# 20 Minutes Till Dawn 20 Minutes Till Dawn is a survival roguelike meta-prograss shoot 'em up video game. It was originally released on Steam in early access and later ported for Android and iOS. The main game mechanic consists of surviving as the name suggests, 20 minutes while enemies keep comming toward you. Before you strart you can choose a character and a gun, each with different abilities, both can be unlocked by paying with points rewarded for killing enemies. You can also buy runes which serve as small upgrades. After finishing a round you unlock a "level of darkness", which is just difficulty setting (each level increases a atribute of a type of enemy). For killing enemies you get experiece, which overtime gets you levels, after completing a level you get to choose one of 5 abilities. Levels reset each run. At the beginning the game seemed challenging but possible, then came the second "phase" of a round with which came a spike in difficulty. It takes a few runs to get a good enough build to finish the round. After which the game gets fairly easy for few rounds, then it starts getting harder and this time you can't just outlevel it. The game is fun, adictive and perfect for casual players.