Access Control Mechanisms PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security November 15, 2022 Petr Velan, Pavel Čeleda and Jan Vykopal PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Agenda ̶ Response to the Exit Ticket from Last Week ̶ Discretionary Access Control ̶ File and directory permissions ̶ ACL and Shared Directory Management ̶ Mandatory Access Control ̶ AppArmor ̶ SELinux PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Exit Tickets from Last Week – I ̶ Why did we allow outbound connections on all interfaces instead of concrete ports (22, 80, 443, 2222)? ̶ A: Firstly, we have followed CIS Benchmark, which specifies it in this way. Second, you want to limit what is coming INTO your network (host), not out of it. Therefore, everything can go OUT and only something (on port 222, 80, 443, 2222) can go even IN. PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Exit Tickets from Last Week – II ̶ You said that we should not trust scripts we find on the internet. How do you then evaluate whether the source code is trustworthy or not? ̶ A: As always, there is no 100% solution. ̶ Ideally, you can read source code and understand what's going on ̶ You trust the source who recommended the tool (friend, teacher, ...) or check evaluation metrics such as GitLab/GitHub stars, the source website rating (StackOverflow score) ̶ Run in VM for test, however, still insecure – can recognize virtual environment, does not have to be harmful during your test but later can be, …. PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Discretionary Access Control PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Ownership of Files and Directories ̶ Each file/directory belongs to a user and a group ̶ When a user creates a file/directory, it belongs to him and his primary group (an exception is mentioned later) ̶ Owner can change the group of a file/directory to any of his secondary groups using gchrp or chown commands without sudo ̶ Changing the owner of file always requires root privileges PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Permissions of Files and Directories ̶ Each file/directory has three basic permissions ̶ r: Read permission ̶ w: Write permission ̶ x: Execute permission for files, access permission for directories ̶ A set of permissions is applied separately to user, group, and others. $ ls -la example total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 vagrant test 4096 Nov 13 22:36 . drwxr-xr-x 7 vagrant vagrant 4096 Nov 13 22:52 .. usrgrpoth PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Symbolical vs Numerical Representation ̶ Permissions can be represented symbolically or numerically ̶ r (4), w (2), x (1) => r-x (5), rw- (7), … $ stat example File: example Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 991276 Links: 2 Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 900/ vagrant) Gid: ( 1002/ test) Access: 2022-11-13 22:53:26.103004503 +0100 Modify: 2022-11-13 22:36:50.103004503 +0100 Change: 2022-11-13 22:52:57.755004503 +0100 Birth: ̶ Why is there 0755 instead of just 755? PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – SUID and SGID on Files ̶ SUID (setuid) bit causes effective user ID to be set to the owner of the accessed (executable) file ̶ SGID (setgid) bit causes effective group ID to be set to the group of the accessed (executable) file $ ll /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/sudo -rwxr-sr-x 1 root ssh 321672 Jan 31 2020 /usr/bin/ssh-agent -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 157192 Jan 20 2021 /usr/bin/sudo ̶ When the executable bit is not set, the s changes to S ̶ Numerical value for SUID is 4000, for SGID 2000 PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Process User/Group IDs ̶ Effective ID: the ID that is checked when permissions are verified ̶ Real ID: the ID of the user/group that started the process ̶ Saved ID: used e.g. when SUID program needs to do unprivileged work (both real and effective IDs are that of unprivileged user) ̶ Normal processes start with all IDs belonging to user and primary group of the user that started the process PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – SUID/SGID Security Concerns ̶ Executables with SUID/SGID permissions are critical ̶ Any vulnerability potentially leads to privilege escalation ̶ CVE-2021-3156 (Sudo Heap-Based Buffer Overflow) ̶ ̶ Easy way into older unpatched Linux machines ̶ Attacker can leave SUID/SGID binaries as a backdoor PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – SUID/SGID Mitigation ̶ Search and eradicate ̶ sudo find / -type f \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -exec ls -l --color {} \; ̶ -type f: search for files ̶ \( ... -o ... \): two search terms with or ̶ -exec ... {} \;: execute a command for each found file ̶ Mount partition with nosuid or noexec options ̶ nosuid: SUID and GUID permissions are ignored on the mount point ̶ noexec: