Seminar on Design and Architecture Patterns


Please note that next week there will be no seminar. You can have more time for the submission. You can submit the assignment by Sunday 16.10 23:59 (please note Sunday, not Monday)

Please, as written in week1, remember to name your PDF files surname1-surname2-surname3.pdf or QualityIS-surname1-surname2-surname3.pdf

Important for this session:

  • Remember to submit both class diagram and object diagram for each of the implemented patterns.
  • There are some notes based on what we did the previous time, so they might be useful:  PV217-03-04-20221005-Notes.pdf  
  • For teams that have some * pattern, I could not find enough in the descriptions, so I have added one option to make the project a bit more interesting :  some  measurement / protocol pattern - we will discuss this today.
    For the observation / measurement / protocol, patterns you find in the book from section 3.4 onwards and from section 4.2 onwards. For example, protocols could be different ways to measure some phenomenon (e.g., code complexity, source code size, etc...). You find also an updated version of the diagrams here (as those in the book follow a bit arcaic UML notation):
    For teams that did not find application of Enterprise Segment pattern, some idea for segmentation related to metrics / issues could be to segment the issues by their types (example, security vulnerability which could be further decomposed), different type of coding styling issues (e.g., source code smells), etc...
  • You find the list of patterns to implement in the Jamboard of each team: