Function Point Analysis PA017 SW Engineering II → Aspects of SW Development Management Jaroslav Ráček Josef Spurný Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University October 25, 2022 Motivation For COCOMO, we need KLOC estimation which might be challenging to estimate correctly (remember 4:1 variance in initial estimation) Can we avoid that...? Can we focus on the user perspective instead...? Yes, we can – Function point analysis Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 2 / 33 Core ideas In the analytical phase of project, we collect detailed functional requirements on a system Hence, we can focus on functionality to estimate SW cost Since we do not count KLOC, we are language-independent (high-level vs. low-level language) In its essence, producing software is manufacturing process requiring human work Therefore, we simply need to determine: Manufacturing unit Work cost for producing this unit Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 3 / 33 Estimations using function points Function point = normalized software project measure Measurement focused on application aspect, not on technical aspect Size measure, not complexity measure Measurement of functions and data, not on code International Function Point Users Group - Capers Jones: Applied Software Measurement (1997) Estimating Software Costs (1998) Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 4 / 33 Function point - principle Preliminary estimation with limited information At the end of analytical phase, when we have screen mockups and detailed description of functionality, we can calculate FP count with relatively good precision (±10%) Measures used: inputs, outputs, enquiries, internal memories, external memories General estimation concept Est = project size * complexity * risk factors Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 5 / 33 Function points overview Link to source Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 6 / 33 Types of function points FP related to transaction functions EI – external inputs EO – external outputs EQ – external enquiry FP related to data functions ILF – internal logical files EIF – external interface files Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 7 / 33 ILF – internal logical files 1 ILF = each large logical set of user data or information used to manage application We include every logical file or each logical data set from end-user perspective that are created, used or maintained by the application Rather than physical files, we count logical data set as perceived by the end-user, or as it is defined during analysis or design phase of the project We exclude files that are not accessible to end-user through UI and that are not maintaned independently Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 8 / 33 ILF – internal logical files Logical entity or entity group from end-user perspective = 1 ILF Logical internal file generated or maintained by an application = 1 ILF Matrix or file maintained by end-user = 1 ILF Data file or configuration file used by an application to process data = 1 ILF Attribute entity maintained only by parent entity = 0 ILF Associative entities containing only key attribute = 0 ILF Internal temporary or classifier entity = 0 ILF A file created as a result of using certain technology (e.g., index file) = 0 ILF External sample file, read only = 0 ILF Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 9 / 33 EIF – external interface files We include every large logical set of user data or control information used by an application These data/information are maintained by an external application. We include every logical file or logical data set from end-user perspective We include every large logical set of user data or control information that are collected from other application via an interface The extraction shall not trigger a change to any internal logical files. If this happens, then we count this as External Input (EI) instead Example: stationary radar for speeding Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 10 / 33 EIF – external interface files Files or records extracted from other application (used as references, links) = 1 EIF Database read by other application = 1 EIF Internal logical file of other application used as a transaction = 0 EIF, 1 EI Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 11 / 33 EI – external inputs We include every unique user data or enquiries that enter an application via interface and perform CRUD operation over internal logical data file We include control information which enters via interface and ensures consistency with user-defined function External input shall be considered as unique if design requires processing logic that is different from other external inputs Typically, each user screen (data entry set) is one FP, it doesn’t matter whether it is done via one screen (one big page) or multiple consecutive pages Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 12 / 33 EI – external inputs GUI screen allowing to add, edit or cancel = 3 EI Set of related screens that are processed as one transaction = 1 EI Two different screens with different layout of data entry, but with same processing logic = 1 EI Two different screens with same format, but with different processing logic = 2 EI Single screen with multiple unique functions = 1 EI per each function Automated data input or transaction from other application = 1 EI per each transaction Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 13 / 33 EI – external inputs Entry of user inputs/commands into application = 1 EI Data entry (OCR) with one transaction = 1 EI Data modification function following a enquiry = 1 EI and 1 EQ Individual choices from menu on a screen = 0 EI Modification of a matrix or file maintained by an end-user = 1 EI Duplicate screen that has been already included = 0 EI External inputs used only because certain technology is used = 0 EI Make a selection from list of values (dropdown menu) = 0 EI Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 14 / 33 EO – external outputs We include every unique data or control data leaving application via an interface External output is considered as unique if it has unique data, or if design of an external system requires different processing