from __future__ import annotations from typing import Tuple from math import sqrt, acos from math import isclose, pi import run_tests class Point: def __init__( self, x: float, y: float ) -> None: self.x = x self.y = y def __sub__( self, other: 'Point' ) -> Vector: return Vector( self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y ) def translated( self, vec: Vector ) -> 'Point': return Point( self.x + vec.x, self.y + vec.y ) class Vector: def __init__( self, x: float, y: float ) -> None: self.x = x self.y = y def __mul__( self, s: float ) -> Vector: return Vector( self.x * s, self.y * s ) def length( self ) -> float: return sqrt( self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y ) def dot( self, other: Vector ) -> float: return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y def angle( self, other: Vector ) -> float: cos = other ) / ( self.length() * other.length() ) if isclose( cos, 1 ): cos = 1 if isclose( cos, -1 ): cos = -1 return acos( cos ) class Line: def __init__( self, p1: Point, p2: Point ): self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 def translated( self, vec: Vector ) -> Line: return Line( self.p1.translated( vec ), self.p2.translated( vec ) ) def get_point( self ) -> Point: return self.p1 def get_direction( self ) -> Vector: v_dir = self.p2 - self.p1 return v_dir * ( 1 / v_dir.length() ) class Segment( Line ): def __init__( self, p1: Point, p2: Point ) -> None: super( Segment, self ).__init__( p1, p2 ) def length( self ) -> float: return ( self.p2 - self.p1 ).length() def translated( self, vec: Vector ) -> Segment: return Segment( self.p1.translated( vec ), self.p2.translated( vec ) ) def get_endpoints( self ) -> Tuple[ Point, Point ]: return ( self.p1, self.p2 ) class Circle: def __init__( self, c: Point, r: float ) -> None: self.c = c self.r = r def translated( self, vec: Vector ) -> Circle: return Circle( self.c.translated( vec ), self.r ) def center( self ) -> Point: return self.c def radius( self ) -> float: return self.r def point_eq( p1: Point, p2: Point ) -> bool: return isclose( p1.x, p2.x ) and \ isclose( p1.y, p2.y ) def dir_eq( u: Vector, v: Vector ) -> bool: return isclose( u.angle( v ), 0 ) or \ isclose( u.angle( v ), pi ) def line_eq( l1: Line, l2: Line ) -> bool: return dir_eq( l1.get_direction(), l2.get_direction() ) and \ ( point_eq( l1.get_point(), l2.get_point() ) or dir_eq( l1.get_point() - l2.get_point(), l1.get_direction() ) )