PA170 Digital Geometry Lecture 4: Distance Measurement Martin Maˇska ( Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Autumn 2023 INTRODUCTION TO DISTANCE TRANSFORMS Distance Transforms Let I be a binary image, defined on a grid G, with nonempty foreground I as well as background I . For any grid metric d, the d distance transform of I associates with every image element p ∈ G the (shortest) d distance from p to I Remark: The distance from p ∈ S to T ⊆ S is defined as d(p, T) = min q∈T d(p, q) Binary image d4 distance transform d8 distance transform Binary image Distance graph Distance map Iso-distance curves 3/21 Distance Transforms: Commentary If one is interested in distances between background image elements and the foreground, the role of background and foreground is exchanged Foreground and background distance transforms are sometimes represented by the signed distance function Distance transforms are exploited in a broad range of applications: Separation of touching objects Computation of morphological operators (dilation, erosion) Computation of geometrical representations (skeletonization, Voronoi tesselation, Delaunay triangulation, medial axes, etc.) Robot navigation Distance-based shape measurements (object centers, maximal width, etc.) Pattern (shape) matching Image registration k-NN computation . . . 4/21 DISTANCE TRANSFORM FOR REGULAR METRICS Regular Distance Transform: Preliminaries Let p ∈ G be a grid point of a grid G. Its α-adjacency set Aα(p) can be split into two disjoint sets (Aα(p) = A← α (p) ∪ A→ α (p)), depending on whether an adjacent grid point q ∈ G precedes (q ∈ A← α (p)) or follows (q ∈ A→ α (p)) the grid point p when scanning G row by row from top to bottom and each row is scanned from left to right A← 4 (p) A→ 4 (p) A← 8 (p) A→ 8 (p) 6/21 Regular Distance Transform: Two-Pass Algorithm 1 In a single left-to-right, top-to-bottom scan of G calculate for each image element p f1(p) = 0, if p ∈ I min{f1(q) + w(p, q) : q ∈ A← α (p)}, if p ∈ I 2 In a single right-to-left, bottom-to-top scan of G calculate for each image element p f2(p) = min{f1(p), f2(q) + w(p, q) : q ∈ A→ α (p)} = d(p, I ) where w(p, q) = 1 in case of d4 and d8; and w(p, q) = a for 4-adjacent image elements and w(p, q) = b for 8-adjacent image elements in case of da,b (0 < a ≤ b ≤ 2a) First pass (d4) Second pass (d4) First pass (d8) Second pass (d8) 7/21 Two-Pass Algorithm: Properties The calculated distances are exact for all regular metrics on digital grids Easy implementation without the need for an auxiliary image buffer (i.e., only the input binary image and the ouput image with the calculated distances are needed) Straightforward extension into higher dimensions, especially for higher-dimensional chamfer distances Its time complexity is O(n) (n is the number of image elements) 8/21 EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE TRANSFORM (EDT) Classification of Algorithms for EDT Remark: The Euclidean metric de is not regular on digital grids, and thus the incremental propagation of distances is not so straightforward Brute-force approaches Exact but inefficient calculation of Euclidean distances Ordered-propagation approaches Efficient but non-exact calculation of Euclidean distances The Fast Marching algorithm is relatively difficult to implement (see PA166) Raster-scanning approaches Efficient but non-exact calculation of Euclidean distances Danielsson’s algorithm is easy to implement 10/21 Danielsson’s Algorithm: Main Idea It is a two-pass, raster-scanning algorithm for calculating non-exact Euclidean distance transforms It propagates pairs of integers (not distances themselves), which encode the absolute values of the relative coordinates of the nearest background image element The pairs of integers are propagated from top to bottom and from bottom to top, being compared as follows: min{(x1, y1), (x2, y2)} is equal to (xi, yi) for which x2 i + y2 i is smaller. If they are equal the pair with the smaller x-coordinate is taken. 