PA170 Digital Geometry Lecture 08: Digital Straightness and Convexity Martin Maˇska ( Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Autumn 2023 Motivation: Straightness in 2D Digital Spaces A digital arc is considered straight if it corresponds to the digitization of a straight line segment The recognition of digital straight line segments and decomposition of digital arcs into such segments play crucial roles in many applications such as the estimation of curve length or the simplification of shapes A straight line and its digitization Four straight line segments and their digitization 2/19 DIGITAL RAYS Digital Rays as Binary Words Let γα,β = {(x, αx + β) : 0 ≤ x < ∞, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1} be a real ray with the slope α and intercept β. Its grid-intersection digitization R(γα,β) is called a digital ray, and it corresponds to a sequence of grid points (n, In) ∈ Z2: R(γα,β) = Iα,β = {(n, In) : n ≥ 0 ∧ In = αn + β + 0.5 } Digital rays can be represented as binary words iα,β over the {0, 1} alphabet where iα,β(n) = In+1 − In, n ≥ 0, zeros correspond to horizontal steps, and ones correspond to diagonal steps 4/19 Word Theory Terminology and Notation A word defined over an alphabet A is a sequence of elements of A The set of all words defined over A is denoted as A The set of all infinite words over A is denoted as A∞ A word v ∈ A is called a factor of a word u ∈ A iff there exist words v1 ∈ A and v2 ∈ A such that u = v1vv2 An integer k ≥ 1 is called a period of a word u = a0a1 . . . an−1 if ai = ai+k (i = 0, . . . , n − 1 − k) An infinite word w ∈ A∞ is called periodic if it is of the form w = v∞ for some nonempty finite word v ∈ A An infinite word w ∈ A∞ is called eventually periodic if it is of the form w = uv∞ for some nonempty finite words u, v ∈ A An infinite word w ∈ A is called aperiodic if it is not eventually periodic 5/19 Digital Rays: Terminology and Theory Digital rays are right infinite binary words Digital straight lines (DSLs) are infinite binary words in both directions Digital straight line segments (DSSs) are finite binary words DSSs are nonempty finite factors of digital rays A finite or infinite 8-arc is called irreducible iff its set of grid points does not remain 8-connected after removing a nonendpoint from it A digital ray is called rational if α is rational and irrational if α is irrational Connectivity: A digital ray is an irreducible 8-arc Self-similarity: For irrational α, Iα,β uniquely determines both α and β. For rational α, Iα,β uniquely determines α, and β is determined up to an interval Periodicity: Rational digital rays are periodic and irrational digital rays are aperiodic 6/19 CHARACTERIZATION OF DIGITAL STRAIGHT LINE SEGMENTS Offline and Online DSS Recognition Algorithms Many linear DSS recognition algorithms have been introduced Offline algorithms decide whether a finite binary word u ∈ {0, 1} is a DSS Online algorithms sequentially read a finite binary word u ∈ {0, 1} and determine the highest k ≥ 0 such that u(0), . . . , u(k) is a DSS, but u(0), . . . , u(k + 1) is not Remark: Linear online algorithms produce digital arc decomposition in linear time, whereas linear offline algorithms carry out this decomposition in quadratic time. 8/19 Tangential Lines Let u be an 8-arc of length n and G(u) = {p0, p1, . . . , pn−1} be the assigned set of grid points such that p0 = (0, 0) and u connects p0 with pn−1 via a sequence of horizontal and diagonal steps through p1, . . . , pn−2 u is a DSS iff G(u) lies on or between two parallel lines with a distance apart that is less 1 (measured in the vertical direction) 9/19 Chord Property Let u be an irreducible 8-arc of length n and G(u) = {p0, p1, . . . , pn−1} be the assigned set of grid points such that p0 = (0, 0) and u connects p0 with pn−1 via a sequence of horizontal and diagonal steps through p1, . . . , pn−2 G(u) satisfies the chord property iff for any two different points p, q ∈ G(u) and any point r on the real line segment between p and q, there exists a grid point t ∈ G(u) such that d8(r, t) < 1 u is a DSS iff G(u) satisfies the chord property 10/19 Syntactic Characterization: Preliminaries Let u = (u(i))i∈I (I ⊆ Z) be a word over N A digit k ∈ N is called singular in u iff k appears in u and, for all i ∈ I such that i − 1 and i + 1 are in I, if u(i) = k, u(i − 1) = k and u(i + 1) = k A digit k ∈ N is called nonsingular in u iff k appears in u and is not singular