# Theory of Fun for Game Design by Raph Koster I didn't like the book. For someone who isn't absolutely new to Game Design it does very little to broaden their horizons. I still think that I know very about Game Design and still, this book was very boring for me. Theory of Fun for Game Design consists of 12 chapters, a prologue and an epilogue. ### Let's start with the good stuff! As the book progresses it takes more serious note (Although still not fully). This suits Raph way more than the childish aporach (At least in my opinion). I espcially enjoyed his allegory about a game where your goal is to throw people in the pit and they try to stack on each other to climb out. He then explains that this is basically tetris, with very different tone and presenatation. This was tought provoking, funny, informative and well presented. But still only ankles deep... ## Now the bad stuff.. In my opinion the biggest shortcoming of Theory of Fun is that it talks about it's themes only on the surface, and doesn't get too specific about anythig. Many of the ideas and perspectives presented are just too boring and basic. To many of conclusions (Which are not many) I could come myself with just a little bit of time. ## Summary Raph Koster is undoubtably a great Game Designer who knows what he is talking about. That!s the more reson for him to delve deeper into Game Design theories and tell us what actually makes games fun. Instead I feel like this book is just him rambeling about ankle deep topics that reveolve around "Theory of Fun". ## Who would I suggest this book? Propably to someone that is interested in game design, but didn't study anything about it yet.