from __future__ import annotations # The file ‹zz.lists.sql› contains a database schema for keeping # shopping lists. Besides shopping lists themselves, we will keep a # table of item descriptions, a table of shops (vendors) and a table # of supplies currently in your pantry. This last table also keeps # track of a ‘minimal’ and ‘preferred’ amount for each item. Those # will come in handy when we will want to create shopping lists # automatically. # Each item may be available from multiple vendors, and of course # each vendor stocks multiple items. Therefore, items and shops are # in an M:N relationship, and we will keep this relationship in an # auxiliary table. Finally, each vendor has, for each item, an # individual unit price that is valid starting on a given date. A # null price indicates that the item is not available in the given # timespan. New start date overrides the price. # A shopping list, then, is a list of items to obtain. Each item on # the list comes with: # # • the quantity to obtain, # • the shop where to buy it and # • the quantity actually obtained. # # Besides the list of items, the shopping list has a date attached # to it. In this exercise, we will start by providing an interface # for creating new lists. from datetime import date from sqlite3 import Connection from typing import Optional, Callable, Type, Union # The classes in this exercise (and its follow-ups) will be # associated with records in the database. Each class will hold onto # an optional ‹id›: if the ‹id› is ‹None›, the record is «not» # stored in the database (yet). So far, we will only set the ‹id› in # the ‹create› method. # The only method which is allowed to change the database is # ‹create› (in a later exercise, we will add ‹update›). All ‹set_*› # and ‹add_*› methods (and later ‹remove_*›) methods should simply # remember the changes and additions, until the user calls ‹create›, # which then stores everything at once. Other methods may, however, # query the database for data, if it is convenient to do so. # Finally, feel free to add a suitable base class, from which the # other classes can be derived. SQLT = Union[ str, int, float, date, Optional[ str ], Optional[ int ] ] SQLP = tuple[ SQLT, ... ] # the 2nd parameter of Connection.execute class Shop: # Creates an empty item, not yet associated with anything in the # database. Set the internal ‹id› to ‹None›. def __init__( self, db: Connection ): pass def set_name( self, name: str ): pass # Create a record in the database. If the instance is already # associated with a record, raise a ‹RuntimeError›. If the # shop does not have a name, raise a ‹RuntimeError›. def create( self ): pass # All the remaining classes are analogous to ‹Shop›. class Item: def __init__( self, db: Connection ): pass def set_name( self, name: str ): pass # Prices are associated not with just an item, but also a time # period and a specific shop. def set_price( self, vendor: Shop, price: Optional[int], start: date ): pass # If the item does not have a name, raise a ‹RuntimeError›. def create( self ): pass class ShoppingList: def __init__( self, db: Connection ): pass def set_date( self, when: date ): pass def add_item( self, item: Item, qty: int ): pass # A shopping list might be empty, but it must have a date set. # If it does not, refuse to create it (raise a ‹RuntimeError›). def create( self ): pass def test_create() -> None: def assert_throws( ex: Type[ BaseException ], f: Callable[ [], object ] ) -> None: try: f() raise AssertionError( "expected " + str( ex ) + " to be thrown" ) except ex: return from os import unlink import sqlite3 import errno from datetime import datetime try: unlink( 'zt.lists.db' ) except FileNotFoundError: pass conn = sqlite3.connect( 'zt.lists.db' ) s1 = Shop( conn ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, s1.create ) s1.set_name( 'Lidl' ) s1.create() assert_throws( RuntimeError, s1.create ) s2 = Shop( conn ) s2.set_name( 'Albert' ) s2.create() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( 'select name from vendor order by name' ) res = [ item[0] for item in c.fetchall() ] assert res[0] == 'Albert' assert res[1] == 'Lidl' i1 = Item( conn ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, i1.create ) i1.set_name( 'men socks' ) i1.set_price( s1, 20, date( 2020, 10, 22 ) ) i1.set_price( s2, 22, date( 2020, 10, 23 ) ) i1.create() i2 = Item( conn ) i2.set_name( 'white tofu' ) i2.set_price( s1, 30, date( 2020, 11, 27 ) ) i2.set_price( s1, None, date( 2020, 11, 29 ) ) # out of tofu i2.set_price( s1, 34, date( 2020, 12, 8 ) ) i2.create() c.execute( 'select * from pricing where item_id = ?', (, ) ) res = c.fetchall() assert len( res ) == 2 assert in [ item[0] for item in res ] assert in [ item[0] for item in res ] def get_date( d: str ) -> date: return datetime.strptime( d, '%Y-%m-%d' ).date() def check_pricing( i_id: Optional[ int ], p: Optional[ int ], d: date ) -> None: assert item_id == i_id assert price == p assert get_date( dat ) == d for shop_id, item_id, price, dat in res: if shop_id == check_pricing(, 20, date( 2020, 10, 22 ) ) elif shop_id == check_pricing(, 22, date( 2020, 10, 23 ) ) c.execute( 'select * from pricing where item_id = ? order by start_date', (, ) ) res = c.fetchall() assert len( res ) == 3 assert in [ item[0] for item in res ] assert not in [ item[0] for item in res ] expected = [ ( 2, 30, date( 2020, 11, 27 ) ), ( 2, None, date( 2020, 11, 29 ) ), ( 2, 34, date( 2020, 12, 8 ) ) ] for idx in range( len( res ) ): shop_id, item_id, price, dat = res[ idx ] i_exp, p_exp, d_exp = expected[ idx ] check_pricing( i_exp, p_exp, d_exp ) sl1 = ShoppingList( conn ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, sl1.create ) sl1.set_date( date( 2020, 10, 28 ) ) sl1.add_item( i1, 3 ) sl1.add_item( i2, 1 ) sl1.create() c.execute( 'select * from shopping_list' ) res = c.fetchall() assert len( res ) == 1 assert get_date( res[0][1] ) == date( 2020, 10, 28 ) c.execute( 'select item_id, quantity from shop_list_item order by item_id' ) res = c.fetchall() assert len( res ) == 2 item_ids = [ item[0] for item in res ] assert in item_ids assert in item_ids assert [ item[1] for item in res ] == [ 3, 1 ] if __name__ == "__main__": test_create()