1. Implement program extract that will take path to RSA public key as command line argument and will print two integers corresponding to public exponent and modulus. Program won't use any package, but you can use functions from provided python script Tasks_ASN1.py! [5 pt] Usage: python3 extract RSApub.der Hint: ASN1 editor can help you with debugging! 2. Generate DSA key-pair, use one of the keys and sign the 2022_PV181_Organization.pdf [3 pt] Verify the signature by hand (for mathematical operations you can use any tool/script/page). You can use any tool, script, webpage to extract values from signature and keys. Describe shortly the approach, provide used openssl commands and all computed (intermediate) integers obtained during verification process. 3. Simulate key exchange via ECDH - generate 2 key pairs for 2 peers, compute shared key for both sides and verify that they really compute same value. Similarly to 2. extract necessary values using any tool and compute shared key by hand. [2 pt] Describe shortly the approach, provide used openssl commands and all computed (intermediate) integers obtained during. Deadline 28.09.2022 8:00