Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning CS224N/Ling284 Christopher Manning Lecture 4: Dependency Parsing Lecture Plan Syntactic Structure and Dependency parsing 1. Syntactic Structure: Consistency and Dependency (25 mins) 2. Dependency Grammar and Treebanks (15 mins) 3. Transition-based dependency parsing (15 mins) 4. Neural dependency parsing (20 mins) Reminders/comments: In Assignment 3, out on Tuesday, you build a neural dependency parser using PyTorch Start installing and learning PyTorch (Ass 3 has scaffolding) Come to the PyTorch tutorial, Friday 10am (under the Zoom tab, not a Webinar) Final project discussions – come meet with us; focus of Thursday class in week 4 2 1. Two views of linguistic structure: Constituency = phrase structure grammar = context-free grammars (CFGs) Phrase structure organizes words into nested constituents Starting unit: words the, cat, cuddly, by, door Words combine into phrases the cuddly cat, by the door Phrases can combine into bigger phrases the cuddly cat by the door 3 Two views of linguistic structure: Constituency = phrase structure grammar = context-free grammars (CFGs) Phrase structure organizes words into nested constituents. the cat a dog large in a crate barking on the table cuddly by the door large barking talk to walked behind 6 Two views of linguistic structure: Dependency structure • Dependency structure shows which words depend on (modify, attach to, or are arguments of) which other words. Look in the large crate in the kitchen by the door 7 Why do we need sentence structure? Humans communicate complex ideas by composing words together into bigger units to convey complex meanings Listeners need to work out what modifies [attaches to] what A model needs to understand sentence structure in order to be able to interpret language correctly 9 Prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity 10 Prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity Scientists count whales from space Scientists count whales from space ✓ ❌ 11 PP attachment ambiguities multiply • A key parsing decision is how we ‘attach’ various constituents • PPs, adverbial or participial phrases, infinitives, coordinations, etc. • Catalan numbers: Cn = (2n)!/[(n+1)!n!] • An exponentially growing series, which arises in many tree-like contexts: • E.g., the number of possible triangulations of a polygon with n+2 sides • Turns up in triangulation of probabilistic graphical models (CS228)….12 Coordination scope ambiguity Shuttle veteran and longtime NASA executive Fred Gregory appointed to board Shuttle veteran and longtime NASA executive Fred Gregory appointed to board 14 Coordination scope ambiguity 15 Adjectival/Adverbial Modifier Ambiguity 16 Verb Phrase (VP) attachment ambiguity 17 Dependency paths help extract semantic interpretation – simple practical example: extracting protein-protein interaction KaiC çnsubj interacts nmod:with è SasA KaiC çnsubj interacts nmod:with è SasA conj:andè KaiA KaiC çnsubj interacts nmod:with è SasA conj:andè KaiB [Erkan et al. EMNLP 07, Fundel et al. 2007, etc.] demonstrated results KaiC interacts rythmically nsubj The mark det ccomp that nsubj KaiBKaiA SasA conj:and conj:and advmod nmod:with with and cc case 18 2. Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure Dependency syntax postulates that syntactic structure consists of relations between lexical items, normally binary asymmetric relations (“arrows”) called dependencies submitted Bills were Senatorby immigration Brownback andon ports Republican of Kansas 19 Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure Dependency syntax postulates that syntactic structure consists of relations between lexical items, normally binary asymmetric relations (“arrows”) called dependencies The arrows are commonly typed with the name of grammatical relations (subject, prepositional object, apposition, etc.) submitted Bills were Senatorby nsubj:pass aux obl case immigration conj Brownback cc andon case nmod ports flat Republican of case nmod Kansas appos 20 Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure Dependency syntax postulates that syntactic structure consists of relations between lexical items, normally binary asymmetric relations (“arrows”) called dependencies An arrow connects a head (governor, superior, regent) with a dependent (modifier, inferior, subordinate) Usually, dependencies form a tree (a connected, acyclic, single-root graph) submitted Bills were Senatorby nsubj:pass aux obl case immigration conj Brownback cc andon case nmod ports flat Republican of case nmod Kansas appos 21 Pāṇini’s grammar (c. 5th century BCE) Gallery: CC BY 4.0 File:Birch bark MS from Kashmir of the Rupavatra Wellcome L0032691.jpg 22 Dependency Grammar/Parsing History • The idea of dependency structure goes back a long way • To Pāṇini’s grammar (c. 5th century BCE) • Basic approach of 1st millennium Arabic grammarians • Constituency/context-free grammar is a new-fangled invention • 20th century invention (R.S. Wells, 1947; then Chomsky 1953, etc.) • Modern dependency work is often sourced to Lucien Tesnière (1959) • Was dominant approach in “East” in 20th Century (Russia, China, …) • Good for free-er word order, inflected languages like Russian (or Latin!) • Used in some of the earliest parsers in NLP, even in the US: • David Hays, one of the founders of U.S. computational linguistics, built early (first?) dependency parser (Hays 1962) and published on dependency grammar in Language 23 ROOT Discussion of the outstanding issues was completed . • Some people draw the arrows one way; some the other way! • Tesnière had them point from head to dependent – we follow that convention • We usually add a fake ROOT so every word is a dependent of precisely 1 other node Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure 24 The rise of annotated data & Universal Dependencies treebanks Brown corpus (1967; PoS tagged 1979); Lancaster-IBM Treebank (starting late 1980s); Marcus et al. 1993, The Penn Treebank, Computational Linguistics; Universal Dependencies: 25 The rise of annotated data Starting off, building a treebank seems a lot slower and less useful than writing a grammar (by hand) But a treebank gives us many things • Reusability of the labor • Many parsers, part-of-speech taggers, etc. can be built on it • Valuable resource for linguistics • Broad coverage, not just a few intuitions • Frequencies and distributional information • A way to evaluate NLP systems 26 What are the sources of information for dependency parsing? 1. Bilexical affinities The dependency [discussion à issues] is plausible 2. Dependency distance Most dependencies are between nearby words 3. Intervening material Dependencies rarely span intervening verbs or punctuation 4. Valency of heads How many dependents on which side are usual for a head? ROOT Discussion of the outstanding issues was completed . Dependency Conditioning Preferences 27 Dependency Parsing • A sentence is parsed by choosing for each word what other word (including ROOT) it is a dependent of • Usually some constraints: • Only one word is a dependent of ROOT • Don’t want cycles A → B, B → A • This makes the dependencies a tree • Final issue is whether arrows can cross (be non-projective) or not I give a on neuraltalk tomorrowROOT ’ll networks 28 • Definition of a projective parse: There are no crossing dependency arcs when the words are laid out in their linear order, with all arcs above the words • Dependencies corresponding to a CFG tree must be projective • I.e., by forming dependencies by taking 1 child of each category as head • Most syntactic structure is projective like this, but dependency theory normally does allow non-projective structures to account for displaced constituents • You can’t easily get the semantics of certain constructions right without these nonprojective dependencies Who did Bill buy the coffee from yesterday ? Projectivity 29 3. Methods of Dependency Parsing 1. Dynamic programming Eisner (1996) gives a clever algorithm with complexity O(n3), by producing parse items with heads at the ends rather than in the middle 2. Graph algorithms You create a Minimum Spanning Tree for a sentence McDonald et al.’s (2005) MSTParser scores dependencies independently using an ML classifier (he uses MIRA, for online learning, but it can be something else) Neural graph-based parser: Dozat and Manning (2017) et seq. – very successful! 3. Constraint Satisfaction Edges are eliminated that don’t satisfy hard constraints. Karlsson (1990), etc. 4. “Transition-based parsing” or “deterministic dependency parsing” Greedy choice of attachments guided by good machine learning classifiers E.g., MaltParser (Nivre et al. 2008). Has proven highly effective. 