import Data.Char as Char import Control.Monad import qualified Table import EnvSimple import Parser import Repl import Debug.Trace type Symbol = String data Value = VNum Integer | VCtor Symbol Int [Value] | VRec (Table.T Symbol Value) | VFun Symbol Environment Expr data Type = TInt | TName Symbol [Type] | TFun Type Type | TVar (Table.T Symbol [Type]) | TRec (Table.T Symbol Type) deriving Eq data Expr = EId Symbol | ENum Integer | EPlus Expr Expr | ETimes Expr Expr | EFun Symbol (Maybe Type) Expr | EApp Expr Expr | ELet Symbol (Maybe Type) Expr Expr | ERecord [(Symbol, Expr)] | EMember Expr Symbol | ETypeVar Symbol [Symbol] [(Symbol, [Type])] Expr | ETypeRec Symbol [Symbol] [(Symbol, Type)] Expr | ETypeDef Symbol [Symbol] Type Expr | ECase Expr [(Pattern, Expr)] deriving Eq data Pattern = ElsePat | VarPat Symbol | CtorPat Symbol [Symbol] | NumPat Integer deriving Eq type Environment = Env Value -- evaluation eval :: Environment -> Expr -> Value eval env (ENum n) = VNum n eval env (EFun arg _ body) = VFun arg env body eval env (EId id) = lookup_variable env id eval env (EPlus e1 e2) = case (eval env e1, eval env e2) of (VNum x1, VNum x2) -> VNum (x1 + x2) _ -> error "addition of non-numbers" eval env (ETimes e1 e2) = case (eval env e1, eval env e2) of (VNum x1, VNum x2) -> VNum (x1 * x2) _ -> error "multiplication of non-numbers" eval env (EApp f a) = let val = eval env a in case eval env f of VFun p e b -> eval (bind_variable e p val) b VCtor ctor 0 args -> error "constructor applied to too many arguments" VCtor ctor ar args -> VCtor ctor (ar-1) (args ++ [val]) _ -> error "application of non-function" eval env (ERecord fields) = VRec ( (\f e -> eval env e) (Table.of_list fields)) eval env (EMember e f) = case eval env e of VRec fields -> Table.lookup fields f _ -> error "not a record" eval env (ELet x _ e b) = eval new_env b where new_env = bind_variable env x v v = eval new_env e eval env (ETypeVar _ _ ctors e) = eval new_env e where new_env = foldl (\env (c,args) -> bind_variable env c (VCtor c (length args) [])) env ctors eval env (ETypeRec _ _ _ e) = eval env e eval env (ETypeDef _ _ _ e) = eval env e eval env (ECase e pats) = iter pats where val = eval env e iter [] = error "no matching pattern in case expression" iter ((ElsePat, e):ps) = eval env e iter ((VarPat x, e):ps) = case maybe_lookup_variable env x of -- check whether x is a constructor or a variable Nothing -> eval (bind_variable env x val) e Just (VCtor c 0 []) -> case val of VCtor d 0 [] | c == d -> eval env e _ -> iter ps iter ((NumPat n, e):ps) = case val of VNum k | n == k -> eval env e _ -> iter ps iter ((CtorPat c xs,e):ps) = case val of VCtor d 0 args | c == d && length xs == length args -> eval (foldl (\env (x,a) -> bind_variable env x a) env (zip xs args)) e _ -> iter ps -- data structures for type information data TypeScheme = TS [Symbol] Type type TypeDefs = Table.T Symbol TypeScheme type Declarations = Table.T Symbol Type type TypeSubst = Table.T Symbol Type data Types = TY TypeDefs TypeSubst Int -- type definitions, variable values, number of used variables new_type_info defs = TY defs Table.empty 0 lookup_type :: Types -> Symbol -> TypeScheme lookup_type (TY defs _ _) name = Table.lookup defs name maybe_lookup_type :: Types -> Symbol -> Maybe TypeScheme maybe_lookup_type (TY defs _ _) name = Table.maybe_lookup defs name define_type :: Types -> Symbol -> TypeScheme -> Types define_type (TY defs vars n) name typ = TY (Table.bind defs name typ) vars n lookup_type_variable :: Types -> Symbol -> Type lookup_type_variable (TY _ vars _) name = iter (Table.lookup vars name) where iter (TName n []) = case Table.maybe_lookup vars n of Just t -> iter t Nothing -> TName n [] iter typ = typ maybe_lookup_type_variable :: Types -> Symbol -> Maybe Type maybe_lookup_type_variable (TY _ vars _) name = iter (Table.maybe_lookup vars name) where iter Nothing = Nothing iter (Just (TName n [])) = case Table.maybe_lookup vars n of Just t -> iter (Just t) Nothing -> Just (TName n []) iter (Just typ) = Just typ is_variable :: Types -> Symbol -> Bool is_variable (TY defs _ _) n = case Table.maybe_lookup defs n of Just _ -> False Nothing -> True set_variable :: Types -> Symbol -> Type -> Types set_variable (TY defs vars n) name typ = TY defs (Table.bind vars name typ) n new_variable :: Types -> (Symbol, Types) new_variable (TY defs vars n) = ("a[" ++ show n ++ "]", TY defs vars (n+1)) -- utility functions for types uncurry_type :: Type -> ([Type], Type) uncurry_type (TFun a b) = let (arg_types, ret_type) = uncurry_type b in (a:arg_types, ret_type) uncurry_type a = ([], a) substitute :: Table.T Symbol Type -> Type -> Type substitute subst (TName n []) = case Table.maybe_lookup subst n of Nothing -> TName n [] Just t -> t substitute subst (TName n args) = TName n (map (substitute subst) args) substitute _ TInt = TInt substitute subst (TFun a b) = TFun (substitute subst a) (substitute subst b) substitute subst (TVar vars) = TVar ( (\_ args -> map (substitute subst) args) vars) substitute subst (TRec fields) = TRec ( (\ _ t -> substitute subst t) fields) instantiate :: Types -> [Symbol] -> Type -> (Type, Types) instantiate types params typ = let (subst, new_types) = foldl (\(subst, types) p -> let (var, new_types) = new_variable types in (Table.bind subst p (TName var []), new_types)) (Table.empty, types) params in (substitute subst typ, new_types) occurs :: Symbol -> Type -> Bool occurs x TInt = False occurs x (TName n []) = n == x occurs x (TName _ args) = any (occurs x) args occurs x (TFun a b) = occurs x a || occurs x b occurs x (TVar vars) = Table.fold (\_ args occ -> occ || any (occurs x) args) False vars occurs x (TRec fields) = Table.fold (\_ t occ -> occ || occurs x t) False fields; extract_parameters :: Types -> Type -> [Symbol] extract_parameters types TInt = [] extract_parameters types (TName n []) = case maybe_lookup_type types n of Nothing -> [n] Just _ -> [] extract_parameters types (TName n args) = foldl (++) [] (map (extract_parameters types) args) extract_parameters types (TFun a b) = extract_parameters types a ++ extract_parameters types b extract_parameters types (TVar vars) = Table.fold (\ _ args params -> foldl (++) params (map (extract_parameters types) args)) [] vars extract_parameters types (TRec fields) = Table.fold (\_ t params -> params ++ extract_parameters types t) [] fields expand_type_variable :: Types -> Type -> Type expand_type_variable types (TName n []) = case maybe_lookup_type_variable types n of Nothing -> TName n [] Just _ -> expand_type_variable types (lookup_type_variable types n) expand_type_variable _ typ = typ expand_type :: Types -> Type -> Type expand_type types TInt = TInt expand_type types (TName n []) = case maybe_lookup_type_variable types n of Nothing -> TName n [] Just _ -> expand_type types (lookup_type_variable types n) expand_type types (TName n args) = TName n (map (expand_type types) args) expand_type types (TFun a b) = TFun (expand_type types a) (expand_type types b) expand_type types (TVar vars) = TVar ( (\ _ args -> map (expand_type types) args) vars) expand_type types (TRec fields) = TRec ( (\_ t -> expand_type types t) fields) -- type unification unify :: Types -> Type -> Type -> Types unify types t1 t2 = -- trace ("unifying types " ++ show t1 ++ " [" ++ pp_type types t1 ++ "] and " ++ show t2 -- ++ " [" ++ pp_type types t2 ++ "]") $ unify_step types (expand_type_variable types t1) (expand_type_variable types t2) unify_step types (TName n []) t2 | is_variable types n = case maybe_lookup_type_variable types n of Just t -> unify types t t2 Nothing -> case t2 of TName n2 [] -> if n2 == n then types else if occurs n t2 then error "recursive type" else set_variable types n t2 _ -> if occurs n t2 then error "recursive type" else set_variable types n t2 unify_step types t1 (TName n []) | is_variable types n = case maybe_lookup_type_variable types n of Nothing -> set_variable types n t1 -- XXX occurs check Just t -> unify types t1 t unify_step types (TName n1 args1) (TName n2 args2) = if n1 == n2 then unify_lists types args1 args2 else error "type error" unify_step types TInt TInt = types unify_step types (TFun a1 b1) (TFun a2 b2) = unify (unify types a1 a2) b1 b2 unify_step types (TVar vars1) (TVar vars2) = if Table.same_keys vars1 vars2 then Table.fold2 (\_ ct1 ct2 types -> unify_lists types ct1 ct2) types vars1 vars2 else error "type error" unify_step types (TRec f1) (TRec f2) = if Table.same_keys f1 f2 then Table.fold2 (\_ t1 t2 types -> unify types t1 t2) types f1 f2 else error "type error" unify_step _ t1 t2 = error ("type error: trying to unify " ++ show t1 ++ " and " ++ show t2) unify_lists types lst1 lst2 = if length lst1 == length lst2 then foldl (\types (t1,t2) -> unify types t1 t2) types (zip lst1 lst2) else error "type error" -- type checking type_check types decl expr = type_check_step types decl expr -- trace ("## type checking " ++ show expr ++ "\n") $ -- let (typ, new_types) = type_check_step types decl expr in -- (trace ("## type of " ++ show expr ++ " is " ++ show (expand_type types typ) -- ++ " [" ++ pp_type types typ ++ "]") $ -- (typ, new_types)) type_check :: Types -> TypeDefs -> Expr -> (Type, Types) type_check_step types decl (ENum n) = (TInt, types) type_check_step types decl (EId id) = let TS params typ = Table.lookup decl id in instantiate types params typ type_check_step types decl (EFun x t body) = let (x_type, new_types) = case t of Just t -> (t, types) Nothing -> let (n, new_types) = new_variable types in (TName n [], new_types) in let (typ, new_types2) = type_check new_types (Table.bind decl x (TS [] x_type)) body in (TFun x_type typ, new_types2) type_check_step types decl (EPlus e1 e2) = let (et1, new_types1) = type_check types decl e1 in let (et2, new_types2) = type_check new_types1 decl e2 in let new_types3 = unify new_types2 TInt et1 in let new_types4 = unify new_types3 TInt et2 in (TInt, new_types4) type_check_step types decl (ETimes e1 e2) = let (et1, new_types1) = type_check types decl e1 in let (et2, new_types2) = type_check new_types1 decl e2 in let new_types3 = unify new_types2 TInt et1 in let new_types4 = unify new_types3 TInt et2 in (TInt, new_types4) type_check_step types decl (EApp f a) = let (ft, new_types) = type_check types decl f in let (at, new_types2) = type_check new_types decl a in let (var, new_types3) = new_variable new_types2 in let rt = TName var [] in (rt, unify new_types3 ft (TFun at rt)) type_check_step types decl (ELet x t e b) = let (x_type, new_types) = case t of Just t -> (expand_type types t, types) Nothing -> let (n, new_types) = new_variable types in (TName n [], new_types) in let params = extract_parameters new_types x_type in let new_decl = Table.bind decl x (TS params x_type) in let (et, new_types2) = type_check new_types new_decl e in let new_types3 = unify new_types2 x_type et in let x_type2 = expand_type new_types3 x_type in let params2 = extract_parameters new_types3 x_type2 in let new_decl2 = Table.bind decl x (TS params2 x_type2) in type_check new_types3 new_decl2 b type_check_step types decl (ERecord fields) = let (field_types, new_types) = foldl (\(table, types) (f,e) -> let (t, new_types) = type_check types decl e in (Table.bind table f