method External outputs are often reports, output files sent to other application or messages for user Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 15 / 33 EO – external outputs Data export on a screen = 1 EO Summarizing report – batch processing = 1 EO Automated data export or transaction towards other applications = 1 EO Error messages returned as a result of input transaction = 0 EO Backup files = 0 EO Output shown on screen and sent to printer = 2 EO Output files created for technical purposes = 0 EO Output shown as bar chart as well as pie chart = 2 EO Output showing result of calculation = 1 EO Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 16 / 33 EQ – external enquiry We include every unique input/output tuple where input is cause and output is effect EQ is considered unique when it cause different data element types to be produced, or when it requires different data processing logic to be used (when compared to other EQ) Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 17 / 33 EQ – external enquiry Online input followed by online output without change to data files = 1 EQ Enquiry followed by a change input = 1 EQ and 1 EI Input and output on a help screen = 1 EQ Online input leading to printing without data change = 1 EQ Selection from list of values with dynamic data = 1 EQ Selection from list of values with static data = 0 EQ Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 18 / 33 Function point calculation Before the calculation, we have to classify EI, EO, EQ, ILF, EIF by measures Measure low average high total EI x 3 x 4 x 6 E0 x 4 x 5 x 7 EQ x 3 x 4 x 6 ILF x 7 x 10 x 15 EIF x 5 x 7 x 10 Total unmodified function points: Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 19 / 33 Input complexity measure (EI, EQ) FTR = File Types (User Data Groups) Referenced DET = Data Element Type (Attribute) RET = Record Element Type (User View) FTRs 1-4 DETs 5-15 DETs 16+DETs 0-1 low low average 2-3 low average high 4+ average high high Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 20 / 33 Output complexity measure (EO, EQ) FTR = File Types (User Data Groups) Referenced DET = Data Element Type (Attribute) RET = Record Element Type (User View) FTRs 1-4 DETs 5-15 DETs 16+DETs 0-1 low low average 2-3 low average high 4+ average high high Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 21 / 33 File complexity measure (ILF, EIF) FTR = File Types (User Data Groups) Referenced DET = Data Element Type (Attribute) RET = Record Element Type (User View) RETs 1-19 DETs 20-50 DETs 51+DETs 0-1 low low average 2-4 low average high 5+ average high high Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 22 / 33 General system characteristics – evaluation scale So far, we have focused only on the data perspective However, we need to consider other parameters which would impact work expenditure to deliver given system These parameters include performance, criticality, security and other aspects 14 characteristics evaluated on a scale according to an impact on application, where 0 = no impact 1 = random impact 2 = low impact 3 = average impact 4 = significant impact 5 = substantial impact Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 23 / 33 General system characteristics – factors 1. Does system require reliable backup and recovery? 2. Are data communications required? 3. Is there a distributed processing? 4. Is performance critical? 5. Will the system be operational in current intensely used operation environment? 6. Does system require online data entry? 7. Does online data entry require input transactions over multiple screens or operations? Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 24 / 33 General system characteristics – factors 8. Are main files maintained online? 9. Are input, outputs, files and enquiries complex? 10. Is internal processing complex? 11. Is the code designed such that it is reusable? 12. Are conversion and installations included in the design? 13. Is system designed to be installed multiple times for different organizations? 14. Is system designed to support changes and to be user-friendly? Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 25 / 33 Function points count Function points count = (0.65 + GSP 100 ) ∗ UFP, where GSP = sum of general system characteristics evaluation UFP = unmodified function points Note: FP can be used to estimate any type of SW: desktop or mobile app, SW in cars, home appliances, etc. Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 26 / 33 New and modification projects Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 27 / 33 How to calculate FP 1. Identify and calculate ILF, EIF, EI, EO, EQ. 2. For each ILF and EIF, identify RET and DET count. For each EI, EO, EQ, identify FTR and DET. 3. Use complexity matrix to determine count of simple, average and complex items of EI, EO, EQ, ILF and EIF. 4. Calculate unmodified FP count. 5. Evaluate 14 system characeristics. 6. Sum up the characteristics to determine Technical complexity factor. 7. Calculate Modified FP count = SW size from functional perspective Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 28 / 33 Size estimation (Caspers Jones) 1 FP = X commands (LOC) Basic assembler: 320 Macro assembler: 213 C: 128 FORTRAN: 107 C++: 64 SQL: 13 Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 29 / 33 Further estimations FP1.15 ≈ SW project paper documentation pages count FP1.2 ≈ test scenarios count FP1.25 ≈ error potential for new SW FP0.4 ≈ calendar months needed for SW delivery FP 150 ≈ employees needed for SW delivery FP 750 ≈ employees needed to maintain SW in desired state Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 30 / 33 Measurement examples 7 student projects (Bachelor/Masters theses, seminar projects) written in C, C++, Java and Delphi @ FI MU were measured FP calculation was done, LOC estimation based on this calculation, then compared to reality Time required to deliver project was estimated using COCOMO2 and FP, results were compared Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 31 / 33 Comparison of real and estimated code size Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 32 / 33 Comparison of real and estimated project time Jaroslav Ráček, Josef Spurný ·Function Point Analysis ·October 25, 2022 33 / 33