The Lost Tongue Target audience: fans of decyphering, riddles exploration and pacisfism Genre: Puzzle action-adventure Inspirations: Hades, Scriblenauts Setting: Combination of arabic and nordic Concept: The nameless protagonist wakes up alone with barely any memories in a barren desert. The only thing he remembers is that he is an archaeologist on a mission. He has to figure out everything else, including the purpose of the mission. Throughout his journey, he manages to find more artifacts with odd glyphs that unlock memories, revealing new surroundings but also new dangers. With the power of glyphs, the protagonist is able to defend himself and continue discovering the world. Mechanics: • Exploring: Leads to finding more artefacts to solve • Solving: Leads to unlocking more content • Defending: The protagonist was never trained to fight therefore, he has to keep defending himself and outsmart potential dangers Visually the game is inspired by Hades, the concept of words having power to spawn objects is inspired by Scriblenauts.