Domain Understanding and Modeling

Week 5 - Data flow diagram - Part two

Theory has been covered in Week 4.

Take a look on the slides to refresh the DFD notation

DFD: Things to remember

  • DFD has no time dimension = does not reflect synchronization / parallel execution of processes
  • there are no swimlanes = processes are performed by the system, not by a human 
  • imagine inputs from terminators as buttons pressed (or data fields filled-in) in a screen mockup 
  • to get more readable diagrams, one terminator may be used more than once 
  • processes must be labelled with a name of an activity 
  • processes must have at least 1 input and output
  • memory is passive part of the system, CRUD operations are applied
  • memory is denoted in a diagram only if it is shared by at least two different processes (if it is used only by one, then it should be modeled when this process is decomposed)
  • DFD notation does not natively support inheritance. To illustrate that some function can be triggered by two different actors, a "shared" terminator can be created [Waiter / Cook]
  • Processes with only one-way data flows (i.e. all inputs with no outputs, or vice versa) could be in fact terminators
  • It is unlikely that DFD would be split into several subgraphs that do not communicate between one another. If this happens in your diagram, you have probably forgotten some data flows or processes.

A process is specified by:

  • its own DFD (= decomposition)
  • minispecification - for "atomic" processes where it makes no sense to decompose 

Wrong relationships in DFD:

Seminar tasks:

  • Mind the golden rule of models creation: 7+/-2 elements in one diagram
  • Mind the rules for decomposition

1) Create a context diagram   [1 pt]

  • Special type of DFD, where the whole IS is represented as one process
  • The process is named the same as your information system/app
  • Focused only on the exterior / surroundings of the system - to determine terminators and their main requests/data inputs
  • A visual and more abstract representation of list of events

2) Create a system DFD   [2 pts]

  • Also called "zero level DFD"
  • Focused on the main functionalities of the system, which correspond to main use cases / modules
  • Number the processes, name the data inputs/outputs, write down memories

3) Create one 1st level DFD   [2 pts]

  • Choose one process from system DFD and decompose it (zoom inside) 
  • Name of that decomposed process becomes the name of this DFD
  • Number the processes, name the data inputs/outputs, write down memories

This represents the "top-down" approach to create DFDs - as opposed to bottom-up approach via event partitioning.