IV111 Probability in Computer Science

Assessment method


Attendance at tutorials is compulsory. Absence will be penalized as follows:

  • One unexcused absence: without penalty
  • Two unexcused absences: -5 points for the final test
  • Three unexcused absences: -10 points in the final test
  • Four or more unexcused absences: -15 points in the final test

Please do not take it as bullying. On the one hand, an excellent student can (theoretically) reach mark A without attending a single tutorial. On the other hand, students highly appreciate the discussions during tutorials. In addition, most of the examples in the exam are based on the examples from the tutorials.

Written exam

In the examination period, a written exam will consist mainly of numerical tasks similar to the exercises done during tutorials. Similar to the tutorials, the stress is put on deep understanding and rigorously explained steps, not on (only) the final value. The questions on definitions will be reformulated such that they check the understanding of the concepts (not knowing them by heart). 

The written exam will be organized as a ROPOT (odpovědník) in IS. The students will solve the ROPOT in a classroom at FI. Feel free to try a testing ROPOT to get familiar with the exam format.

The final exam will have this structure and style of questions, but it will be slightly more complicated. You obtain a scannable paper sheet for your solutions for better comfort in the last two examples. Please bring a pen.

The exam will take place in B130 (unless stated otherwise). Some exercises will be evaluated automatically and some manually, which can take some time - usually one day. The points will be accessed in an IS notebook when the manual rating is done. 

Based on the points of the written exam, the students will obtain a preliminary evaluation

  • 90-100 A
  • 80-89 B
  • 70-79 C
  • 60-69 D
  • 50-59 E
  • 40-49 F - with a possibility of an oral exam
  • 0-39   F - without an oral exam.

Oral exam

The final evaluation will be assigned after a subsequent oral exam. It is usually short for those aiming for C, D, or E, but it takes longer for higher marks. The oral-examination dates will be opened after the written exam. They will occur in numerous slots (on subsequent days). Typical questions are:

  • Probability space, random variable
  • Markov and Chebyshev inequalities
  • Laws of large numbers
  • DTMC and CTMC (definitions and invariant distributions)
  • Ergodic theorem for DTMC
  • Kraft and McMillan theorems
  • Huffman codes
  • Channel coding theorem

The final evaluation ranges from F  when the student does not know/understand the basic idea of the statement (what it is about, what it is suitable for) to A when the student knows deeper details (e.g., proof idea).
