Introduction PV236 – TIME MANAGEMENT & EFFECTIVENESS JOSEF SPURNÝ Course Organization o 1 session every 2 weeks o Topics coverage: oCore Time management Concepts & Techniques oLectures focused on topics of your interest To pass the course 1.Non-mandatory: lecture attendance (yet recommended) 2. 2.Mandatory: 1.After each session: o1 homework assignment oShort reflection (takeaway message) o 2.Once per semester: oShort presentation (5-10 minutes + discussion) oBook review / personal experience with some method or productivity app, success / failure stories, short interactive workshop, etc. oAim = to inspire others J 3. 3. 3. Deadline is the midnight before next lecture Submission via IS ROPOT 2 Options: •during semester (on voluntary basis – contact me via email) •At the end of semester (presentation day) Core Concepts Topics up to your preference Topics up to your preference •Procrastination •Emotions, Values, Motivation •Effective communication •Expectations management •Crisis communication •Teamwork •Team dynamics •Work-life balance •Building up habits •Stress, burnout syndrome •Uncertainty, impostor syndrome •Learn how to say “no” •Self-awareness & self-delusion • • • What is more important and why? Are you EFFECTIVE? ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Are you EFFICIENT? ◦ ◦What’s the difference? ◦ ◦What’s more important? What is more important and why? Effectiveness = do the right things Efficiency = do the thing right So… what’s more important? Effectiveness vs. Efficiency Effectiveness Focus on the accomplishment - to reach for the right goal (or fail) Efficiency Focus on the process – to achieve the goal with least amount of resources Effectiveness vs. Efficiency 1.Eliminate 2.Optimize 3. “There is no code faster than no code” Kevlin Henney 80 % of results is achieved by 20 % of effort. Pareto principle Eisenhower’s Priority Matrix Important and/or Urgent? o Answer phone call from your boss o Read fresh morning FB wall feed o Finalize class assignment to submit it by midnight o Choose topic for diploma thesis o Confirm calendar event for today’s pub quiz Eisenhower’s Priority Matrix How much of your time do you spend with each quadrant on daily basis…? How much of your time do you spend with each quadrant on daily basis…? What would you like to change…? I will limit the time spent on … and invest it into… Setting goals o Goals motivate o Only clearly defined goals help to achieve outstanding performance o Goals must be: o Achievable o Measurable “Lack of goals” vicious cycle Lack of goals Lack of plans Low feeling of success Feelings of inferiority Impaired will to work Are these goals achievable/measurable? o I want to lose weight significantly o I want to win a lottery o I would like to get a better job to get more money o I want to work on my relationship with my wife/husband/ girl-/boyfriend… Formulation of goals § Formulate goals such that they are specific, realistic and easy to check for success/fail § Avoid ambiguity and goals based on chance or coincidence § Decompose ambitious goals into several easier steps Reformulate these wishes to be real goals: § Sometime in the future, I would like to travel to Americas. § If I had some extra time, I would learn some new language. § § I would like to improve my cardio. Goals and life roles • Professional • Personal growth • Family / Relationships • Spiritual / Meaning of life • Financial • Hobbies Managing goals Life goals à Plan of goals à Long-term plan à Yearly plan à Monthly plan à Daily plan o Long-term plans give meaning to short-term plans o Do not just think about them – write them down o Does your daily routine help to achieve your goals? o Achieving goals motivate! o Retrospect to improve! Your homework assignment Make your goals list: Life goals à Plan of goals à Long-term plan à Yearly plan à Monthly plan à Daily plan