30 Greedy transition-based parsing [Nivre 2003] • A simple form of greedy discriminative dependency parser • The parser does a sequence of bottom-up actions • Roughly like “shift” or “reduce” in a shift-reduce parser, but the “reduce” actions are specialized to create dependencies with head on left or right • The parser has: • a stack σ, written with top to the right • which starts with the ROOT symbol • a buffer β, written with top to the left • which starts with the input sentence • a set of dependency arcs A • which starts off empty • a set of actions 31 Basic transition-based dependency parser Start: σ = [ROOT], β = w1, …, wn , A = ∅ 1. Shift σ, wi|β, A è σ|wi, β, A 2. Left-Arcr σ|wi|wj, β, A è σ|wj, β, A∪{r(wj,wi)} 3. Right-Arcr σ|wi|wj, β, A è σ|wi, β, A∪{r(wi,wj)} Finish: σ = [w], β = ∅ 32 Arc-standard transition-based parser (there are other transition schemes …) Analysis of “I ate fish” ate fish[root] Start I [root] Shift I ate fish ate[root] fish Shift I Start: σ = [ROOT], β = w1, …, wn , A = ∅ 1. Shift σ, wi|β, A è σ|wi, β, A 2. Left-Arcr σ|wi|wj, β, A è σ|wj, β, A∪{r(wj,wi)} 3. Right-Arcr σ|wi|wj, β, A è σ|wi, β, A∪{r(wi,wj)} Finish: σ = [w], β = ∅ 33 Arc-standard transition-based parser Analysis of “I ate fish” ate[root] ate[root] Left Arc I A += nsubj(ate → I) ate fish[root] ate fish[root] Shift ate[root] [root] Right Arc A += obj(ate → fish)fish ate ate[root] [root] Right Arc A += root([root] → ate) Finish 34 MaltParser [Nivre and Hall 2005] • We have left to explain how we choose the next action 🤷 • Answer: Stand back, I know machine learning! • Each action is predicted by a discriminative classifier (e.g., softmax classifier) over each legal move • Max of 3 untyped choices; max of |R| × 2 + 1 when typed • Features: top of stack word, POS; first in buffer word, POS; etc. • There is NO search (in the simplest form) • But you can profitably do a beam search if you wish (slower but better): You keep k good parse prefixes at each time step • The model’s accuracy is fractionally below the state of the art in dependency parsing, but • It provides very fast linear time parsing, with high accuracy – great for parsing the web 35 Conventional Feature Representation Feature templates: usually a combination of 1–3 elements from the configuration Indicator features 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0binary, sparse dim =106 –107 … 36 Evaluation of Dependency Parsing: (labeled) dependency accuracy ROOT She saw the video lecture 0 1 2 3 4 5 Gold 1 2 She nsubj 2 0 saw root 3 5 the det 4 5 video nn 5 2 lecture obj Parsed 1 2 She nsubj 2 0 saw root 3 4 the det 4 5 video nsubj 5 2 lecture ccomp Acc = # correct deps # of deps UAS = 4 / 5 = 80% LAS = 2 / 5 = 40% 37 Handling non-projectivity • The arc-standard algorithm we presented only builds projective dependency trees • Possible directions to head: 1. Just declare defeat on nonprojective arcs 🤷 2. Use dependency formalism which only has projective representations • A CFG only allows projective structures; you promote head of projectivity violations 3. Use a postprocessor to a projective dependency parsing algorithm to identify and resolve nonprojective links 4. Add extra transitions that can model at least most non-projective structures (e.g., add an extra SWAP transition, cf. bubble sort) 5. Move to a parsing mechanism that does not use or require any constraints on projectivity (e.g., the graph-based MSTParser or Dozat and Manning (2017)) 38 4. Why do we gain from a neural dependency parser? Indicator Features Revisited • Problem #1: sparse • Problem #2: incomplete • Problem #3: expensive computation More than 95% of parsing time is consumed by feature computation Neural Approach: learn a dense and compact feature representation 0.1 dense dim = ~1000 0.9 -0.2 0.3 -0.1 -0.5… 39 A neural dependency parser [Chen and Manning 2014] • Results on English parsing to Stanford Dependencies: • Unlabeled attachment score (UAS) = head • Labeled attachment score (LAS) = head and label Parser UAS LAS sent. / s MaltParser 89.8 87.2 469 MSTParser 91.4 88.1 10 TurboParser 92.3 89.6 8 C & M 2014 92.0 89.7 654 40 First win: Distributed Representations • We represent each word as a d-dimensional dense vector (i.e., word embedding) • Similar words are expected to have close vectors. • Meanwhile, part-of-speech tags (POS) and dependency labels are also represented as d-dimensional vectors. • The smaller discrete sets also exhibit many semantical similarities. come go werewas is good NNS (plural noun) should be close to NN (singular noun). nummod (numerical modifier) should be close to amod (adjective modifier). 