man woman Word Embeddings Towards Fast, Interpretable, and Accurate Information Retrieval Systems Vítek Novotný Math Information Retrieval Research Group October 15, 2020 Introduction Introduction Why not use Transformers? Applications of Transformers [1] for full-text search are limited: Documents are retrieved by keyword matching and top ten are reranked for speed. [2] Due to O(w2 ) space complexity of Attention, only short documents (QA) can be reranked. sBERT [3] can project short documents to semantic vector space, but it is supervised. Big Bird [4] makes Attention O(w) and could be used to rerank long documents. Until speed and space are improved, keyword matching determines search results. How to improve keyword matching? Keyword matching similarity functions (TF-IDF, BM25) disregard word similarity. Shallow embeddings (word2vec [5, 6], GloVe [7], fastText [8]) measure word similarity. TF-IDF and BM25 can support soft keyword matching [9–12] using embeddings. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 2 / 28 Introduction Introduction Word Embeddings? Figure: The training objective of word2vec and fastText CBOW models. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 3 / 28 Introduction Introduction Keyword Matching? I Figure: Keyword matching (left), word embeddings (middle), and soft keyword matching (right). V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 4 / 28 Introduction Introduction Keyword Matching? II Demo of soft keyword matching V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 5 / 28 Introduction Introduction Keyword Matching? III Figure: Text classification performance of soft keyword matching compared to other methods. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 6 / 28 Introduction Introduction How to improve keyword matching? TF-IDF and BM25 can support soft keyword matching [9–12] using embeddings. Our research group develops and maintains Gensim [13]: Essential Python NLP library: 2.6k article citations and 11.2k stars on GitHub Contains hardware-accelerated implementation of shallow word embeddings. Perfect tool to prototype, implement, and evaluate enhanced word embeddings. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 7 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence Introduction Word2vec [5, 6] and fastText [8] CBOW models are trained to minimize the distance between the mean of context word embeddings and the masked word embedding. However, the position of words in context is not taken into account: 1. “Unlike dogs, cats are ???.” 2. “Unlike cats, dogs are ???.” Mikolov et al. [14] achieved +5% accuracy on English word analogy using position-dependent weighting [14, Section 2.2]. No implementation exists. vC = 1 |P| p∈P dp =⇒ vC = 1 |P| p∈P dp ut+p This summer, we drafted an implementation for Gensim. Open research questions: 1. What is the optimal initialization? 2. Are Mikolov’s results reproducible? 3. Is the speed practically useful? 4. How does it improve end tasks? V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 8 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence Word Analogy? (Source) Figure: An example of the English word analogy task. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 9 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence What is the optimal initialization? FastText initializes dp to Uniform(± 1 fanout ). The hidden layer receives 1 |P| p∈P dp, which tends to N(0, σ2 |P| ) by the CLT. To keep the same initial learning rate, we require 1 |P| p∈P dp ut+p ∼ N(0, σ2 |P| ). We have several options for initialization: 1. dp ∼ Uniform(± 1 fanout ), ut+p ∼ dp. 2. dp ∼ Uniform(± 1 fanout ), ut+p ∼ 1. 3. dp ut+p ∼ Uniform(± 1 fanout ). 4. dp ut+p ∼ N(0, σ2 ). Which initialization options are optimal? 1. Var[dp ut+p] < σ2 , leading to smaller initial learning rate. 2. Var[dp ut+p] = σ2 , but the gradients to dp explode. (the only option we tried) 3. Var[dp ut+p] = σ2 , but only the square of positive uniform distribution is known [15]. 4. Var[dp ut+p] = σ2 , and the square of normal distribution is known [16]. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 10 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence dp ∼ Uniform(± 1 fanout ), ut+p ∼ Uniform(± 1 fanout ) Figure: Probability densities of random variables for initialization option nr. 1. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 11 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence dp ut+p ∼ Uniform(± 1 fanout ) using the method of Ravshan [15] Figure: Probability densities of random variables for initialization option nr. 3. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 12 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence dp ut+p ∼ N(0, σ2 ) using the method of Pinelis [16] Figure: Probability densities of random variables for initialization option nr. 4. