PA170 Digital Geometry Lecture 09: Content Measurement Martin Maˇska ( Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Autumn 2023 Motivation: Convergence of Estimators A real disk D of unit diameter has the area A(D) = π 4 and the perimeter P(D) = π The area of a digitized disk converges toward the area of the real disk with an increasing grid resolution h: lim h→∞ A(digh(D)) = A(D) = π 4 The perimeter of a digitized disk does not converge toward the perimeter of the real disk: lim h→∞ P(digh(D)) = 4 h = 1 h = 5 h = 10 h = 17 2/16 Multigrid Convergence Let F be a family of sets S in Rn, digh(S) be a digitization of S on a grid of resolution h, and Q be a property (e.g., area, perimeter, or length) defined for all S ∈ F An estimator EQ is called multigrid convergent for F and for digh iff, for any S ∈ F, there is a grid resolution hS > 0 such that the estimated value EQ(digh(S)) is defined for any grid resolution h ≥ hS, and |EQ(digh(S)) − Q(S)| ≤ κ(h) where κ is a speed of convergence function that converges toward zero as h → ∞ Examples of theoretical results (for any grid resolution h > 0 and Gauss digitization Gh) For any planar convex set S, |A(Gh(S)) − A(S)| = O(h−1) [Gauss & Dirichlet] For any centered disk D, |A(Gh(D)) − A(D)| = Ω(h−1.5) [Hardy 1913] For any planar convex 3-smooth set S, |A(Gh(S)) − A(S)| = O(h−100 73 · (log h) 315 146 ) [Huxley 1993] 3/16 AREA ESTIMATION Area Estimators Let S ⊆ R2 be a planar compact set and A(S) be its true area The area of the Gauss digitization Gh(S) converges toward A(S) The area of the inner and outer Jordan digitizations J− h (S) and J+ h (S), respectively, converges toward A(S) too Therefore, the area of any digitization between J− h (S) and J+ h (S) also converges toward A(S) 5/16 Discrete Column-Wise Integration The area A(Π) of an isothetic grid polygon Π can be calculated as A(Π) = 1 h2 · (α0 − L 2 − 1) where h > 0 is grid resolution, α0 is the number of grid points in Π, and L is the total length of its frontier Both L and α0 can easily be calculated during border tracing. In particular, α0 can be calculated using discrete column-wise integration: 1 α0 = 0 2 α0 = α0 + y for all grid points (x, y) at the upper end of a vertical run of object grid points 3 α0 = α0 − y + 1 for all grid points (x, y) at the bottom end of such a run 6/16 LENGTH ESTIMATION Preliminaries The frontier of a simply connected, planar compact set S is a simple, rectifiable curve γ : [0, 1] → R2 Three possible digitizations of γ are as follows: [A] A cyclic ordered sequence ρh(γ) of grid points derived from the grid-intersection digitization of γ in Z2 h [B] A cyclic ordered sequence of grid vertices of 2-cells on the frontier of the Gauss digitization Gh(S) of S [C] The closed difference set between the outer and inner Jordan digitizations (i.e., M = (J+ h (S) \ J− h (S))• ) Set S and its topological frontier γ Cyclic ordered sequence ρh(γ) 8/16 Local Estimators ([A]) The true curve length L(γ) is approximated as a weighted sum of different types of steps in ρh(γ), which is easy to implement and unique, but not multigrid convergent Let ni and nd be the number of isothetic and diagonal steps, respectively, and nc be the number of transitions between these two types of steps in ρh(γ) The geometric length estimator approximates L(γ) as LGEOM(ρh(γ)) = 1 h · (ni + √ 2 · nd ) The best linear unbiased estimator minimizes the mean square error between the estimated and true curve length: LBLUE (ρh(γ)) = 1 h · (0.948 · ni + 1.343 · nd ) The cornercount estimator approximates L(γ) as LCOC(ρh(γ)) = 1 h · (0.980 · ni + 1.406 · nd − 0.091 · nc) 9/16 DSS-Based Estimators ([B]) The true curve length L(γ) is approximated by integrating lengths of the maximum-length digital straight line segments in the