Domain Understanding and Modeling

Pre-term & Exam info


  • 12.12.2023 

Regular terms:

  • 9.1.2024
  • 16.1.2024
  • 23.1.2024

Time: always 12:00

Room: always B410

To enroll in exam (either pre-term or regular), your team has to submit a final version of the project

3 seminar absences are tolerated.

5 pts penalty for each absence above three.

Seminar tasks & Points review

1Document, description, mindmap, WBS (+ pricing)1+1+1+2
2List of requirements, Use case, Decomposition, Use case specification2+1+1+1
32 Business process diagram, 1 verbal description2+2+1
4Event partitioning, 3 wireframes2+3
5Context diagram, System DFD, 1st lvl DFD1+2+2
6Data dictionary, ERD1+4
7Sequence diagram, Class diagram2+3
8Statechart diagram3
9Gantt chart2
10Summary & Consistency review (no task)

Final test is written (pen & paper) - unless COVID-19 situation changes and personal contact is restricted. 

It will consist of:

  • 6  multiple-choice questions: 
    • At least one choice is correct. 
    • All good = 4 pts. 
    • One mistake = 1 pt. 
    • More than one mistakes = 0 pts.
    • No penalty points.
    • Total of 24 pts.
  • 3 assignments:
    • Assignment = draw a diagram. 
    • Only diagrams / techniques we did in seminars may appear on the exam.
    • All related to one short desription of a system  = watch for consistency.
    • One assignment is up to 12 pts, depending on quality of execution.
    • Total of 36 pts.

Final Grading

Project (max 40pts) + Exam (max 60 Pts) = Grade 

A=100-91, B=90-81, C=80-71, D=70-61, E=60-51, F= 50-0
