John Hewitt based on slides by Chris Manning, and Danqi Chen, Princeton University Lecture 12: Question Answering 1. What is question answering? 3 Answer (A)Question (Q) The goal of question answering is to build systems that automatically answer questions posed by humans in a natural language The earliest QA systems dated back to 1960s! (Simmons et al., 1964) Question answering: a taxonomy 4 Answer (A)Question (Q) • What information source does a system build on? • A text passage, all Web documents, knowledge bases, tables, images.. • Question type • Factoid vs non-factoid, open-domain vs closed-domain, simple vs compositional, .. • Answer type • A short segment of text, a paragraph, a list, yes/no, … Lots of practical applications 5 Lots of practical applications 6 Lots of practical applications 7 2011: IBM Watson beat Jeopardy champions 8 IBM Watson beat Jeopardy champions 9 Image credit: J & M, edition 3 (1) Question processing, (2) Candidate answer generation, (3) Candidate answer scoring, and (4) Confidence merging and ranking. Question answering in deep learning era 10 Almost all the state-of-the-art question answering systems are built on top of end-to-end training and pre-trained language models (e.g., BERT)! Image credit: (Lee et al., 2019) Beyond textual QA problems Today, we will mostly focus on how to answer questions based on unstructured text. 11 Knowledge based QA Image credit: Percy Liang 12 Visual QA (Antol et al., 2015): Visual Question Answering Today, we will mostly focus on how to answer questions based on unstructured text. Beyond textual QA problems Reading comprehension = comprehend a passage of text and answer questions about its content (P, Q) ⟶ A 13 Tesla was the fourth of five children. He had an older brother named Dane and three sisters, Milka, Angelina and Marica. Dane was killed in a horse-riding accident when Nikola was five. In 1861, Tesla attended the "Lower" or "Primary" School in Smiljan where he studied German, arithmetic, and religion. In 1862, the Tesla family moved to Gospić, Austrian Empire, where Tesla's father worked as a pastor. Nikola completed "Lower" or "Primary" School, followed by the "Lower Real Gymnasium" or "Normal School." Q: What language did Tesla study while in school? A: German 2. Reading comprehension 2. Reading comprehension 14 Kannada language is the official language of Karnataka and spoken as a native language by about 66.54% of the people as of 2011. Other linguistic minorities in the state were Urdu (10.83%), Telugu language (5.84%), Tamil language (3.45%), Marathi language (3.38%), Hindi (3.3%), Tulu language (2.61%), Konkani language (1.29%), Malayalam (1.27%) and Kodava Takk (0.18%). In 2007 the state had a birth rate of 2.2%, a death rate of 0.7%, an infant mortality rate of 5.5% and a maternal mortality rate of 0.2%. The total fertility rate was 2.2. Q: Which linguistic minority is larger, Hindi or Malayalam? Reading comprehension = comprehend a passage of text and answer questions about its content (P, Q) ⟶ A A: Hindi Why do we care about this problem? 15 • Useful for many practical applications • Reading comprehension is an important testbed for evaluating how well computer systems understand human language • Wendy Lehnert 1977: “Since questions can be devised to query any aspect of text comprehension, the ability to answer questions is the strongest possible demonstration of understanding.” • Many other NLP tasks can be reduced to a reading comprehension problem: Information extraction (Barack Obama, educated_at, ?) Passage: Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. Question: Where did Barack Obama graduate from? (Levy et al., 2017) Semantic role labeling (He et al., 2015) Stanford question answering dataset (SQuAD) • 100k annotated (passage, question, answer) triples 16 Large-scale supervised datasets are also a key ingredient for training effective neural models for reading comprehension! This is a limitation— not all the questions can be answered in this way! • Passages are selected from English Wikipedia, usually 100~150 words. • Questions are crowd-sourced. • Each answer is a short segment of text (or span) in the passage. • SQuAD was for years the most popular reading comprehension dataset; it is “almost solved” today (though the underlying task is not,) and the state-of-the-art exceeds the estimated human performance. (Rajpurkar et al., 2016): SQuAD: 100,000+ Questions for Machine Comprehension of Text Stanford question answering dataset (SQuAD) • Evaluation: exact match (0 or 1) and F1 (partial credit). • For development and testing sets, 3 gold answers are collected, because there could be multiple plausible answers. • We compare the predicted answer to each gold answer (a, an, the, punctuations are removed) and take max scores. Finally, we take the average of all the examples for both exact match and F1. • Estimated human performance: EM = 82.3, F1 = 91.2 17 Q: What did Tesla do in December 1878? A: {left Graz, left Graz, left Graz and severed all relations with his family} Prediction: {left Graz and served} Exact match: max{0, 0, 0} = 0 