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 13 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence Are Mikolov’s results [14] reproducible? We reproduced +10%∗ accuracy on English word analogy with these differences: For speed, we used the 2017 English Wikipedia (2.4B words, ca 4% of Common Crawl). For speed, we did only modeled unigrams, whereas Mikolov modeled up to 7-grams. Disabled Enabled Mikolov et al. [14] 80% 85% Our results 62% 72% Table: English word analogy task accuracies with and without position-dependent weighting V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 14 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence Is the speed practically useful? Using full position-dependent weighting incurs 2–3× slowdown in training time. The speed is not practically useful: training a model for just 3 epochs without position-dependent weighting leads to +10%∗ accuracy on English word analogy. Can we make the speed practically useful? No support in BLAS for , abusing ?SBMV matrix op. incurs further slowdown. Replacing positional vectors with positional scalars removes all gains to accuracy. Reducing the dimensionality of positional vectors does the trick: Disabled Enabled at 10d Enabled at 300d Accuracy∗ 62% 72% 72% Training duration 2h 12m 2h 29m 5h 00m Table: English word analogy task accuracies and training durations V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 15 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence Reducing the dimensionality of positional vectors Figure: English word analogy task accuracies (red) and training durations (blue). V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 16 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence What do the positional vectors look like? Figure: The positional vector features are normally distributed and continuous across positions. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 17 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence Can we use larger context windows now? Figure: English word analogy task accuracies (red) and training durations (blue) for different context window sizes with position-dependent weighting enabled (dashed) and disabled (solid). V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 18 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Position-dependence Position-dependence How does it improve the end tasks? We have conducted experiments only on English word analogies. Possible end tasks: 1. Text classification [17] 2. Information retrieval [18, Section 4] 3. Word similarities [8, Section 5.1] 4. Language modeling [8, Section 5.6] 5. Semantic text similarity [10] 6. ... other ideas? V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 19 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Subword sizes Subword sizes Parameter optimization Unlike word2vec [5, 6], fastText [8] embeds not only words, but also subwords. This speeds up training and allows inference of embeddings for unknown words. However, previous work reports optimal subword sizes only for English and German. Our experiments suggest: 1. 5% improvement on Czech word analogy with optimal subword sizes over defaults. 2. A fast method for estimating the optimal subword sizes from corpus statistics. 3. Improvements on the language modeling end task. Hyphenation Hyphenation splits words into subwords based on morphology or phonology. TEX’s hyphenation algorithm [19] achieves perfect accuracy with tiny models. [20, 21] fastText embeds only subwords of fixed size and ignores morphology. Hyphenating fastText should decrease model size and speed up training. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 20 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Subword sizes Subword sizes Subwords? (Source) Figure: In word2vec, only the entire word is embedded (right). In fastText, n-grams are also embedded (left), which introduces weight sharing and enables inference for unknown words. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 21 / 28 Position-dependence and subword sizes Subword sizes Subword sizes Hyphenation? (Source) Figure: In typesetting, hyphenation enables justification without excessive spacing. To aid understanding/oration, hyphenation occurs at morpologically/phonetically meaningful points. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 22 / 28 Conclusion Conclusion Sounds fun? Take a look at our bachelor’s and master thesis topics: Positional weighting of fastText word embeddings (bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis) Finding optimal n-gram sizes for fastText Model (bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis) ... or come up with your own! V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 23 / 28 Bibliography Bibliography I [1] Ashish Vaswani et al. “Attention is all you need”. In: Advances in neural information processing systems. 2017, pp. 5998–6008. [2] Wei Yang, Haotian Zhang, and Jimmy Lin. “Simple applications of BERT for ad hoc document retrieval”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10972 (2019). [3] Nils Reimers and Iryna Gurevych. “Sentence-bert: Sentence embeddings using siamese bert-networks”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.10084 (2019). [4] Manzil Zaheer et al. “Big bird: Transformers for longer sequences”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.14062 (2020). [5] Tomas Mikolov et al. “Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space”. 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[20] Petr Sojka and Ondřej Sojka. “The unreasonable effectiveness of pattern generation”. In: Zpravodaj CSTUG (2019). [21] Petr Sojka and Ondrej Sojka. “Towards Universal Hyphenation Patterns.”. In: RASLAN. 2019, pp. 63–68. V. Novotný ·Word Embeddings ·October 15, 2020 28 / 28