Inkwell Realms High concept statement "Inkwell Realms" is a roguelike card-based narra6ve-driven game that employs advanced AI algorithms for story genera6on. Players take on the role of an aspiring author who has no crea6vity. Luckily, one day he finds a pair of ancient virtual reality goggles. These goggles, powered by advanced AI, transport the player into diverse fic6onal worlds. Through firsthand experiences in these AI-craEed narra6ves, players gather inspira6on to write bestselling books. 1. Se2ng and theme Set in the modern world with a twist of magical realism, the protagonist discovers ancient VR goggles. These goggles, containing remnants of an AI from a lost civiliza6on, become the conduit to countless narra6ves, each more intricate than the last. The narra6ves could be any fic6on: sci-fi, horror, detec6ve, horror etc. 2. Core ideas - AI-driven VR Dive: Players enter a realm of AI-generated story instances. The advanced AI algorithm tailors seJngs, themes, characters, and plots dynamically, ensuring each narra6ve feels both unpredictable and engaging. - Deck crea2on & customiza2on Before each dive, players curate a deck from combat and dialogue cards, influencing the story's flow and resolu6on within the AI-craEed narra6ve. Not all cards are available to the player, instead he is presented an op6on to choose from randomly “dropped” cards aEer each dive, like in Slay the Spire. - Combat System Engage in turn-based strategy combat with NPCs. Use combat cards, ranging from offense to defense, and form combos for maximum effect. - Dialogue System Interact with in-game characters using dialogue cards. Your choices can lead to alliances, betrayals, secrets, and other narra6ve twists. Illogical choices (such as allying with the main antagonist) could make finishing the dive easier, but also lower the quality of the book. - Book CraAing: Upon exi6ng the VR, players craE a book based on their experiences. Books earn revenue based on the cohesiveness and quality of the stories within. Over 6me, players can build a library of their crea6ons. Quality of the book and real-world trends affects the sales. Powerful “corrup6on” cards - called Plot Holes - make the combat/dialogue significantly easier, but also lower the book quality, resul6ng in fewer sales. - In-Game Economy: Use earnings from book sales to purchase new cards, enhance exis6ng cards, or invest in other assets that can enhance future dives into the VR. 3. Progression System: - Earnings and Reputa2on: Successful books earn more money and increase the author's reputa6on. A higher reputa6on can unlock special cards or unique story instances. - Skill & Equipment Upgrades: Use earnings to purchase new wri6ng tools or soEware, each providing different bonuses. For instance, a be^er pen might increase the chances of epic cards appearing in the next VR dive. - Deck Expansion: As players progress, they can hold more cards in their deck, allowing for more complex strategies and narra6ves. 4. Quality of a book Quality would be determined by various factors, such as story cohesiveness or its complexity. Lower quality books are wri^en faster, allowing the player to hop on exis6ng trends, while higher quality books are more successful overall, but require more 6me and planning. Target audience of a book also plays a factor. For example, wri6ng a high-complexity book that is intended for children, or wri6ng a book full of plot-holes intended for mature audiences would result in lower sales. InspiraCon The idea of simulated worlds (VR dives) comes from the Ne_lix show The Midnight Gospel, where the main character has a simulator and visits various worlds, about which he then makes podcasts. Crea6ng a high-quality book would be similar to the game “Game Dev Tycoon”, where player creates games and makes various choices (gameplay, graphics, sound etc.), which then decides whether the game is successful or not. The book trends would work similarly as the game trends, for example horror books are popular now, while children books are not. The player could write sequels, make books that happen in the same world he wrote about before etc. Deckbuilding is heavily inspired by Slay the Spire (evil game).