in u u is reducible iff u contains no singular digit or any factor of u that contains only nonsingular digits is finite Let u be reducible, and let R(u) be one the following: The length of u if u is finite and contains no singular digit; or The word that results from u by replacing all of its factors of nonsingular digits in u that are between two singular digits in u by their run lengths, and by deleting all other digits from u; or The digit d if u = d∞ Recursive application of this reduction operation R produces a sequence of reducible words u0, u1, . . . where u0 = u and ui+1 = R(ui), i ≥ 0 What is the sequence of reducible words after recursive application of R on u =11011101110111011110111011101111011101110111101110111011110111011101110111101110111011110111? 11/19 Syntactic characterization of DSLs and DSSs A two-sided infinite 8-arc u is a DSL iff u0 = u, u1, . . . (where ui+1 = R(ui), i ≥ 0) are reducible words and satisfy the following two conditions: L1 There are at most two different digits d and e in ui, and, if there are two, |d − e| = 1 L2 If there are two different digits in ui, at least one of them is singular. Let u be a finite 8-arc, and l(u) and r(u) be the run lengths of nonsingular digits to the left of the first singular digit and to the right of the last singular digit in u. u is a DSS iff u = u0 satisfies L1 and L2, and any sequence ui = R(ui−1) satisfies L1 and L2 as well as the following: S1 If ui contains only one digit d or two different digits d and d + 1, l(ui−1) ≤ d + 1 and r(ui−1) ≤ d + 1 S2 If ui contains two different digits d and d + 1 and d is nonsingular in ui, ui starts with d if l(ui−1) = d + 1 and ends with d if r(ui−1) = d + 1 Is u =11011101110111011110111011101111011101110111101110111011110111011101110111101110111011110111 a DSS? 12/19 DIGITAL CONVEXITY Convex Sets and Convex Hulls M ⊆ S is called convex if, for any distinct p, q ∈ M, the straight line segment between p and q is contained in M Any intersection of convex subsets of S is a convex set The intersection C(M) of all of the convex subsets of S that contain M is called the convex hull of M 14/19 Digitally Convex Sets A digital set is convex if it is obtained as the digitization of a convex set The Gauss digitization of a convex set M ⊆ R2 may not be 8-connected The cross digitization of a convex set M ⊆ R2 is always simply 8-connected A set ∅ = S ⊆ Z2 is called digitally convex iff there exists a convex set M ⊆ R2, the cross digitization of which is S Gauss digitization of a convex set Cross digitization of a convex set 15/19 Digitally Convex Sets: Properties A finite set M ⊆ Z2 is digitally convex iff any of the following is true: M satisfies the chord property For all p, q ∈ M, at least one DSS with p and q as endpoints is contained in M For p, q, r ∈ M, all of the grid points in the triangle pqr are in M Any grid point on the real line segment between two grid points of M is also in M A digitally convex set The 2nd property The 3rd property The 4th property 16/19 Border Segments: Digital Convexity Test The Euclidean convex hull C(M) of any M ⊆ Z2 is a convex polygon with vertices that are all 4-border pixels of M If M is simply 8-connected, 4-border tracing visits all of the 4-border pixels of M sequentially The vertices of C(M) partition the sequence of border pixels into subsequences that start and end at successive vertices of C(M) These subsequences are called border segments of M A digitally convex set Its border segments A digitally nonconvex set Its border segments Digital convexity test: A finite proper simply 8-connected subset M of Z2 is digitally convex iff every border segment of M is a DSS 17/19 Convex Completion S is called a digitally convex completion of M ⊆ Z2 iff S contains M and is digitally convex, and S \ U is not digitally convex for any U ⊆ S \ M A digitally nonconvex set Its convex completion 18/19 Take-Home Messages Digital rays can be represented as right infinite binary words Digital straight lines can be represented as two-sided infinite binary words Digital straight line segments are nonempty finite factors of digital rays Digital straight line segments can be characterized using the tangential lines, chord property, or syntactic analysis Digitally convex sets are the cross digitization counterparts of real convex sets Border segments of simply 8-connected digital sets can efficiently be exploited to check whether these sets are digitally convex 19/19