Homework Sheet 2 Exercise � (� points) (a) (� points) Intuition: We are looking for a binary operation f and a unary operation u that together form a complete system, but such that f together with all other unary operations does not. Exact question: For i ∈ {, , , }, let ui be the unary operation mapping  ↦ i mod  and  ↦ ⌊i/⌋. Find a binary operation f and an index i ∈ {, , , } such that the system L(f , ui) is complete but the system L(f , u(i+) mod , u(i+) mod , u(i+) mod ) is not. Prove your claim. (b) (� points) Intuition: Is there a strongest unary operation? Exact question: Is there an index i ∈ {, , , } such that, for every n ∈ N and every n-ary operation f , if there is some j ∈ {, , , } such that L(f , uj) is complete, then L(f , ui) is also complete? Prove your answer. You can use the statement from the lecture that the system L(¬, →) is complete, but you cannot assume the completeness of other systems. Exercise � (� points) We consider the logical system L(↑, ↓, →) where ↑ and ↓ are unary and → is binary. We use the following proof system consisting of three axiom schemata and one rule. (A) ↑↑↓↓φ (A) ↑↓φ → ↑ψ (A) (φ → ψ) → (↑ψ → ↑φ) (MP) from φ and φ → ψ derive ψ Determine (with proof) which of the following formulae are derivable in this system. (a) ↑↑↓A (b) ↑↓A (c) ↓A (d) ↓A → ↓A