from __future__ import annotations from p2_ts3norm import * # At this point, we have a structure made of ‹dict›, ‹list›, # ‹Template›, ‹Document› and ‹int› instances. The lists and maps can # be arbitrarily nested. Within templates, the substitutions give # dot-separated paths into this tree-like structure. If the # top-level object is a map, the first component of a path is a # string which matches a key of that map. The first component is # then chopped off, the value corresponding to the matched key is # picked as a new root and the process is repeated recursively. If # the current root is a list and the path component is a number, the # number is used as an index into the list. # # If a ‹dict› meets a number in the path (we will only deal with # string keys), or a ‹list› meets a string, treat this as a # precondition violation – fail an ‹assert› – and let someone else # deal with the problem later. # # At this point, we prefer to avoid the complexity of rendering all # the various data types. Assume that the tree is only made of # documents and templates, and that only scalar substitution (using # ‹${path}›) happens. Bail with an ‹assert› otherwise. We will # revisit this next week. # # The ‹${path}› substitution performs «scalar rendering», while # ‹#{path}› substitution performs «composite rendering». Scalar # rendering resolves the path to an object, and depending on its # type, performs the following: # # • ‹Document› → replace the ‹${…}› with the text of the document; # the pasted text is excluded from further processing, # • ‹Template› → the ‹${…}› is replaced with the text of the # template; occurrences of ‹${…}› and ‹#{…}› within the pasted text # are further processed. # # The top-level entity passed to ‹ts3_render› must always be a # ‹dict›. The starting template is expected to be in the key # ‹$template› of that ‹dict›. Remember that ‹##{…}›, ‹$${…}› and so # on must be unescaped but not substituted. # # If you encounter nested templates while parsing the path, e.g. # ‹${abc${d}}›, give up (again via a failed assertion); however, see # also exercise ‹r3›. def ts3_render( tree: OutputDoc ) -> str: pass def test_scalar_individual() -> None: template = Template( "Here is input: ${input}" ) t : OutputDoc t = { '$template': template, 'input': Document( "blahblah" ) } assert ts3_render( t ) == "Here is input: blahblah" t = { '$template': template, 'input': Document( "blah ${t}" ) } assert ts3_render( t ) == "Here is input: blah ${t}" t = { '$template': template, 'input': Document( 'abc}' ) } assert ts3_render( t ) == "Here is input: abc}" t = { '$template': template, 'input': Template( "would need ${more.input}" ), 'more': { 'input': Document( "hello" ), 'output': Document( "bye" ) } } assert ts3_render( t ) == "Here is input: would need hello" def test_template() -> None: template = Template( "Print ${name.idea} and" + " ${}.." ) # encountering list in path resolution means an index people : OutputDoc = { 'person': Document( 'Bernard' ) } group : OutputDoc = [ Document( '0' ), Document( '1' ), Document( '2' ), people ] t : OutputDoc t = { '$template': template, 'name': { 'idea': Document( 'fireflies' ), 'group': group } } assert ts3_render( t ) == "Print fireflies and Bernard.." def test_escape() -> None: template = Template( "${header}: show me ${} " + "and ${person.age} of ${} " + "but not $${ppl}" ) t : OutputDoc t = { '$template': template, 'header': Document( "automatic" ), 'person': { 'name': Document( "Villa" ), 'age': Document( '17' ) } } t_orig = t.copy() expect = "automatic: show me Villa and 17 of Villa " + \ "but not ${ppl}" assert ts3_render( t ) == expect assert t == t_orig def test_errors() -> None: t : OutputDoc # dict meets a number in the path t = { '$template': Template( "${path.0}" ), 'path': { 'foo': 2 } } assert_throws( t ) # list meets a string in the path t = { '$template': Template( "${path.a}" ), 'path': [ Document( 'a' ) ] } assert_throws( t ) # dict end of scalar, no 'default' key t = { '$template': Template( "a ${path}" ), 'path': { 'not-default': 1 } } assert_throws( t ) # composites t = { '$template': Template( "#{comp}" ), 'comp': 7 } assert_throws( t ) t = { '$template': Template( "#{comp}" ), 'comp': Document( "$doc" ) } assert_throws( t ) t = { '$template': Template( "#{comp}" ), 'comp': Template( "foo" ) } assert_throws( t ) # nested templates t = { '$template': Template( "${ab${t}c}" ), 'ab': Document( "wrong" ), 'ab${t}c': Document( 'still wrong' ) } assert_throws( t ) t = { '$template': Template( "#{ab${t}c}" ), 'ab': Document( "wrong" ) } assert_throws( t ) def assert_throws( t: OutputDoc ) -> None: try: ts3_render( t ) except AssertionError: return raise AssertionError( "expected a failed assertion" ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_scalar_individual() test_template() test_escape() test_errors()