Antichamber is a minimalistic puzzle game set in a non-Euclidean space • Minimalistic o Single color environment o No music / FX / special effects • Puzzle o Connected "rooms" composed into a labyrinth o Each room is a puzzle o Thinking outside the box • Non-Euclidean o The space doesn't work how it suppose to o Lots of optical illusions and camera/rendering tricks Antichamber is a strange game with some remarkably simple visuals. Dull single color with just enough details to make the game playable. But what lacks in graphic is more than made up for in gameplay. You start in a small room with some branching paths and as you progress throughout the game, your newly discovered places are added to your ever-expanding map of labyrinth. You can always return to a hub and pick an already discovered place from which to continue. At every step you are presented with a new puzzle to solve. But these are not your usual "find the key" or "push the button" type of puzzles. Many of them are set in a 3D space that simply does not make any sense. Things behave differently depending on how you look at them, paths lead to places that can't realistically exists and trying to understand any of it just gives you more questions. These features combined with abstract environment gives a unique fell of “other-worldiness”. Every puzzle is also accompanied by a sketch and short text, providing a morale for life thematically connected to the puzzle. After solving every puzzle, finding every secret and discovering the last corner of the maze, I was left with a feeling of accomplishment and a weird sense of wonder. The game itself is unique piece of media that will stick in the back of my mind for a long time.