41 Extracting Tokens & vector representations from configuration • We extract a set of tokens based on the stack / buffer positions: s1 s2 b1 lc(s1) rc(s1) lc(s2) rc(s2) good has control ∅ ∅ He ∅ JJ VBZ NN ∅ ∅ PRP ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ nsubj ∅ + + word POS dep. } A concatenation of the vector representation of all these is the neural representation of a configuration 42 Second win: Deep Learning classifiers are non-linear classifiers • A softmax classifier assigns classes 𝑦 ∈ 𝐶 based on inputs 𝑥 ∈ ℝ" via the probability: • We train the weight matrix 𝑊 ∈ ℝ#×" to minimize the neg. log loss : ∑% − log 𝑝(𝑦%|𝑥%) • Traditional ML classifiers (including Naïve Bayes, SVMs, logistic regression and softmax classifier) are not very powerful classifiers: they only give linear decision boundaries This can be quite limiting à Unhelpful when a problem is complex Wouldn’t it be cool to get these correct? 43 Neural Networks are more powerful • Neural networks can learn much more complex functions with nonlinear decision boundaries! • Non-linear in the original space, linear for the softmax at the top of the neural network Visualizations with ConvNetJS by Andrej Karpathy! 44 Simple feed-forward neural network multi-class classifier Input layer x Hidden layer h h = ReLU(Wx + b1) Output layer y y = softmax(Uh + b2) Softmax probabilities Log loss (cross-entropy error) will be backpropagated to the embeddings 45 The hidden layer re-represents the input — it moves inputs around in an intermediate layer vector space—so it can be easily classified with a (linear) softmax logistic = “sigmoid” ReLU = Rectified Linear Unit rect(z) = max(z,0) x is result of lookup x(i,…,i+d) = Le lookup + concat Neural Dependency Parser Model Architecture Input layer x lookup + concat Hidden layer h h = ReLU(Wx + b1) Output layer y y = softmax(Uh + b2) Softmax probabilities cross-entropy error will be back-propagated to the embeddings 46 Dependency parsing for sentence structure 47 Neural networks can accurately determine the structure of sentences, supporting interpretation Chen and Manning (2014) was the first simple, successful neural dependency parser The dense representations (and non-linear classifier) let it outperform other greedy parsers in both accuracy and speed Further developments in transition-based neural dependency parsing 48 This work was further developed and improved by others, including in particular at Google • Bigger, deeper networks with better tuned hyperparameters • Beam search • Global, conditional random field (CRF)-style inference over the decision sequence Leading to SyntaxNet and the Parsey McParseFace model (2016): “The World’s Most Accurate Parser” Method UAS LAS (PTB WSJ SD 3.3) Chen & Manning 2014 92.0 89.7 Weiss et al. 2015 93.99 92.05 Andor et al. 2016 94.61 92.79 Graph-based dependency parsers 49 • Compute a score for every possible dependency for each word • Doing this well requires good “contextual” representations of each word token, which we will develop in coming lectures ROOT The big cat sat 0.5 0.3 0.8 2.0 e.g., picking the head for “big” Graph-based dependency parsers 50 • Compute a score for every possible dependency for each word • Doing this well requires good “contextual” representations of each word token, which we will develop in coming lectures • And repeat the same process for each other word ROOT The big cat sat 0.5 0.3 0.8 2.0 e.g., picking the head for “big” A Neural graph-based dependency parser [Dozat and Manning 2017; Dozat, Qi, and Manning 2017] 51 • This paper revived interest in graph-based dependency parsing in a neural world • Designed a biaffine scoring model for neural dependency parsing • Also crucially uses a neural sequence model, something we discuss next week • Really great results! • But slower than the simple neural transition-based parsers • There are n2 possible dependencies in a sentence of length n Method UAS LAS (PTB WSJ SD 3.3 Chen & Manning 2014 92.0 89.7 Weiss et al. 2015 93.99 92.05 Andor et al. 2016 94.61 92.79 Dozat & Manning 2017 95.74 94.08