PA170 Digital Geometry Lecture 01 – Introduction + Grids and Adjacency Martin Maˇska ( Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Autumn 2023 INTRODUCTION About PA170 Lectures (Monday 14:00 – 15:40, B204) Introduction of the basic terms and necessary theory Exercises (Monday 16:00 – 16:50, B204) Deeper understanding and application of the introduced terms and theory in practice Homeworks Irregular and voluntary, assigned at exercises Awarded by extra points (up to 10 points) Examination (one term before Christmas, other terms in January 2024) Written (mandatory) and oral (voluntary) parts (up to 100 points) Grading scheme A: at least 91 points B: 90 – 81 points C: 80 – 71 points D: 70 – 61 points E: 60 – 51 points F: less than 51 points Recommended literature R. Klette & A. Rosenfeld, Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Picture Analysis, Elsevier 2004 (V238 in the library at FI MU) 3/25 Digital Geometry in a Nutshell It emerged in the second half of the 20th century Its mathematical roots are in graph theory and discrete topology It focuses on geometric or topologic properties of discrete sets It often attempts to obtain quantitative information about objects by analyzing digitized image data in which the objects are represented by such sets 4/25 Digital Images Digital images are obtained by digitizing continuous functions 256×256 pixels 128×128 pixels 64×64 pixels 32×32 pixels Sampling (domain discretization) Quantization (co-domain discretization) 256 levels 32 levels 8 levels 2 levels A digital image I is a discrete function, defined on a finite, regular, orthogonal grid G, which assigns a value I(p) from a finite set of values V to each image element p ∈ G 5/25 Common Types of Digital Images Binary Images (V = {0, 1}) The image elements with the assigned values of 1 are black and form foreground I The image elements with the assigned values of 0 are white and form background I Grayscale Images (V = {0, . . . , Gmax}) The elements of V are called intensities The image elements with higher intensities correspond to lighter gray levels The image elements with zero intensity are black and form background Floating-Point Images (e.g., Euclidean distance maps) Color Images (e.g., RGB or HSV) Multi-Channel Images (e.g., microscopy or satellite images) Tensor Images (e.g., DT-MRI) 6/25 GRIDS AND ADJACENCY Basic Grid Models 8/25 Elements of a Grid A grid point is an element of Z2 or Z3 A grid vertex (0-cell) is shifted by 0.5 in each direction from a grid point A grid edge (1-cell) joins two grid vertices at Euclidean distance of 1 from each other A grid square (2-cell) is defined by four grid edges that form a square A grid cube (3-cell) is defined by six grid squares that form a cube in 3D 9/25 Elements of a Grid A grid point is an element of Z2 or Z3 A grid vertex (0-cell) is shifted by 0.5 in each direction from a grid point A grid edge (1-cell) joins two grid vertices at Euclidean distance of 1 from each other A grid square (2-cell) is defined by four grid edges that form a square A grid cube (3-cell) is defined by six grid squares that form a cube in 3D Pixel (2D grids) = 2D grid point or 2-cell Voxel (3D grids) = 3D grid point or 3-cell 10/25 α-Adjacency (Aα) on 2D Grids Two 2-cells c1 and c2 are called α-adjacent iff c1 = c2 and their intersection contains an α-cell (α ∈ {0, 1}) Two 2D grid points p1 and p2 are called 4-adjacent iff p2 − p1 1 = 1 8-adjacent iff p2 − p1 ∞ = 1 The grid Gm,n defined by m×n 2-cells and A0 or A1 relation is isomorphic to the grid defined by m×n 2D grid points and A8 or A4 relation, respectively 1-adjacency 4-adjacency 0-adjacency 8-adjacency 11/25 α-Adjacency (Aα) on 3D Grids Two 3-cells c1 and c2 are called α-adjacent iff c1 = c2 and their intersection contains an α-cell (α ∈ {0, 1, 2}) Two 3D grid points p1 and p2 are called 6-adjacent iff 0 < p2 − p1 2 ≤ 1 18-adjacent iff 0 < p2 − p1 2 ≤ √ 2 26-adjacent iff 0 < p2 − p1 2 ≤ √ 3 The grid Gl,m,n defined by l×m×n 3-cells and A2, A1, or A0 relation is isomorphic to the grid defined by l×m×n 3D grid points and A6, A18, or A26 relation, respectively 6-adjacency 18-adjacency 26-adjacency 12/25 Adjacency Set and Neighborhood Let A be a symmetric and irreflexive adjacency relation on a set S A(p) = {q : q ∈ S ∧ qAp} is called the adjacency set of p ∈ S