(set: $fatigue to 100)
(set: $hunger to 30)
(set: $self_confidence to 50)
Welcome to the day simulator minigame
[[Start|Wake up]]
{(set: $snooze to it + 1)
(set:$fatigue to it - 5)
(set:$hunger to it + 5)
(if:$hunger <150)[Your alarm wakes you up again [[Hit the snooze button]][[Get up from the bed]]]}
(if:$hunger > 149)[You died of [[starvation]]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence
(if:$snooze is 0)[Oh wow, you managed to get up without hitting the snooze button. You must be feeling pretty good about yourself. Although, perhaps not as well-rested as you'd like.(set:$self_confidence to it +15)[[Eat breakfast]]]
(else-if:$snooze < 6)[You feel rested although you don't have as much time as you would've wished [[Eat breakfast]]]
(else-if:$snooze > 5)[You overslept so you have no time for breakfast [[Go to work]]]}
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence
(set:$hunger to it -15)
You had breakfast and now you're ready to go into the world [[Go to work]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidenceAt work your Boss calls you out for messing something up again what do you do?
[[Argue with him]] [[Let it go]] [[Punch him]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence(if:$self_confidence > 60)[You win the argument and you feel better about yourself. You go on with your work untill your(set:$self_confidence to it + 15) [[shift ends]]]
(else-if:$self_confidence < 61)[You lose the argument and you feel like an idiot for even trying to argue. You go on with your work until your(set:$self_confidence to it -15) [[shift ends]]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence(set:$self_confidence to it - 10)
You let it slide and ignore what your boss tells you even though you're not happy about it.
Your [[shift ends]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence(if:$snooze > 9)[You are able to punch him. Boss collapses on the ground and everyone cheers but then you [[Wake up]]]
(else-if:$hunger < 16)[(set:$self_confidence to it + 15)You hit your Boss and he fights back. Because you had your breakfast this morning you win the fight however someone called the cops and they are on their way there. Do you wait for them to [[take you to jail]] or do you [[run]]]
(else-if:$hunger > 16) [(set:$self_confidence to it - 15)You hit your boss and he fights back. Because you're not at your full strength you lose and he calls the cops. They [[take you to jail]]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence(if:$self_confidence > 70)[The cops are understanding of your situation and they let you go. You [[Go home]](set:$self_confidence to it + 5)]
(if:$self_confidence <71)[The cops make you stay in the jail for 2 days before they let you [[Go home]](set:$self_confidence to it -40)]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidenceThe cops catch you anyway and they [[take you to jail]] (set:$self_confidence to it -15)
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidenceOn your way home you start feeling exhausted and hungry from all the events.
(set:$fatigue to it + 60)(set:$hunger to it +60)
(if:$hunger > 149)[You died of [[starvation]]]
You walk until you [[get home]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence[[Go home]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidence(set:$fatigue to it -80)
(set:$snooze to 0)
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[Your alarm wakes you up]
[[Hit the snooze button]]
(align:"==>")+(box:"X=")[[Get up from the bed]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidenceAt home you cook some food
and [[go to bed|Wake up]]
Your needs and feelings:
fatigue: $fatigue
hunger: $hunger
self confidence: $self_confidenceYou died