PA215 Martin Macko 524865 Game design observation - Baldur’s Gate 3 Baldur’s Gate 3 is a top-down story-focused RPG implementing system of Dungeons and Dragons. It can be viewed as a whole D&D campaign ported to the computer. Player agency Game gives high importance and impact to player choices and also provides a plethora of ”fluff” decisions that enhance the experience but not the mechanics. Players are often presented with low-impact choices, with only a few groundbreaking decisions throughout the game. The player has full control of his/her own character that they have created, and partial control over the rest of party. The rest of the party follows the player’s choices but will voice their agreement or disagreement, and if player’s choice is directly opposed to a party member’s will, may result in further conflict. Player can influence party member’s decisions, given they are in a good standing. Adaptation of d&d rules Most of the rules and systems remain unchanged, and given the source rules have been developed for a few decades, there is not much to critique. Game deviates from standard rules in favor of fluidity of gameplay and to reduce frustration for players new to TTRPGs. Example: If members of the party are in the initiative order next to each other, they can take actions in an arbitrary order.(not possible in source rules) Experience. Game achieves outstanding graphical detail and at the same time very low loading times given the amount of assets even when playing from an HDD. Game manages to invest the player into the story and the characters of their party to the degree that they feel bad if they choose a decision their companions do not like. The ability to be able to talk to any NPC or being thrown to a prison when caught stealing instead of a fight to the death with the guards brought a smile to my face. 1