PA170 Digital Geometry Lecture 02: Digitization Martin Maˇska ( Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Autumn 2023 Motivation: Transformation of a Continuous Set to a Discrete Set Digitization of a real disk D Digitization of a real line L 2/25 Digital Geometric Figures A connected set of grid points is called a digital geometric figure (e.g., digital line, digital square, digital disk, or digital sphere), if there exists a (continuous) geometric figure of the same kind, which has that set as its digitization 3/25 Example: Convergence of Estimators A real disk D of unit diameter has the area A(D) = π 4 and the perimeter P(D) = π The area of a digitized disk converges toward the area of the real disk with an increasing grid resolution h: lim h→∞ A(digh(D)) = A(D) = π 4 The perimeter of a digitized disk does not converge toward the perimeter of the real disk: lim h→∞ P(digh(D)) = 4 h = 1 h = 5 h = 10 h = 17 4/25 DIGITIZATION MODELS Look into History C.F. Gauss (1777 – 1855) C. Jordan (1838 – 1922) Source: 6/25 Gauss Digitization Gauss studied the measurement of the area of a planar set S ⊂ R2 by counting the grid points (i, j) ∈ Z2 contained in S The Gauss digitization Gh(S) of a planar set S on a 2D grid of resolution h is the union of the grid squares (2-cells) with center points in S d = 1 grid unit d = 5 grid units d = 10 grid units d = 17 grid units 8×8 grid squares 16×16 grid squares 32×32 grid squares 512×512 grid squares 7/25 Gauss Digitization: Properties The Gauss digitization Gh(S) of any nonempty bounded set S ⊂ R2 is the union of a finite number of simple isothetic polygons Different sets can have identical Gauss digitizations The same sets after a rigid transformation can have different Gauss digitizations An original disk The disk shifted to the right The disk shifted to the left 8/25 Jordan Digitization Originally defined for 3D grids only as Jordan used such grids to estimate the volumes of subsets of R3 The inner Jordan digitization J− h (S) of a planar set S on a 2D grid of resolution h is the union of the grid squares (2-cells) that are completely contained in S The outer Jordan digitization J+ h (S) of a planar set S on a 2D grid of resolution h is the union of the grid squares (2-cells) that have nonempty intersection with S Inner (gray 2-cells) and outer (gray and green 2-cells) Jordan digitizations of a centered disk 9/25 Jordan Digitization: Examples Inner 8×8 grid squares 16×16 grid squares 32×32 grid squares 512×512 grid squares Outer 8×8 grid squares 16×16 grid squares 32×32 grid squares 512×512 grid squares 10/25 Jordan Digitization: Properties The inner and outer Jordan digitizations J− h (S) and J+ h (S) of any nonempty bounded set S ⊂ R2 are the unions of finite numbers of simple isothetic polygons The outer Jordan digitization J+ h (S) of a connected set S is always a single connected isothetic polygon or polyhedron. However, it does not preserve simple connectedness because it can create holes A real roll-like object S The outer Jordan digitization of S 11/25 Relationships between Gauss and Jordan Digitizations Both digitization models are broadly used to digitize 2D and 3D sets They produce the same digitizations for: Empty set: J− h (∅) = Gh(∅) = J+ h (∅) = ∅ Euclidean n-space Rn (n ∈ {2, 3}): J− h (Rn ) = Gh(Rn ) = J+ h (Rn ) = Rn Finite unions of n-cells in nD (n ∈ {2, 3}) The obtained digitizations are ordered by inclusion: J− h (S) ⊆ Gh(S) ⊆ J+ h (S) for any S ⊆ R2 (S ⊆ R3 ) 12/25 Grid-Intersection Digitization Neither Gauss nor inner Jordan digitization is appropriate for the digitization of 1D sets (curves). Outer Jordan digitization is appropriate but grid-intersection digitization is the preferred choice for curves The grid-intersection digitization R(γ) of a planar curve γ is the set of all grid points with closest Euclidean distances to the intersection points of γ with the grid lines In case an intersection point is of the same distance from two grid points, either both grid points are added to R(γ) or one of them is chosen based on a predefined rule 13/25 Grid-Intersection Digitization Neither Gauss nor inner Jordan digitization is appropriate for the digitization of 1D sets (curves). Outer Jordan digitization is appropriate but grid-intersection digitization is the preferred choice for curves The grid-intersection digitization R(γ) of a planar curve γ is the set of all grid points with closest Euclidean distances to the intersection points of