forbids execution of any program on the mount point PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – umask ̶ User file creation mode mask $ umask 0022 $ touch example $ ls -l example -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Nov 14 00:00 example $ umask 066 $ touch example2 $ ls -l example2 -rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Nov 14 00:01 example2 ̶ Important for secure file creation ̶ umask of any process can be found in /proc/[pid]/status ̶ If default ACL exists, it replaces umask PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Extended File Attributes 1/2 ̶ Set of attributes defining behavior of the file ̶ Not all attributes are implemented in each filesystem ̶ List extended attributes: lsattr(1) ̶ Change extended attributes: chattr(1), requires sudo $ lsattr example ----ia--------e---- example $ lsattr -l example example Immutable, Append_Only, Extents PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Extended File Attributes 2/2 ̶ append only (a) ̶ no atime updates (A) ̶ compressed (c) ̶ no copy on write (C) ̶ no dump (d) ̶ synchronous directory updates (D) ̶ extent format (e) ̶ immutable (i) ̶ data journalling (j) ̶ project hierarchy (P) ̶ secure deletion (s) ̶ synchronous updates (S) ̶ no tail-merging (t) ̶ top of directory hierarchy (T) ̶ undeletable (u) PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – ACL and Shared Directory Management PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Access Control List (ACL) ̶ ACL allows us to set more granular permissions ̶ Individual permissions for users and groups ̶ See acl(5) ̶ Supported by most common file systems ̶ Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, ReiserFS, Btrtr, XFS, … ̶ getfacl(1): get file access control lists ̶ setfact(1): set file access control lists ̶ -m: modify ACL entries ̶ -x: remove ACL entries ̶ Permissions can be set for [u]ser, [g]roup, [o]ther , and [m]ask PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – ACL Example $ echo example > example $ ls -l example -rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant 8 Nov 14 01:31 example $ getfacl example # file: example # owner: vagrant # group: vagrant user::rw- group::--- other::--- $ setfacl -m g:intern2:rw example $ ls -l example -rw-rw----+ 1 vagrant vagrant 8 Nov 14 01:55 example $ getfacl example # file: example # owner: vagrant # group: vagrant user::rw- group::--- group:intern2:rw- mask::rw- other::--- $ sudo su intern2 intern2$ echo write >> example intern2$ cat example example write PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – ACL Mask ̶ A mask ACL entry specifies the maximum access which can be granted by any ACL entry except the user entry for the file owner and the other entry $ setfacl -m m:r example $ getfacl example # file: example # owner: vagrant # group: vagrant user::rw- group::--- group:intern2:rw- #effective:r-- mask::r-- other::--- PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Default ACL ̶ Applies to a directory ̶ Each new object in the directory inherits the ACL ̶ Works recursively $ mkdir example $ setfacl -m d:g:intern2:rw example $ mkdir example/example2/ $ getfacl example/example2/ # file: example/example2/ # owner: vagrant # group: vagrant user::rwx group::r-x group:intern2:rw- mask::rwx other::r-x default:user::rwx default:group::r-x default:group:intern2:rw- default:mask::rwx default:other::r-x PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Archiving with ACL ̶ How to preserve ACL when archiving or copying files? ̶ tar -acl ̶ mv keeps ACL intact ̶ cp --preserve: preserves ACL PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Shared Directory ̶ Allow multiple users to access and modify each other's files ̶ Use same group ̶ Set SGID on directory – each new object inherits the same group ̶ If users are not to delete each other's file, set sticky bit (1000) $ mkdir example $ chgrp test example/ $ chmod 3775 example/ $ sudo usermod -G test -a intern2 $ sudo su intern2 intern2$ touch example/example.txt $ ls -la example total 8 drwxrwsr-t 2 vagrant test 4096 Nov 14 02:15 . drwxr-xr-x 6 vagrant vagrant 4096 Nov 14 02:12 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 intern2 test 0 Nov 14 02:15 example.txt PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Mandatory Access Control PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Mandatory Access Control ̶ Limits abilities of processes to: ̶ Access, create, delete files ̶ Execute other processes ̶ Communicate over network ̶ Allocate resources ̶ Two main mechanisms: ̶ AppArmor ̶ SELinux PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor ̶ Debian, Ubuntu, and SUSE Linux families ̶ AppArmor profiles limit processes based on their paths ̶ Only processes with existing (loaded) profiles are protected ̶ See man 7 apparmor ̶ Sources: ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor Modes ̶ Enforced: Profiles loaded in enforcement mode will result