Introduction to DWH Using SQL Server Integration Services Mgr. Vladimír Mužný MVP: Data Platform | MCSE: Data Platform | MCT @VladimirMuzny Agenda ▪ What the data warehouse/data warehousing is? ▪ What SSIS are? ▪ Architecture of SSIS ▪ Demo time What the Data Warehouse Is ▪ We can think about relational databases as of ▪ OLTP – On-line Transactional Processing − Well normalized − Optimized for highly concurrent writes ▪ OLAP – On-line Analysis Processing − Denormalized − Optimized for big scans − Typically follow „star“ or „snowflake“ design pattern ▪ HTAP – Hybrid Transactional Analysis Processing − Almost in cloud What the Data Warehousing Means? ▪ It‘s many different disciplines ▪ OLTP and OLAP contention is not easy to handle in the same database ▪ Data warehousing is huge set of procedures reading data from many sources, transforming the data and finally loading the data to the DWH − ETL − ELT Data Warehousing Patterns ▪ Source-Sink − Not so reliable, just „copy-paste“ approach ▪ Source-Stage-Sink − A compromise between Source-Sink and other approaches − Trustworthy source data ▪ Source-Landing-Stage-Sink − Untrusted source data − A need for reliable transfer of data from many heterogenous sources − Many transformations SQL Server Integration Services ▪ A technology offered by Microsoft since SQL Server 2005 ▪ A Successor of DTS (Data Transformation Services) ▪ Used mostly for: − ETL projects (data warehousing) − Migration projects ▪ But also for: − Administration automation (Maintenance Plans) − Data Collection SSIS Architecture ▪ Windows Service SSIS − Just monitoring, for backward compatibility purposes  And for SSISDB installation ▪ Two cooperating engines: − Control Flow − Data Flow ▪ Development tools − SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)  Add-in into Visual Studio  SSDT versions are not the same as versions of SQL Server (SSIS) SSIS Objects ▪ SSIS Package − Control Flow  Containers  Tasks  Precedence Constraints  Variables − Data Flow  Source  {Transforms}  Destination − Connection Manager − Event Handlers: Control Flow triggered by some event Non-Functional Capabilites of SSIS ▪ Logging ▪ Error handling ▪ Configurations ▪ Until 2008 decentralized ▪ Since 2012 centrally controlled in SSIS Catalog SSIS Project/Package Development ▪ SQL Server Management Studio: Import/Export Data ▪ SQL Server Management Studio: Maintenance Plan ▪ SQL Server Data Tools: SQL Server Integration Services Project SSIS Catalog ▪ SQL Server database called SSISDB − Storage for packages − Environments − Logging − Diagnostics − Performance Enterprise features of SSIS ▪ Master Data Services − Data mastering − Master Data HUB ▪ Data Quality Services − Data deduplication − Column values correction − Since 2008 − Very slow and poor performing Open Discussion Mgr. Vladimír Mužný MVP: Data Platform | MCSE: Data Platform | MCT @VladimirMuzny