t, new_types)) (Table.empty, types) fields in (TRec field_types, new_types) type_check_step types decl (EMember e f) = let (e_type, new_types) = type_check types decl e in case expand_type_variable types e_type of TRec fields -> (Table.lookup fields f, new_types) TName _ [] -> error "type error: type inference for record types is not supported. Please use an explicit type annotation." _ -> error "type error" type_check_step types decl (ETypeVar name params variants e) = let ctors = foldl (\table (c,args) -> Table.bind table c args) Table.empty variants in let typ = TVar ctors in let new_types = define_type types name (TS params typ) in let new_decl = foldl (\decl (c,args) -> Table.bind decl c (TS params (foldr (\t a -> TFun a t) typ args))) Table.empty variants in type_check new_types new_decl e type_check_step types decl (ETypeRec name params fields e) = let field_types = foldl (\table (f,t) -> Table.bind table f t) Table.empty fields in let new_types = define_type types name (TS params (TRec field_types)) in type_check new_types decl e type_check_step types decl (ETypeDef name params t e) = let new_types = define_type types name (TS params t) in type_check new_types decl e type_check_step types decl (ECase e pats) = let (typ, new_types) = type_check types decl e in let (pat_types, new_types2) = foldl (\(pt,types) p -> let (ptyp, new_types) = check_pat types typ p in (ptyp : pt, new_types)) ([], new_types) pats in case pat_types of [] -> error "malformed case statement" (p:ps) -> let new_types3 = foldl (\types pat -> unify types p pat) new_types2 ps in (p, new_types3) where check_pat types typ (g, b) = let (new_types, new_decl) = check_guard types typ g in type_check new_types new_decl b check_guard types typ ElsePat = (types, decl) check_guard types typ (NumPat n) = (unify types typ TInt, decl) check_guard types typ (VarPat x) = case Table.maybe_lookup decl x of -- check whether x is a constructor or a variable Nothing -> (types, Table.bind decl x (TS [] typ)) Just (TS params ct) -> let (ctor_typ, new_types) = instantiate types params ct in let (arg_typ, ret_typ) = uncurry_type ctor_typ in case arg_typ of [] -> (unify new_types typ ret_typ, decl) _ -> error "type error" check_guard types typ (CtorPat c xs) = let TS params ct = Table.lookup decl c in let (ctor_typ, new_types) = instantiate types params ct in let (arg_typ, ret_typ) = uncurry_type ctor_typ in let new_types2 = unify new_types typ ret_typ in if length xs == length arg_typ then let new_decl = foldl (\decl (x,t) -> Table.bind decl x (TS [] t)) decl (zip xs arg_typ) in (new_types2, new_decl) else error "type error" desugar :: PExpr -> Expr desugar (PId id) = EId id desugar (PNum n) = ENum n desugar (PPlus e1 e2) = EPlus (desugar e1) (desugar e2) desugar (PTimes e1 e2) = ETimes (desugar e1) (desugar e2) desugar (PMinus e1 e2) = EPlus (desugar e1) (ETimes (ENum (-1)) (desugar e2)) desugar (PEqual e1 e2) = ECase (desugar (PMinus e1 e2)) [ (NumPat 0, EId "%True"), (ElsePat, EId "%False") ] desugar (PFun [] b) = EFun "()" (Just (TName "unit" [])) (desugar b) desugar (PFun [(p,t)] b) = EFun p (liftM desugar_type t) (desugar b) desugar (PFun ((p,t):args) b) = EFun p (liftM desugar_type t) (desugar (PFun args b)) desugar (PApp f []) = EApp (desugar f) (EId "()") desugar (PApp f [a]) = EApp (desugar f) (desugar a) desugar (PApp f args) = foldl (\f a -> EApp f a ) (desugar f) (map desugar args) desugar (PRecord fields) = ERecord (map (\(f,e) -> (f, desugar e)) fields) desugar (PMember e f) = EMember (desugar e) f desugar (PDecl (PLet x t e) b) = ELet x (liftM desugar_type t) (desugar e) (desugar b) desugar (PDecl (PLetFun f args t b) e) = ELet f (liftM desugar_type ft) (desugar (PFun args b)) (desugar e) where ft = foldr arr t (map snd args) arr