Homework Sheet 4 Exercise � (� points) We consider the vocabulary L = {P} without equality, where P is a binary relation symbol. Let T be the following theory over L. T = {∀x∃yP(x, y), ∀x∃y¬P(y, x)} . Determine (with proof) whether the theory T is complete. Exercise � (� points) We consider the vocabulary L = {∼, f , c} with equality, where ∼ is a binary relation symbol and f , c are function symbols of arity, respectively,  and . Let T be the following theory over L. T = {x ∼ f (x), f  (c) = c} . Write down the canonical structure M for T. Show that ∼ really is the relation you claim it is. Exercise � (� points) We consider the vocabularies L = {Q},L = {Q, P},L = {Q, f } with equality, where Q is a binary relation symbol, P is a unary relation symbol,and f a unary function symbol. We are given the following formulae over L (for an arbitrary n ∈ N). ϑ ≡ ∀x∀y[Q(x, x) ∧ [Q(x, y) ↔ Q(y, x)]] φn ≡ ∀y∃x⋯∃xn n ⋀ i= [Q(y, xi) ∧ n ⋀ j=i+ xi ≠ xj] ψn ≡ ∃x⋯∃xn n ⋀ i= n ⋀ j=i+ [xi ≠ xj ∧ Q(xi, xj)] ξn ≡ ∀x∃x⋯∃xn n ⋀ i= n ⋀ j=i+ [xi ≠ xj ∧ Q(xi, xj)] Let M be an structure over the vocabulary L with universe M. We call a subset A ⊆ M a clique if A × A ⊆ QM. A structure M is nice if there is an infinite clique A ⊆ M. We call a theory T over L good if every model M of T is nice. Given a structure M over a vocabulary L′ ⊇ L, we denote by M L its L-reduct, i.e., we forget all relations and function not in L. We call a theory T over a vocabulary L′ ⊇ L great if a structure M over L is nice if,and only if,it can be extended to a model of T,i.e.,there exists a model M′ of T such that M′ L = M. (a) (� point) Show that the theory R = { ϑ, φn n ∈ N} is not good. (b) (� point) Show that the theory S = { ϑ, ψn n ∈ N} is not good. (c) (�.� points) Give an example of a great theory T over the vocabulary L. Briefly explain why your example is correct. (d) (�.� points) Give an example of a finite great theory U over the vocabulary L. Briefly explain why your example is correct. (e) (� points) Determine (with proof) whether the theory V = { ϑ, ξn n ∈ N} is good.