11/21 Danielsson’s Algorithm: Pseudocode 1 Set integer pairs in tmp to (0, 0) (or (∞, ∞)) for background (or foreground) pixels 2 For each row of tmp (from top to bottom), replace each (f(x), f(y)) 1 from left to right with min{(f(x), f(y)), (f(x), f(y − 1)) + (0, 1)} 2 from left to right with min{(f(x), f(y)), (f(x − 1), f(y)) + (1, 0)} 3 from right to left with min{(f(x), f(y)), (f(x + 1), f(y)) + (1, 0)} 3 For each row of tmp (from bottom to top), replace each (f(x), f(y)) 1 from right to left with min{(f(x), f(y)), (f(x), f(y + 1)) + (0, 1)} 2 from right to left with min{(f(x), f(y)), (f(x + 1), f(y)) + (1, 0)} 3 from left to right with min{(f(x), f(y)), (f(x − 1), f(y)) + (1, 0)} 4 Calculate the Euclidean distances from the integer pairs stored in tmp Final integer pairs (tmp) Euclidean distances 12/21 Danielsson’s Algorithm: Erroneous Distances b = 1 √ 2 + a2 − 1 2 ≈ a + 1 √ 2 < a + 1 13/21 Danielsson’s Algorithm: Discussion The calculated distances are not always exact, differing from the Euclidean distances by a fraction of the grid constant at most Easy implementation with the need of an auxiliary image buffer Possible extension into higher dimensions Its time complexity is O(n) (n is the number of image elements) Different masks and propagation strategies can be taken to improve the accuracy of the calculated distances 14/21 GEODESIC DISTANCE Geodesic Distance (Intrinsic Distance) A geodesic distance between two points p ∈ S and q ∈ S is defined as the length of the shortest path ρ = (p = p1, p2, . . . , pn = q), pi ∈ S, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, from p and q within a set S: dS (p, q) = L(ρ) = n−1 i=1 dN(pi, pi+1) where dN(·, ·) is the distance between two adjacent points along the path ρ The shortest 8-path (of length 5) and 4-paths (of length 16 and 8) within different sets of pixels 16/21 Geodesic Distance: Algorithm Raster-scanning approaches are not suitable because they must run until stability Ordered-propagation approaches are thus preferred: Their main idea is to process image elements from closest to farthest A positive distance between adjacent image elements (i.e., dN > 0) guarantees that every image element is propagated only once Dijkstra algorithm (a graph-based approach): O(m · log n) (m is the number of edges, and n is the number of vertices) Fast Marching algorithm (a PDE-based approach): O(n · log n) (n is the number of image elements) 17/21 DISTANCES BETWEEN SETS Hausdorff Metric (Hausdorff Distance) Any metric d on a compact set S can be extended to a Hausdorff metric on the family of all nonempty compact subsets A, B of S by defining HD(A, B) = max max p∈A min q∈B d(p, q), max p∈B min q∈A d(p, q) The Hausdorff distance is very sensitive to outliers Percentile Hausdorff distance (the inner maxima replaced by a percentile – often the 95th percentile), average distance (the inner maxima replaced by averaging), and symmetric-difference-based metrics (card(A∆B) and card(A∆B) 1+card(A∪B)) are used in practice 19/21 Hausdorff Distance: Algorithm Let A, B ⊂ Gm,n be two finite sets of grid points Let R be the smallest isothetic rectangle of size k ×l, which contains A ∪ B If card(A) and card(B) are O(k · l), a brute-force algorithm takes O(k2 · l2) steps By calculating and scanning distance transforms of A and B, the Hausdorff distance HD(A, B) can efficiently be calculated in O(k · l) steps: 1 Calculate a distance transform DT(A) in R 2 Calculate a distance transform DT(B) in R 3 Let a be the maximum value in DT(A) across all the grid points in B 4 Let b be the maximum value in DT(B) across all the grid points in A 5 Return max{a, b} 20/21 Take-Home Messages Distance transforms for regular metrics can be calculated exactly on digital grids using a two-pass algorithm Non-exact Euclidean distance transforms can efficiently be computed using the Danielsson algorithm Geodesic (intrinsic) distances can efficiently be computed using ordered-propagation approaches Modified Hausdorff distances are often used in practice when calculating distances between sets 21/21