γ with the grid lines In case an intersection point is of the same distance from two grid points, either both grid points are added to R(γ) or one of them is chosen based on a predefined rule 14/25 Grid-Intersection Digitization Neither Gauss nor inner Jordan digitization is appropriate for the digitization of 1D sets (curves). Outer Jordan digitization is appropriate but grid-intersection digitization is the preferred choice for curves The grid-intersection digitization R(γ) of a planar curve γ is the set of all grid points with closest Euclidean distances to the intersection points of γ with the grid lines In case an intersection point is of the same distance from two grid points, either both grid points are added to R(γ) or one of them is chosen based on a predefined rule 15/25 Grid-Intersection Digitization Neither Gauss nor inner Jordan digitization is appropriate for the digitization of 1D sets (curves). Outer Jordan digitization is appropriate but grid-intersection digitization is the preferred choice for curves The grid-intersection digitization R(γ) of a planar curve γ is the set of all grid points with closest Euclidean distances to the intersection points of γ with the grid lines In case an intersection point is of the same distance from two grid points, either both grid points are added to R(γ) or one of them is chosen based on a predefined rule 16/25 Grid-Intersection Digitization Neither Gauss nor inner Jordan digitization is appropriate for the digitization of 1D sets (curves). Outer Jordan digitization is appropriate but grid-intersection digitization is the preferred choice for curves The grid-intersection digitization R(γ) of a planar curve γ is the set of all grid points with closest Euclidean distances to the intersection points of γ with the grid lines In case an intersection point is of the same distance from two grid points, either both grid points are added to R(γ) or one of them is chosen based on a predefined rule 17/25 Digitized Grid=Intersection Sequence An ordered sequence of grid points in R(γ) is called a digitized grid-intersection sequence ρ(γ) of γ Such a sequence can be represented by a chain code Remark: Chain codes can also represent object borders (typically obtained by a border tracing algorithm) 18/25 DOMAIN DIGITIZATIONS Preliminaries We want to define a framework for a general class of digitization models in nD Let Πcube = (x1, . . . , xn) : max 1≤i≤n |xi| ≤ 1 2 be a n-cell centered at o = (0, . . . , 0): Let ∅ = Πσ ⊆ Πcube, and consider its translates Πσ(q) = {q + p : p ∈ Πσ} centered at grid points q ∈ Zn as the domains of influence: Obviously, Πcube(q) is the n-cell cq centered at q 20/25 σ-Digitization The inner σ-digitization dig− σ (S) of a set S ⊆ Rn is the union of all cq such that Πσ(q) is contained in S: cq ⊆ dig− σ (S) iff Πσ(q) ⊆ S The outer σ-digitization dig+ σ (S) of a set S ⊆ Rn is the union of all cq such that Πσ(q) intersects S: cq ⊆ dig+ σ (S) iff Πσ(q) ∩ S = ∅ If Πσ = Πcube, dig− cube = J− (inner Jordan digitization) and dig+ cube = J+ (outer Jordan digitization) If Πσ = {o}, dig+ σ = dig− σ = G (Gauss digitization) If Πσ = {(x1, . . . , xn) : ∃i.(1 ≤ i ≤ n ∧ xi = 0) ∧ max 1≤i≤n |xi| ≤ 1 2 )}, dig+ σ = R (grid-intersection digitization) 21/25 DIGITIZATION OF STRAIGHT LINES Bresenham’s Algorithm for Line Digitization A standard routine in computer graphics, which builds on top of the grid-intersection digitization model Check out a demo at 23/25 Bresenham’s Algorithm (First Octant, Nonnegative Slope) Task: Draw a digital line with a nonnegative slope between two points, (xs, ys) and (xe, ye), in the first octant Pseudocode of the algorithm 1 Initialize constants: dx = xe − xs, dy = ye − ys, b0 = 2 ∗ dy, b1 = 2 ∗ (dy − dx) 2 Initialize variables: x = xs, y = ys, err = 2 ∗ dy − dx 3 while x ≤ xe Draw (x, y) as a digital line element x = x + 1 if err < 0 err = err + b0 else y = y + 1 err = err + b1 Complexity: The algorithm runs in O(xe − xs) and involves basic assignment, arithmetic, and conditional operations only 24/25 Take-Home Messages Digital geometric figures (shapes) are sets of grid points obtained by digitizing their continuous counterparts 1D sets (curves) are digitized using the grid-intersection digitization model 2D and 3D sets are digitized using the Gauss or Jordan digitization models Domain digitization defines a general digitization model The Bresenham algorithm digitizes lines using the grid-intersection digitization model 25/25