from __future__ import annotations from p4_lcreate import * import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Connection from datetime import date from typing import Type, Callable, List, Sequence # In this exercise, we will extend the classes from ‹list_create› by # adding various ways to fetch them from the database. class FetchableShop( Shop ): # Find the shop in the database by its name. If no such shop is # in the database, raise a ‹RuntimeError›. If found, set the # internal ‹id› of the instance. Only allow fetching if the # calling Shop instance's ‹id› is not set yet. If there are # several shops with the same name, raise a ‹RuntimeError›. def fetch_by_name( self, name: str ): pass def fetch_by_id( self, ID: int ): pass # The top-level function ‹find_shops› will do a substring search on # all the shops in the database, and return a ‹Shop› instance for # each match. def find_shops( db: Connection, pattern: str ): pass class FetchableItem( Item ): def fetch_by_name( self, name: str ): pass def fetch_by_id( self, ID: int ): pass # Find a price at the given time in the given shop. Return # ‹None› if the item is not available from the vendor at the # time. def get_price( self, vendor: Shop, when: date ): pass # Find the best price available on a given date. Return a tuple # of ‹int› (the price) and a ‹Shop› (the vendor which has this # price), or ‹None› if the item is not available at all. Tie # breaks alphabetically (prefer vendors with names that come # first in a dictionary). def get_best_price( self, when: date ): pass class FetchableShoppingList( ShoppingList ): def fetch_by_id( self, ID: int ): pass # Find all shopping lists that have a given item on it, in quantity # at least ‹qty›. Returns a list of ShoppingList instances. def find_lists_by_item( db: Connection, item: Item, qty: int ): pass def test_shops() -> None: conn = sqlite3.connect( ":memory:" ) s1 = FetchableShop( conn ) s1.set_name( 'Lidl' ) s1.create() s2 = Shop( conn ) s2.set_name( 'Albert' ) s2.create() s3 = FetchableShop( conn ) s3.fetch_by_name( 'Lidl' ) assert( s3.__dict__ == s1.__dict__ ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, s3.create ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: s3.fetch_by_name( 'Albert' ) ) s4 = Shop( conn ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: s3.fetch_by_name( 'Penny' ) ) s4.set_name( 'Lidl' ) s4.create() s5 = FetchableShop( conn ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: s3.fetch_by_name( 'Lidl' ) ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: s1.fetch_by_id( ) ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: s1.fetch_by_id( ) ) s5.fetch_by_id( ) assert( s5.__dict__ == s2.__dict__ ) shops = find_shops( conn, 'Lidl' ) assert len( shops ) == 2 def check_shop( s: Shop, d: Sequence[ Shop ] ) -> bool: return s.__dict__ in [ shop.__dict__ for shop in d ] assert check_shop( s1, shops ) assert check_shop( s4, shops ) s6 = Shop( conn ) s6.set_name( 'ALidlt7' ) shops = find_shops( conn, 'Lidl' ) assert len( shops ) == 2 assert not check_shop( s6, shops ) s6.create() shops = find_shops( conn, 'Lidl' ) assert len( shops ) == 3 assert check_shop( s6, shops ) def test_items() -> None: conn = sqlite3.connect( ":memory:" ) s1 = Shop( conn ) s1.set_name( 'Lidl' ) s1.create() s2 = Shop( conn ) s2.set_name( 'Albert' ) s2.create() i1 = FetchableItem( conn ) i1.set_name( 'men socks' ) i1.set_price( s1, 20, date( 2020, 10, 22 ) ) i1.set_price( s1, 27, date( 2020, 10, 30 ) ) i1.set_price( s2, 22, date( 2020, 10, 23 ) ) i1.create() i2 = FetchableItem( conn ) i2.set_name( 'white tofu' ) i2.set_price( s1, 30, date( 2020, 11, 27 ) ) i2.set_price( s1, None, date( 2020, 11, 29 ) ) # out of tofu i2.set_price( s1, 34, date( 2020, 12, 8 ) ) i2.set_price( s2, 32, date( 2020, 11, 20 ) ) i2.create() assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: i1.fetch_by_name( 'white tofu' ) ) def fetch_i2() -> None: assert is not None i2.fetch_by_id( ) assert_throws( RuntimeError, fetch_i2 ) i3 = FetchableItem( conn ) i3.fetch_by_name( 'men socks' ) assert == = None i3.create() q = 'select vendor_id, price, start_date from pricing ' + \ 'where item_id = ? order by price' c = conn.cursor() c.execute( q, (, ) ) rows_i3 = c.fetchall() c.execute( q, (, ) ) rows_i1 = c.fetchall() assert rows_i3 == rows_i1 assert i1.get_price( s1, date( 2020, 10, 10 ) ) is None assert i1.get_price( s1, date( 2020, 10, 22 ) ) == 20 assert i1.get_price( s1, date( 2020, 10, 29 ) ) == 20 assert i1.get_price( s1, date( 2020, 11, 4 ) ) == 27 best = i2.get_best_price( date( 2020, 11, 28 ) ) assert best is not None price, s = best assert price == 30 assert == best = i2.get_best_price( date( 2020, 11, 30 ) ) assert best is not None price, s = best assert price == 32 assert == assert i2.get_best_price( date( 2011, 1, 1 ) ) is None def test_shopping_lists() -> None: conn = sqlite3.connect( ":memory:" ) s1 = Shop( conn ) s1.set_name( 'Lidl' ) s1.create() s2 = Shop( conn ) s2.set_name( 'Albert' ) s2.create() i1 = Item( conn ) i1.set_name( 'men socks' ) i1.set_price( s1, 20, date( 2020, 10, 22 ) ) i1.set_price( s1, 27, date( 2020, 10, 30 ) ) i1.set_price( s2, 22, date( 2020, 10, 23 ) ) i1.create() i2 = Item( conn ) i2.set_name( 'white tofu' ) i2.set_price( s1, 30, date( 2020, 11, 27 ) ) i2.set_price( s1, None, date( 2020, 11, 29 ) ) # out of tofu i2.set_price( s1, 34, date( 2020, 12, 8 ) ) i2.set_price( s2, 32, date( 2020, 11, 20 ) ) i2.create() sl1 = FetchableShoppingList( conn ) sl1.set_date( date( 2020, 10, 28 ) ) sl1.add_item( i1, 3 ) sl1.add_item( i2, 1 ) sl1.create() assert_throws( RuntimeError, lambda: sl1.fetch_by_id( ) ) sl2 = FetchableShoppingList( conn ) sl2.fetch_by_id( ) assert == c = conn.cursor() c.execute( 'select * from shop_list_item' ) assert len( c.fetchall() ) == 2 = None sl2.create() c.execute( 'select * from shop_list_item' ) assert len( c.fetchall() ) == 4 q = 'select item_id, quantity from shop_list_item ' + \ 'where list_id = ?' c.execute( q, (, ) ) sl1_items = c.fetchall() c.execute( q, (, ) ) sl2_items = c.fetchall() assert sl1_items == sl2_items lists = find_lists_by_item( conn, i1, 1 ) ids = [ for li in lists ] assert in ids assert in ids def assert_throws( ex: Type[ BaseException ], f: Callable[ [], object ] ) -> None: try: f() raise AssertionError( "expected " + str( ex ) + " to be thrown" ) except ex: return if __name__ == '__main__': test_shops() test_items() test_shopping_lists()