Nothing _ = Nothing arr _ Nothing = Nothing arr (Just a) (Just b) = Just (PArrow a b) desugar (PDecl (PTypeVar name params ctors) e) = ETypeVar name params (map (\(c,args) -> (c, map desugar_type args)) ctors) (desugar e) desugar (PDecl (PTypeRec name params fields) e) = ETypeRec name params (map (\(f,t) -> (f, desugar_type t)) fields) (desugar e) desugar (PDecl (PTypeDef t params t2) e) = ETypeDef t params (desugar_type t2) (desugar e) desugar (PIf c t e) = ECase (desugar c) [ (VarPat "%True", desugar t), (ElsePat, desugar e) ] desugar (PCase e pats) = ECase (desugar e) (map (\(p,e) -> (desugar_pat p, desugar e)) pats) desugar (PListLit es t) = foldr (\x y -> (EApp (EApp (EId "%Cons") (desugar x)) y)) (case t of Nothing -> EId "%Nil" Just e -> desugar e) es desugar _ = error "unsupported syntactic construct" desugar_pat :: PPattern -> Pattern desugar_pat PElsePat = ElsePat desugar_pat (PVarPat x) = VarPat x desugar_pat (PCtorPat c xs) = CtorPat c xs desugar_pat (PNumPat n) = NumPat n desugar_type :: PExpr -> Type desugar_type (PId "int") = TInt desugar_type (PId n) = TName n [] desugar_type (PApp (PId n) args) = TName n (map desugar_type args) desugar_type (PArrow a b) = TFun (desugar_type a) (desugar_type b) desugar_type _ = error "invalid type annotation" show_list :: String -> String -> (a -> String) -> [a] -> String show_list l r sh [] = "" show_list l r sh xs = l ++ foldl1 (\ x y -> x ++ ", " ++ y) (map sh xs) ++ r show_list_acc :: String -> String -> (b -> a -> (String, b)) -> b -> [a] -> (String, b) show_list_acc l r sh acc [] = ("", acc) show_list_acc l r sh acc (x:xs) = let (str,new_acc) = foldl (\(str,acc) y -> let (s,a) = sh acc y in (str ++ ", " ++ s, a)) (sh acc x) xs in (l ++ str ++ r, new_acc) instance Show Value where show (VNum n) = show n show (VCtor c _ args) = c ++ show_list "(" ")" show args show (VRec fields) = show_list "[" "]" (\(f,v) -> f ++ " = " ++ show v) (Table.to_list fields) show (VFun a _ b) = "fun (" ++ a ++ ") { " ++ show b ++ " }" pp_type types typ = fst (pretty_print_type Table.empty (expand_type types typ)) pretty_print_type :: Table.T Symbol String -> Type -> (String, Table.T Symbol String) pretty_print_type names TInt = ("int", names) pretty_print_type names (TName n []) = case n of ('a' : '[' : _) -> case Table.maybe_lookup names n of Just str -> (str, names) Nothing -> let used = Table.size names in let str = if used < 26 then [Char.chr (97 + used)] else if used < 26 * 26 then [Char.chr (97 + used `div` 26), Char.chr (97 + used `mod` 26)] else [Char.chr (97 + used `div` 26), Char.chr (97 + used `mod` 26)] ++ show (used `div` (26 * 26)) in (str, Table.bind names n str) _ -> (n, names) pretty_print_type names (TName n args) = let (str, new_names) = show_list_acc "(" ")" pretty_print_type names args in (n ++ str, new_names) pretty_print_type names (TFun a b) = let (str1, names1) = pretty_print_type names a in let (str2, names2) = pretty_print_type names1 b in ("(" ++ str1 ++ " -> " ++ str2 ++ ")", names2) pretty_print_type names (TVar vars) = foldl (\(str,names) (c,fields) -> let (str, new_names) = show_list_acc "(" ")" pretty_print_type names fields in (str ++ "| " ++ c, new_names)) ("", names) (Table.to_list vars) pretty_print_type names (TRec fields) = show_list_acc "[" "]" (\names (f,t) -> let (str, new_names) = pretty_print_type names t in (f ++ " : " ++ str, new_names)) names (Table.to_list fields) instance Show Type where show TInt = "int" show (TName n []) = n show (TName n args) = n ++ show_list "(" ")" show args show (TFun a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " -> " ++ show b ++ ")" show (TVar vars) = foldl (\str (c,fields) -> str ++ "| " ++ c ++ show_list "(" ")" show fields) "" (Table.to_list vars) show (TRec