Collision detection and response in the assignment Marek Trtík PA199 ‹#› Collision detection: Broad phase ‹#› Collision detection: Broad phase ‹#› Collision detection: Narrow phase ‹#› Collision detection: Narrow phase ‹#› Collision response ‹#› Collision response We can model the situation as Compute the relative velocity ‹#› Collision response ‹#› Collision response ‹#› Implementation notes ‹#› uRecommendations: uBuild tests and test scenes for collision detection and response algorithms. u => Do not build the complete scene of the game (all paddles all wall u bricks). u => Test function “closest_point_on_line” is different situations u (configurations of line’s points and the reference point). u => Test all phases of the collision detection in separate test scenes. u => Test collison response in separate test scenes (for different velocities u of the ball and the paddle). Implementation notes