digitization of γ, which is easy to implement and multigrid convergent, but not unique The basic DSS-based estimator calculates LDSS(digh(γ)) as the length of the resulting polygon (or of the polygonal arc in case of open curves) The most probable original length estimator calculates LMPO(digh(γ)) by replacing the real DSS lengths in LDSS(digh(γ)) with n h · 1 + a2 h where n is the length of the binary-word representation of a particular DSS and ah is the estimation of its slope 10/16 Tangent-Based Estimator: Preliminaries Let γ(t) be a parametrized curve (i.e., γ(t) = (x(t), y(t)), a ≤ t ≤ b) Apart from uniquely determining the geometric location of all the curve points, a parametrization provides information about the curve orientation and its speed v(t): v(t) = ˙γ(t) 2 = ( ˙x(t), ˙y(t)) 2 where ˙x(t) = dx(t) dt and ˙y(t) = dy(t) dt If γ is rectifiable, its length L(γ) is given as L(γ) = b a v(t)dt = b a ( ˙x(t), ˙y(t)) 2dt = b a ( ˙x(t))2 + ( ˙y(t))2dt 11/16 Tangent-Based Estimator ([B]) The true curve length L(γ) is approximated by integrating ( ˙x, ˙y) 2 along digh(γ), which is multigrid convergent and unique, but substantially slower than local and DSS-based estimators due to the cost associated with the estimation of normals By tracing the ordered sequence of 0-cells and estimating digitized curve normals at these locations using a DSS algorithm, the tangent-based estimator approximates L(γ) as LTAN(digh(γ)) = p∈A n1(p) + n2(p) 2 · n0(p) where A is the set of all frontier 1-cells of digh(γ), n0(p) is the unit normal to p ∈ A, and n1(p) and n2(p) are the estimated normals at the endpoints of p 12/16 MLP-Based Estimators ([C]) In case of closed curves, MLP is a minimum-length polygon that circumscribes the inner frontier of M and is in the interior of its outer frontier In case of open curves, MLP is a minimum-length polygonal arc that is incident with all 2-cells in M The MLP-based estimator calculates LMLP(digh(γ)) as the length of the resulting polygon (or the polygonal arc in case of open curves), which is multigrid convergent and unique, but slower than local and DSS-based estimators due to the cost associated with the MLP construction 13/16 Comparison of Length Estimators: Main Observations A comparative study of the introduced length estimators conducted in [Coeurjolly & Klette, 2004] The analyzed dataset contained convex as well as nonconvex shapes, digitized on grids of sizes between 30×30 and 1000×1000 grid points Main Observations All the evaluated estimators converge, but the local ones toward false values with relative errors about 2 % at maximum grid resolution All the evaluated estimators run in linear time, but TAN is roughly three times slower than its competitors at maximum grid resolution All the evaluated estimators but the local ones are nearly orientation-independent, with relative errors up to 2 %. The relative error committed by BLUE is from 4 % to 12 % for a square rotated between 30 and 60 degrees 14/16 Length Estimators: Summary Method Multigrid Discrete Unique GEOM No Possibly Yes BLUE No Possibly Yes COC No Possibly Yes DSS Yes Yes No MPO Yes Yes No TAN Yes Yes Yes MLP Yes Yes Yes Multigrid Is the estimator multigrid convergent at least for convex curves? Discrete Does the core of the estimation algorithm deal only with integers? Unique Is the result independent of initialization? 15/16 Take-Home Messages The area of Gauss as well as inner and outer Jordan digitizations of planar compact sets converge to true areas of these sets Local length estimators are fast and unique, but not multigrid convergent DSS-based and MPO-based estimators are multigrid convergent, but not unique MLP-based and TAN-based estimators are multigrid convergent and unique at the expense of their speed 16/16