fields) = show_list "[" "]" (\(f,t) -> f ++ " : " ++ show t) (Table.to_list fields) instance Show Expr where show (EId x) = x show (ENum n) = show n show (EPlus e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " + " ++ show e2 ++ ")" show (ETimes e1 e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ " * " ++ show e2 ++ ")" show (EFun a Nothing b) = "fun (" ++ a ++ ") { " ++ show b ++ " }" show (EFun a (Just t) b) = "fun (" ++ a ++ " : " ++ show t ++ ") { " ++ show b ++ " }" show (EApp f a) = show fn ++ show_list "(" ")" show args where (fn, args) = collect_args f [a] collect_args (EApp g b) args = collect_args g (b:args) collect_args g args = (g, args) show (ERecord fields) = show_list "[" "]" (\(f,e) -> f ++ " = " ++ show e) fields show (EMember e f) = show e ++ "." ++ f show (ELet x Nothing b e) = "let " ++ x ++ " = " ++ show b ++ "; " ++ show e show (ELet x (Just t) b e) = "let " ++ x ++ " :" ++ show t ++ " = " ++ show b ++ "; " ++ show e show (ECase e pats) = foldl (++) ("case " ++ show e) (map (\(p,e) -> " | " ++ show p ++ " => " ++ show e) pats) show (ETypeVar n ps ctors e) = foldl (++) ("type " ++ n ++ show_list "(" ")" id ps ++ " =") (map (\(c,args) -> " | " ++ c ++ show_list "(" ")" show args) ctors) ++ "; " ++ show e show (ETypeRec n ps fields e) = "type " ++ n ++ show_list "(" ")" id ps ++ " = {" ++ show_list "(" ")" (\(c,t) -> c ++ " : " ++ show t) fields ++ "}; " ++ show e show (ETypeDef n ps t e) = "type " ++ n ++ show_list "(" ")" id ps ++ " = " ++ show t ++ "; " ++ show e instance Show Pattern where show ElsePat = "else" show (VarPat x) = x show (NumPat n) = show n show (CtorPat c xs) = c ++ show_list "(" ")" id xs -- for debugging -- -- show_table tab = -- Table.fold -- (\key val str -> str ++ key ++ " = " ++ show val ++ "\n") -- "" -- tab -- -- instance Show Types where -- show (TY defs vars n) = -- "defs:\n" ++ show_table defs ++ "\nvars: " ++ show_table vars ++ "num: " ++ show n -- -- instance Show TypeScheme where -- show (TS params typ) = show_list "[" "]" show params ++ "." ++ show typ type_unit = TName "unit" [] type_bool = TName "bool" [] type_pair = TName "pair" [TName "a" [], TName "b" []] type_list = TName "list" [TName "a" []] type_unit_def = TVar Table.empty type_bool_def = TVar (Table.bind (Table.bind Table.empty "True" []) "False" []) type_pair_def = TVar (Table.bind Table.empty "pair" [TName "a" [], TName "b" []]) type_list_def = TVar (Table.bind (Table.bind Table.empty "Nil" []) "Cons" [TName "a" [], type_list]) builtin_types = foldl (\types (n,t) -> Table.bind types n t) Table.empty [("unit", TS [] type_unit_def), ("bool", TS [] type_bool_def), ("product", TS ["a", "b"] type_pair_def), ("list", TS ["a"] type_list_def)] (builtin_env, builtin_decls) = foldl (\(env, decls) (ctor, val, typ) -> (bind_variable env ctor val, Table.bind decls ctor typ)) (empty_env, Table.empty) [("()", VCtor "()" 0 [], TS [] type_unit), ("True", VCtor "True" 0 [], TS [] type_bool), ("False", VCtor "False" 0 [], TS [] type_bool), ("Pair", VCtor "Pair" 2 [], TS ["a", "b"] (TFun (TName "a" []) (TFun (TName "b" []) type_pair))), ("Nil", VCtor "Nil" 0 [], TS ["a"] type_list), ("Cons", VCtor "Cons" 2 [], TS ["a"] (TFun (TName "a" []) (TFun type_list type_list))), ("%True", VCtor "True" 0 [], TS [] type_bool), ("%False", VCtor "False" 0 [], TS [] type_bool), ("%Nil", VCtor "Nil" 0 [], TS ["a"] type_list), ("%Cons", VCtor "Cons" 2 [], TS ["a"] (TFun (TName "a" []) (TFun type_list type_list)))] run str = ("", show (eval builtin_env (desugar (parse str)))) run_tc str = let (typ, types) = type_check (new_type_info builtin_types) builtin_decls (desugar (parse str)) in expand_type types typ main :: IO () main = repl run (Just (fst . pretty_print_type Table.empty . run_tc))