N(p) = A(p) ∪ {p} is called the (smallest nontrivial) neighborhood of p ∈ S defined by the adjacency relation A N defines a symmetric and reflexive relation on S A1(p) A4(p) N1(p) N4(p) 13/25 Connectedness, Paths, and Components The reflexive and transitive closure of an adjacency relation on a set S defines a connectedness relation on S A path that joins p ∈ S and q ∈ S is a sequence p0, . . . , pn of elements in S such that p0 = p, pn = q, and pi is adjacent to pi−1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n) A set M ⊆ S is called connected iff all p, q ∈ M are joined by a path in M Maximal connected subsets of S are called (connected) components of S Examples of two 4-paths and one 8-path 14/25 Connectedness, Paths, and Components The reflexive and transitive closure of an adjacency relation on a set S defines a connectedness relation on S A path that joins p ∈ S and q ∈ S is a sequence p0, . . . , pn of elements in S such that p0 = p, pn = q, and pi is adjacent to pi−1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n) A set M ⊆ S is called connected iff all p, q ∈ M are joined by a path in M Maximal connected subsets of S are called (connected) components of S Examples of two 4-paths and one 8-path What is the number of 4-connected and 8-connected components? 15/25 Adjacency on Images The number of image elements α-adjacent to an image element is (almost) always constant over the whole grid That number can vary for adjacency relations defined on images because not only locations but also values of image elements are taken into consideration 16/25 (I, α)-Adjacency Two image elements p and q of an image I are called I-equivalent iff I(p) = I(q) Two image elements p and q of an image I are called (I, α)-adjacent iff they are I-equivalent and α-adjacent (I, α)-adjacency may lead to crossing difficulties (topological conflicts) Connected components for (I, 8)-adjacency or (I, 0)-adjacency 17/25 (σ, α)-Adjacency ”Uncertainties” in image values can be modeled by a similarity relation σ on V, which is reflexive and symmetric Two image elements p and q of an image I are called (σ, α)-adjacent iff pAαq and I(p)σI(q) (σ, α)-adjacency generalizes (I, α)-adjacency and may lead to crossing difficulties Connected components for (σ, 8)-adjacency or (σ, 0)-adjacency (pσq ⇔ |I(p) − I(q)| ≤ 2) 18/25 (α1, α2)-Adjacency (α1, α2)-adjacency avoids topological conflicts in binary images It considers (I, α1)-adjacency for foreground and (I, α2)-adjacency for background Commonly used, topologically compatible α-adjacency pairs: A8 and A4 (or A0 and A1) in 2D A26 and A6 (or A0 and A2), and A18 and A6 (or A1 and A2) in 3D 19/25 Switch Adjacency (As, s-Adjacency) Switch adjacency avoids topological conflicts in 2D images A relation As on a set of 2D grid points is called switch adjacency iff it contains 4-adjacency (i.e., As ⊇ A4) and exactly one of the two diagonally adjacent pixels in each 2×2 block of pixels: Switch to the left Switch to the right The states of the switches can be driven by locations and/or pixel values Regular switching Regular switching Irregular switching 20/25 Incidence Relation Two sets are called incident iff one of them contains the other (i.e., any set is incident with itself) A 3D grid vertex (0-cell) is incident with six grid edges (1-cells); a grid square (2-cell) is incident with four grid edges; and a grid cube (3-cell) is incident with 12 grid edges The incidence relation between all the cells defines grid cell incidence model (incidence grid) 0-, 1-, and 2-cells Incidence graph 21/25 Paths in Incidence Grids 1-path of 2-cells 0-path of 1-cells 2-path of 3-cells 1-path of 2-cells 0-path of 1-cells 22/25 Complete Subsets in Incidence Grids A subset M of an incidence grid is called complete iff, for any cell c such that all cells incident with c and of higher dimensions than c are in M, we also have c ∈ M Add the minimum number of cells to make the given subset of an incidence grid complete 23/25 Complete Subsets in Incidence Grids A subset M of an incidence grid is called complete iff, for any cell c such that all cells incident with c and of higher dimensions than c are in M, we also have c ∈ M Add the minimum number of cells to make the given subset of an incidence grid complete 24/25 Summary: Commonly Used Models in Digital Geometry 25/25