Teint Description A 3D FPS puzzle platformer set in an abstract land, where the player is equipped with a colorful gun, that gives the world unique properties. Player has to go through various puzzles, each one of them solvable by blasting their gun. The purpose of the gun is not to hurt, but to brighten the world, devoided of color and to shape the environment to solve the puzzles. Unique points - Changeable environment, need to move a box? Use a color! Need to climb a wall? Use a color! The color is the answer to everything in this game, the world may feel empty at first, but once you're finished, there will be hardly a spot you've missed with your gun. - Calm game for casual players that enjoy solving various colorful puzzles in a creative way be it at home or on travels. No need for action and quick movement this time, warm up your brains instead. - Pair all of these with simple, yet pleasing aestetics, followed with relaxing music and a compeling story creating a truly unique abstract experience. David Hanina, 496353 Features The gun - Sprays color! Requires ammo! Use at your own risk! (must-have) Environment - The color of objects should define their properties, such as weight, physics material and reaction with other objects. the color should be sprayable, changing the properties of sprayed ground, change the properties of a whole object (such as box). There should also be some blocks that do not absorb the color and never change their properties. (must-have) Properties - Slippery blue, sticky green, heavy red, what other properties for the colors can we think of? (must-have) Interesting puzzles - The experience of our level designers really shows this time! (must-have) Save - Depending on the details, the world may be composed of few small levels or it might be a open-world with puzzles scattered around the world. (important) Story - Why is the world without a color? Where did it all go? Just a few hints here and there, nothing overly specific, let the player decide. (important) Audio - What is an abstract world without an accompanying music in the background? (nice-to-have) David Hanina, 496353 Vision Designer / Programmer / Audioengineer / Artist Artist -> Opt out for (small!!!) open world with puzzles all around and more appealing, but very abstract story, imagine a puzzle structured game like The Witness. Audioengineer -> Use level based design with relaxing music in the background and audio-based clues for the gameplay, imagine a puzzle structured game like Portal. Gameplay Loop Observe the puzzle -> Solve the puzzle -> Reward the player. Solving the puzzle consists of moving the player, moving the objects, and shooting the gun. Nothing overly complicated - you can imagine pressure plates, doors, boxes and so on - the classical puzzle bundle. Rewarding the player, I believe this is very important and will probably consist of unlocking new color, a small piece of story or upgrading the gun? There are no bigger goals in the game, no replay value, no score, and no achievements. The easiest thing is to create an environment for speedrunners by timing their runs. However, I'm confident in delivering a one-time experience. David Hanina, 496353 Mood Seriously, there is not that many games with these asthetics, but no color! David Hanina, 496353