João Coelho - Getting things done the art of stress-free productivity
Time Management and Effectiveness
S8 - Presentation Session 12/12/22
Student presentation
Student presentation
Mercy Oluwatoyosi - "Self-affirmation and its importance for Time management"
Student presentation
Ondřej Dacer - "The Circadian Code"
Student presentation
Hana Pospíšilová - Bullet Journal Method
Student presentation
Daniel Jurča - How to stop procrastinating
Student presentation
Roman Čada - Relaxation for effectiveness
Student presentation
Tatiana Malecová - Tips for mastering time management at work
Student presentation
Miroslav Bezák - Productivity apps for power users
Student presentation
Kristián Kottfer - Motivation vs. Procrastination
Student presentation
Samuel Spišák - Breathing methods in stress management