in enforcement of the policy defined in the profile as well as reporting policy violation attempts to syslogd. ̶ Complain: Profiles loaded in "complain" mode will not enforce policy. Instead, it will report policy violation attempts. Note that deny rules in profiles are enforced/blocked even in complain mode. ̶ Unconfined: No profile is loaded for the process PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor Profiles ̶ Profiles are applied during start of the process (exec) ̶ Stored in /etc/apparmor.d/ ̶ Abstractions: parts of profiles that can be reused ̶ Tunables: variables to be used in profiles ̶ Most profiles support extension by including from /etc/apparmor.d/local ̶ Reapply profile after a change: apparmor_parser –r /path/to/profile ̶ Profiles for most common applications are packaged in apparmor-profiles and apparmor- profiles-extra PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor Profile Example $ cat /etc/apparmor.d/ ... #include profile ping /{usr/,}bin/{,iputils-}ping flags=(complain) { #include #include #include capability net_raw, capability setuid, network inet raw, network inet6 raw, /{,usr/}bin/{,iputils-}ping mixr, /etc/modules.conf r, # Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details. #include } PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor Commandline Utilities ̶ Package apparmor ̶ aa-status ̶ apparmor_parser ̶ abstractions, tunables ̶ Package apparmor-utils ̶ aa-enforce ̶ aa-disable ̶ aa-complain ̶ aa-genprof ̶ ... PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor Status ̶ sudo cat /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles ̶ sudo aa-status $ sudo aa-status apparmor module is loaded. 30 profiles are loaded. 14 profiles are in enforce mode. /usr/bin/man ping ... 1 processes have profiles defined. 1 processes are in enforce mode. /usr/sbin/sshd (1194) docker-default 0 processes are in complain mode. 0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined. PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – Creation of AppArmor Profile ̶ aa-genprof: generate profile for the first time ̶ aa-logprof, aa-mergeprof: update existing profile $ cat example/ #!/bin/bash echo "This is an apparmor example." touch sample.txt echo "File created" rm sample.txt echo "File deleted" $ ./ This is an apparmor example. File created File deleted $ sudo aa-genprof ./ … # in another terminal, run the ./ $ ./ # go back to the first one and select Scan system log for AppArmor events # use Inherit option for rm and touch. #include /home/vagrant/example/ { #include #include #include /home/vagrant/example/ r, /usr/bin/bash ix, /usr/bin/rm mrix, /usr/bin/touch mrix, owner /home/*/example/sample.txt w, } PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor Debugging ̶ Log file: ̶ /var/log/audit.log - if auditd is installed ̶ /var/log/syslog - without auditd ̶ journalctl ̶ By default, operations that trigger "deny" rules are not logged. This is called deny audit quieting. ̶ Turn on: echo -n noquiet >/sys/module/apparmor/parameters/audit ̶ Add audit keyword to profile, e.g.: audit owner /home/*/.ssh/** rw, ̶ Example: Nov 14 16:10:49 server kernel: [65014.150055] audit: type=1400 audit(1668438649.775:197): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/home/vagrant/example/" name="/usr/bin/rm" pid=32517 comm="" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=900 ouid=0 PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – AppArmor and Docker ̶ Docker uses AppArmor to limit containers by default ̶ Not present in /etc/apparmor.d/ ̶ Limits access to /proc/, /sys/, mount, … ̶ Example: $ sudo aa-profile ... 1 processes are in enforce mode. /usr/sbin/sshd (17036) docker-default ... PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – SELinux (Bonus Content) ̶ Red Hat Enterprise Linux ̶ Works by assigning security context to files, directories, and processes ̶ Needs support from filesystem to store the context ̶ ls –Z, ps –Z ̶ getenforce / setenforce (Enforcing vs Permissive) PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory – SELinux Contexts $ ls -la -Z .ssh total 12 drwx------. 2 csirt csirt unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 48 Nov 14 15:50 . drwx------. 7 csirt csirt unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 206 Nov 7 21:50 .. -rw-r--r--. 1 csirt csirt unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 5612 Nov 14 15:50 authorized_keys -rw-r--r--. 1 csirt csirt unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0 936 Mar 4 2022 known_hosts $ ps aux -Z | grep sshd system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 root 2115 0.0 0.0 94372 7636 ? Ss Aug09 0:17 /usr/sbin/sshd -D ̶ Context – user, role, type ̶ SELinux profile define relationships between process and file types ̶ Can limit access to individual ports as well ̶ Manipulating contexts: chcon, restorecon, semanage PA211 Advanced Topics of Cyber Security – Cybersecurity Laboratory –