); n.next := old_head; if compare_and_swap(&st.head, old_head, n) then return; }; }; let pop(st : stack(a)) : a { while true { let old_head = atomic_read(&st.head); if old_head == null then throw Empty; let new_head = old_head.next; if compare_and_swap(&st, old_head, new_head) then return old_head.data; }; }; Lock-free stack: correctly threaded type node(a) = [ next : node(a), data : a ]; type stack(a) = [ head : node(a), count : int ]; let push(st : stack(a), x : a) : unit { let n = [ next = null, data = x ]; while true { let old_head = atomic_read(&st.head); n.next := old_head; if compare_and_swap(&st.head, old_head, n) then return; }; }; Lock-free stack: correctly threaded let pop(st : stack(a)) : a { while true { let old_head = atomic_read(&st.head); if old_head == null then throw Empty; let old_count = atomic_read(&st.count); let new_head = old_head.next; let new_count = old_count + 1; if compare_and_swap2(&st, old_head, old_count, new_head, new_count) then { return old_head.data; } }; }; Condition variables type cvar = [ cond : condition, lock : lock ]; let new_cvar(l) { [ cond = new_condition(), lock = l ]; }; let wait_cvar(c) { unlock(c.lock); wait(c.cond); lock(c.lock); }; let resume_cvar(c) { resume(c.cond, ()); }; Semaphores type semaphore; increment : semaphore -> unit; decrement : semaphore -> unit; type semaphore = [ count : int, lock : lock, waiting : cvar ]; let new_semaphore() { let l = new_lock(); let cv = new_cvar(l); [ count = 0, lock = l, waiting = cv ] }; Semaphores let increment(sem) { lock(sem.lock); sem.count := sem.count + 1; resume_cvar(sem.waiting); // this automatically unlocks the lock }; let decrement(sem) { lock(sem.lock); while sem.count == 0 { wait_cvar(sem.waiting); } sem.count := sem.count - 1; unlock(sem.lock); }; Example: bounded buffer let lock = new_semaphore(); let full = new_semaphore(); let empty = new_semaphore(); let n = 10; let buffer = new_buffer(n); for i = 1 .. n { increment(empty) }; // the initial value should be n increment(lock); let producer() { let consumer() { for i = 0 .. 100 { for i = 0 .. 100 { let x = ... generate a value ...; decrement(full); decrement(empty); decrement(lock); decrement(lock); let x = get(buffer); put(buffer, x); increment(lock); increment(lock); increment(empty); increment(full); ... process the value x ... } } }; }; Monitors type node(a) = [ ... ]; type queue(a) = [ lock : lock, front : node(a), back : node(a) ]; let pop(q) { lock(q.lock); ... remove the first node from the list ... unlock(q.lock); ... return the data stored in the removed node ... }; let push(q,x) { lock(q.lock); ... add a new node at the end of the list ... unlock(q.lock); }; Transactional memory ⟨expr⟩ = . . . atomic{ ⟨expr⟩ } abort retry • easy to use • avoids deadlocks and race conditions • has considerable overhead • works well if there is little contention, but not if there is much Discussion Shared-memory • very efficient • extremely error prone • does not scale well • good primitives for implementation of more high-level synchronisation mechanisms Reactive programming Value of expressions changes with time. ⇒ purely functional computation with streams let a = ... mouse.x ... mouse.y ... ; let b = ... time ... ; let c = ... a ... b ... ; let num_clicks = count(mouse_button); let str = sprintf("The mouse is at (%d, %d).", mouse.x, mouse.y); let fld = make_text_field(str); Reactive programming Value of expressions changes with time. ⇒ purely functional computation with streams let a = ... mouse.x ... mouse.y ... ; let b = ... time ... ; let c = ... a ... b ... ; let num_clicks = count(mouse_button); let str = sprintf("The mouse is at (%d, %d).", mouse.x, mouse.y); let fld = make_text_field(str); Discussion • easy to use • high composability • avoids deadlocks and race conditions • famework rather restrictive • mainly intended for user interfaces, in particular web pages