F1: max{0.67, 0.67, 0.61} = 0.67 Other question answering datasets • TriviaQA: Questions and answers by trivia enthusiasts. Independently collected web paragraphs that contain the answer and seem to discuss question, but no human verification that paragraph supports answer to question • Natural Questions: Question drawn from frequently asked Google search questions. Answers from Wikipedia paragraphs. Answer can be substring, yes, no, or NOT_PRESENT. Verified by human annotation. • HotpotQA. Constructed questions to be answered from the whole of Wikipedia which involve getting information from two pages to answer a multistep query: Q: Which novel by the author of “Armada” will be adapted as a feature film by Steven Spielberg? A: Ready Player One 18 Neural models for reading comprehension • A family of LSTM-based models with attention (2016–2018) 19 • Fine-tuning BERT-like models for reading comprehension (2019+) Attentive Reader (Hermann et al., 2015), Stanford Attentive Reader (Chen et al., 2016), Match-LSTM (Wang et al., 2017), BiDAF (Seo et al., 2017), Dynamic coattention network (Xiong et al., 2017), DrQA (Chen et al., 2017), R-Net (Wang et al., 2017), ReasoNet (Shen et al., 2017).. N~100, M ~15 answer is a span in the passage • Problem formulation • Input: 𝐶 = (𝑐1, 𝑐2, … , 𝑐 𝑁), 𝑄 = (𝑞1, 𝑞2, … , 𝑞 𝑀), 𝑐𝑖, 𝑞𝑖 ∈ 𝑉 • Output: 1 ≤ start ≤ end ≤ 𝑁 How can we build a model to solve SQuAD? (We are going to use passage, paragraph and context, as well as question and query interchangeably) 2. Stanford Attentive Reader [Chen, Bolton, & Manning 2016] [Chen, Fisch, Weston & Bordes 2017] DrQA [Chen 2018] • Demonstrated a minimal, highly successful architecture for reading comprehension and question answering • Became known as the Stanford Attentive Reader The Stanford Attentive Reader 21 Which team won Super Bowl 50?Q Which team won Super 50 ? … … … Input Output Passage (P) Question (Q) Answer (A) Stanford Attentive Reader Who did Genghis Khan unite before he began conquering the rest of Eurasia?Q Bidirectional LSTMs … ……P … …… ෤p𝑖 p𝑖 Stanford Attentive Reader Who did Genghis Khan unite before he began conquering the rest of Eurasia?Q … …… Bidirectional LSTMs Attention predict start token Attention predict end token ෤p𝑖 SQuAD 1.1 Results (single model, c. Feb 2017) F1 Logistic regression 51.0 Fine-Grained Gating (Carnegie Mellon U) 73.3 Match-LSTM (Singapore Management U) 73.7 DCN (Salesforce) 75.9 BiDAF (UW & Allen Institute) 77.3 Multi-Perspective Matching (IBM) 78.7 ReasoNet (MSR Redmond) 79.4 DrQA (Chen et al. 2017) 79.4 r-net (MSR Asia) [Wang et al., ACL 2017] 79.7 Google Brain / CMU (Feb 2018) 88.0 Human performance 91.2 Pretrained + Finetuned Models circa 2021 >93.0 Stanford Attentive Reader++ 25 Figure from SLP3: Chapter 23 Training objective: 26 Stanford Attentive Reader++ (Chen et al., 2018) Which team won Super Bowl 50?Q Which team won Super 50 ? … … … q = ෍ 𝑗 𝑏𝑗q 𝑗 For learned 𝐰, 𝑏𝑗 = exp(w ∙ q 𝑗) σ 𝑗′ exp(w ∙ q 𝒋′) Deep 3 layer BiLSTM is better! Stanford Attentive Reader++ 27 Where 𝛼 is a simple one layer FFNN 𝐩_𝑖: Vector representation of each token in passage Made from concatenation of • Word embedding (GloVe 300d) • Linguistic features: POS & NER tags, one-hot encoded • Term frequency (unigram probability) • Exact match: whether the word appears in the question • 3 binary features: exact, uncased, lemma • Aligned question embedding (“car” vs “vehicle”) Type equation here. 𝑎𝑖,𝑗 29 (Chen, Bolton, Manning, 2016) 100 95 90 50 28 100 78 74 50 40 0 33 67 100 Easy Paraphrasing Partial MultiSent Hard/Error Correctness(%) NN Categorical Feature Classifier 13% 41% 2% 25%19% What do these neural models do? BiDAF: the Bidirectional Attention Flow model 30 (Seo et al., 2017): Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension 31 Attention visualization LSTM-based vs BERT models 32 Image credit: (Seo et al, 2017) Image credit: J & M, edition 3 BERT for reading comprehension 33 • BERT is a deep bidirectional Transformer encoder pre-trained on large amounts of text (Wikipedia + BooksCorpus) • BERT is pre-trained on two training objectives: • Masked language model (MLM) • Next sentence prediction (NSP) • BERTbase has 12 layers and 110M parameters, BERTlarge has 24 layers and 330M parameters BERT for reading comprehension 34 Question = Segment A Passage = Segment B Answer = predicting two endpoints in segment B Image credit: where 𝐡𝑖 is the hidden vector of 𝑐𝑖, returned by BERT BERT for reading comprehension 35 • All the BERT parameters (e.g., 110M) as well as the newly introduced parameters (e.g., 768 x 2 = 1536) are optimized together for . • It works amazing well. Stronger pre-trained language models can lead to even better performance and SQuAD becomes a standard dataset for testing pre-trained models. F1 EM Human performance 91.2* 82.3* BiDAF 77.3 67.7 BERT-base 88.5 80.8 BERT-large 90.9 84.1 XLNet 94.5 89.0 RoBERTa 94.6 88.9 ALBERT 94.8 89.3 (dev set, except for human performance) Comparisons between BiDAF and BERT models 36 • BERT model has many many more parameters (110M or 330M) BiDAF has ~2.5M parameters. • BiDAF is built on top of several bidirectional LSTMs while BERT is built on top of Transformers (no recurrence architecture and easier to parallelize). • BERT is pre-trained while BiDAF is only built on top of GloVe (and all the remaining parameters need to be learned from the supervision datasets). Pre-training is clearly a game changer but it is expensive.. Can we design better pre-training objectives? 