Element of Game Design by Robert Zubek This book is about process of basics game design. It covers basic tools and techniques used in the industry. It's written for people who just starting with game design.povzbudit's I the book author described game to be composed of Mechanics and systems, Gameplay and Player experience. • Mechanics are the game objects and actions that the player interacts with. They can be assembled into systems with specific properties. • Gameplay is the process of players interacting with game mechanics. • Player experience is the player's subjective experience of gameplay. The book has 7 chapters: Elements, Player Experience, Mechanics, Systems, Gameplay, Macrostructure, Prototyping and Playtesting One of the strengths of the book is that it uses examles of real games for better explanation game desing concepts and processes used in games. Game also encourages further exploration of topics with further reading section at end of each chapter. Another nice thing about book is inclusion of exercises at end of each chapter to test your understanding of the topic. Only issue which I had with this book is that I would like more information about some topics but I undestand if it had given more information about each topic the book would become too dense. And this problem is already solved with further reading sections. In conclusion really enjoyed reading a book. I learned some usefull information about the topic and I would recomend it to everyone who wants too learn something about games and their design. 1