37 (Joshi & Chen et al., 2020): SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans The answer is yes! Two ideas: 1) masking contiguous spans of words instead of 15% random words 2) using the two end points of span to predict all the masked words in between = compressing the information of a span into its two endpoints SpanBERT performance 38 91.3 83.3 68.8 77.5 81.7 78.3 79.9 92.6 85.9 71.0 79.0 81.8 80.5 80.5 94.6 88.7 73.6 83.6 84.8 83.0 82.8 65 73 80 88 95 SQuAD v1.1 SQuAD v2.0 NewsQA TriviaQA SearchQA HotpotQA Natural Questions Google BERT Our BERT SpanBERT F1 scores Is reading comprehension solved? • We have already surpassed human performance on SQuAD. Does it mean that reading comprehension is already solved? 39 Of course not! • The current systems still perform poorly on adversarial examples or examples from out-of-domain distributions (Jia and Liang, 2017): Adversarial Examples for Evaluating Reading Comprehension Systems Is reading comprehension solved? 40 Systems trained on one dataset can’t generalize to other datasets: (Sen and Saffari, 2020): What do Models Learn from Question Answering Datasets? Is reading comprehension solved? 41 (Ribeiro et al., 2020): Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList BERT-large model trained on SQuAD Is reading comprehension solved? 42 (Ribeiro et al., 2020): Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList BERT-large model trained on SQuAD 3. Open-domain question answering 43 • Different from reading comprehension, we don’t assume a given passage. Answer (A)Question (Q) • Instead, we only have access to a large collection of documents (e.g., Wikipedia). We don’t know where the answer is located, and the goal is to return the answer for any open-domain questions. • Much more challenging and a more practical problem! In contrast to closed-domain systems that deal with questions under a specific domain (medicine, technical support). Retriever-reader framework 44 Document Reader Document Retriever 833,500 Chen et al., 2017. Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-domain Questions How many of Warsaw's inhabitants spoke Polish in 1933? Retriever-reader framework 45 Chen et al., 2017. Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-domain Questions • Input: a large collection of documents 𝒟 = 𝐷1, 𝐷2, … , 𝐷 𝑁 and Q • Output: an answer string A A reading comprehension problem! K is pre-defined (e.g., 100)• Retriever: 𝑓(𝒟, 𝑄) ⟶ 𝑃1, … , 𝑃 𝐾 • Reader: 𝑔(𝑄, {𝑃1, … , 𝑃 𝐾}) ⟶ 𝐴 In DrQA, • Retriever = A standard TF-IDF information-retrieval sparse model (a fixed module) • Reader = a neural reading comprehension model that we just learned • Trained on SQuAD and other distantly-supervised QA datasets Distantly-supervised examples: (Q, A) ⟶ (P, Q, A) We can train the retriever too 46 Lee et al., 2019. Latent Retrieval for Weakly Supervised Open Domain Question Answering • Joint training of retriever and reader • Each text passage can be encoded as a vector using BERT and the retriever score can be measured as the dot product between the question representation and passage representation. • However, it is not easy to model as there are a huge number of passages (e.g., 21M in English Wikipedia) We can train the retriever too 47 Karpukhin et al., 2020. Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering • Dense passage retrieval (DPR) - We can also just train the retriever using question-answer pairs! • Trainable retriever (using BERT) largely outperforms traditional IR retrieval models We can train the retriever too 48 Karpukhin et al., 2020. Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering Dense retrieval + generative models 49 Recent work shows that it is beneficial to generate answers instead of to extract answers. Izacard and Grave 2020. Leveraging Passage Retrieval with Generative Models for Open Domain Question Answering Fusion-in-decoder (FID) = DPR + T5 Large language models can do open-domain QA well • … without an explicit retriever stage 50 Roberts et al., 2020. How Much Knowledge Can You Pack Into the Parameters of a Language Model? Maybe the reader model is not necessary too! It is possible to encode all the phrases (60 billion phrases in Wikipedia) using dense vectors and only do nearest neighbor search without a BERT model at inference time! 51 Seo et al., 2019. Real-Time Open-Domain Question Answering with Dense-Sparse Phrase Index Lee et al., 2020. Learning Dense Representations of Phrases at Scale Large language model-based QA (with web search!) Problems with large language model-based QA 53 Seems totally reasonable! But (1) it’s not his most cited paper, and (2) it doesn’t have that many citations. Yikes! Also the reference to a web page doesn’t help.