Big Data Analytics PA220: Database systems for data analytics Contents • properties of current data • architecture of data processing and analytics systems • challenges in Big Data processing • distributed data warehouse December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 2 Motivation • Data production • Information systems • Monitoring services • Sensors, GPS tracking • Social networks • Data processing • Storage & archiving • Summarization • Reporting • Visualization • Insights • Predictions 3December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Source: Data Production December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 4 Source: S. Kaisler, F. Armour, J. A. Espinosa, and W. Money, “Big Data: Issues and Challenges Moving Forward,” 46th Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., pp. 995–1004, 2013. Nature of Current Data and Processing • Volume • the amount of data increases tenfold every five years • Variety • varying data structure, text, multimedia, … • Velocity • continuous data flow from sensors, social networks, … • Veracity • with different data sources, it is getting more difficult to maintain data certainty • Value • ability to transform data into business • Real-time processing 5 Big Data Source: December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics • TDWI report, Q4 2014 • 105 companies over 500 emp. 6 Data Processed in Real-time December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Necessities for Big Data Analytics • infrastructure for big data • processing • batch • iterative • stream (real-time) • storage • key-value stores • column stores • algorithms for big data • data integration • data reporting • analytic functions • machine learning 7December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Computational & Storage Opportunities • horizontal scaling instead of vertical scaling • new platforms • HDFS & MapReduce (e.g., Hadoop) • distributed stream processing (e.g., Storm) • column storage (e.g., Vertica) • NoSQL platforms (e.g., HBase) • in-memory DBMSs (e.g., VoltDB) 8December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Hadoop Platform • SW library for distributed processing of large data sets • across clusters of computers • high-availability achieved on application layer by replication • tasks run / data stored on unreliable HW • HDFS – distributed high-throughput file system • designed for mostly immutable files • concurrent write not supported • cooperation with MapReduce – data & computation locality • MapReduce – programming model for large scale data processing • Map() – filtering and sorting, outputs “key,value” pairs • Reduce() – summarizing Map() results by their keys Map(k1,v1) → list(k2,v2) Reduce(k2, list (v2)) → list(k3,v3) 9December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics HDFS • Files are divided into blocks (chunks), typically 64 MB • The chunks are replicated at three different machines • an “intelligent” fashion, e.g., never all on the same computer rack • The block size and replication factor are tunable per file. • One machine is a name node (master) • The others are data nodes (chunk servers) • The master keeps track of all file metadata • mappings from files to chunks and locations of the chunks on data nodes • To find a file chunk, the client queries the master, and then it contacts the relevant data nodes. • The master’s metadata files are also replicated. • Files in HDFS are write-once (except for appends and truncates) • and have strictly one writer at any time. December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 10 HDFS Architecture December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 11 Source: Distributed Computation Platforms • batch processing -> MapReduce, Spark, … • stream processing -> Storm, Spark Streaming, … • MapReduce • a programming model for distributed data processing • cooperates with a distributed file system • A distributed computational task has three phases: • The map phase: data transformation • The grouping phase done automatically by the MapReduce Framework • The reduce phase: data aggregation • The user defines only map & reduce functions. 12December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics MapReduce – Map Function • Map function simplifies the problem in this way: • Input: a single data item (e.g., line of text) from a data file • Output: zero or more (key, value) pairs • The keys are not typical “primary keys”: • They do not have to be unique • A map task can produce several key-value pairs with the same key (even from a single input) • Map phase applies the map function to all items December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 13 MapReduce – Map Function • input data • map function • output data (color indicates the key value) December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 14 MapReduce – Grouping Phase • Grouping (Shuffling): The key-value outputs from the map phase are grouped by key • Values sharing the same key are sent to the same reducer • These values are consolidated into a single list (key, list) • This is convenient for the reduce function • This phase is realized by the MapReduce framework December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 15 • intermediate output (color indicates the key value) • grouping phase – shuffle function MapReduce – Reduce Function • Reduce: combine the values for each key • to achieve the final result(s) of the computational task • Input: (key, value-list) • value-list contains all values generated for given key in the Map phase • Output: (key, value-list) • zero or more output records December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 16 • input file • map function • output data (color indicates the key value) • shuffle function • reduce function • output records MapReduce Example: Word Count • Task: Calculate word frequency in a set of documents December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 17 map(String key, Text value): // key: document name (ignored) // value: content of document (words) foreach word w in value: emitIntermediate(w, 1); reduce(String key, Iterator values): // key: a word // values: a list of counts int result = 0; foreach v in values: result += v; emit(key, result); MapReduce Example: Word Count December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 18 Source: Distributed Computation Platforms • batch processing -> MapReduce, Spark, … • stream processing -> Storm, Spark Streaming, … • Storm • real-time computation system, scalable, fault-tolerant • algorithm as a directed acyclic graph • edges = streams of data tuples • spouts = data source • bolts = processing node • data model = a tuple of named fields • mapping to physical workers 19 Spout Spout Bolt Bolt Bolt December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Apache Spark • a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. • high performance for both batch and streaming data • using a state-of-the-art DAG scheduler, • a query optimizer, and • a physical execution engine. • 100x faster than Hadoop December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 20 Distributed Storage Platforms • key-value stores / NoSQL databases (Hbase) • structured / tabular data model, but flexible schema • horizontal scaling • no ACID, no join operation • key = identifies a row (typically with timestamp) • value = a multidimensional structure • column stores (C-store) • relational data model, values of a column stored continuously • read-optimized, high-query throughput DBMS • relaxed consistency on reads 21 "aaaaa" : { "A" : { "foo" : "y", "bar" : "d" }, "B" : { "" : "w" } } December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Distributed Storage Platforms • real-time databases (e.g., VoltDB (originally H-Store)) • NewSQL databases • scalability of NoSQL, relational data model • ACID guarantees • row-oriented storage on a distributed shared-nothing cluster • main memory db • fault-tolerance by node replication 22December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Data Warehouse for Big Data 23 Reporting / Visualization Analytics R / Apache Mahout Hive / Pig Data Warehouse HDFS / NoSQL / NewSQL Sources Batch ETL Spark Hive Kylin Stream Staging Hadoop Storm / Spark Streaming Staging VoltDB Impala December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Distributed Data Warehouse • Hive – data warehouse for large datasets • unstructured data in HDFS, structure projected on read • manages and queries data using HiveQL • converts them to Map-Reduce jobs • supports indexing • DML operations • UPDATE & DELETE at row level • Kylin – provides OLAP for big data • precalculates aggregations – data cubes fully on Hadoop and Spark • query engine translation from SQL • exploit prepared aggregations • low-latency query evaluation (sub-second) • integrate with Tableau, Power BI 24December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Advanced Analytics • Apache Mahout • scalable machine learning library • based on Hadoop, Spark • aimed at • recommendations, collaborative filtering • clustering, dimensionality reduction, classification • Project R • platform for statistical computing and visualization • integrate to Hadoop 25December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Advanced Analytics • data quality is crucial • Tamr • data unification platform • automated integration with machine learning • thousands of data sources • analytic model • computed & adjusted off-line • deployment • in complex analysis • in ETL 26December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Advanced Analytics in Real-time • event processing • tracking streams to detect events • event = change of state, exceeding a threshold, anomalies, … • deriving conclusions from events • complex event processing • combine multiple sources • implement pattern detection, correlation, filtering, aggregation, … • extension to SQL – StreamSQL • continuous queries with incremental results • windowing & aggregations • windowing & joins 27December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics Apache Hive • A system for querying and managing structured data built on top of Hadoop • Uses Map-Reduce for execution • HDFS for storage – but any system that implements Hadoop FS API • Key Building Principles: • Structured data with rich data types (structs, lists and maps) • Query data directly from different formats (text/binary) and file formats (Flat/Sequence) • SQL as a familiar programming tool and for standard analytics • Allow embedded scripts for extensibility and for non-standard applications • Rich metadata to allow data discovery and for optimization December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 28 Apache Hive – Architecture December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 29 Source: Apache Hive – MetaStore • Stores table/partition properties: • Table schema and SerDe library for formatting rows • Table location on HDFS • Logical partitioning keys and types • Partition level metadata • Other information December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 30 Apache Hive – Structured Data • Type system • Primitive types (double, float, bigint, int, smallint, tinyint, boolean, string, timestamp) • Recursively build up using Composition/Maps/Lists • ObjectInspector interface for user-defined types • To recursively list schema • To recursively access fields within a row object • Generic (De)Serialization Interface (SerDe) • Serialization families implement interface • Thrift DDL based SerDe • Delimited text based SerDe • You can write your own SerDe (XML, JSON …) December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 31 Apache Hive – Query Language • Basic SQL • From clause subquery • Equi-join only (also outer) • Multi-table Insert • Multi-col group-by • Grouping sets, cubes, rollups • Sampling • Objects traversal • Extensibility • Pluggable Map-reduce scripts using TRANSFORM December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 32 hive> select * from temperature limit 10; OK station NULL NULL NULL NULL flag NULL NULL NULL country name AQW00061705 1 1 1 26.888888888888893 P -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 2 1 26.888888888888893 P -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 3 1 26.833333333333332 P -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 4 1 26.777777777777782 P -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 5 1 26.777777777777782 P -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 6 1 NULL -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 7 1 NULL -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 8 1 NULL -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP AQW00061705 1 9 1 NULL -14.3306 -170.7136 3.7 AS PAGO PAGO WSO AP Time taken: 0.293 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s) hive> describe temperature; OK station string month int day int Hour int temperature double flag string latitude double longitude double elevation double country string name string Time taken: 0.22 seconds, Fetched: 11 row(s) Apache Hive – Query Language • Aggregate queries mapped to MR jobs: December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 33 hive> select count(*) from temperature; Query ID = dohnal_20210119140041_1a94796f-172f-4d40-b8c3-10932ea638c3 Total jobs = 1 Launching Job 1 out of 1 Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1 In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes): set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer= In order to limit the maximum number of reducers: set hive.exec.reducers.max= In order to set a constant number of reducers: set mapreduce.job.reduces= 2021-01-19 14:00:41,609 INFO [3093d28d-ea97-4e81-ab63-7c6cdd17fe7d main] client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider: Failing over to rm2 Starting Job = job_1605005553005_4269, Tracking URL = Kill Command = /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job -kill job_1605005553005_4269 Hadoop job information for Stage-1: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 1 2021-01-19 14:00:50,401 Stage-1 map = 0%, reduce = 0% 2021-01-19 14:01:01,721 Stage-1 map = 100%, reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 6.07 sec 2021-01-19 14:01:13,029 Stage-1 map = 100%, reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 8.2 sec MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 8 seconds 200 msec Ended Job = job_1605005553005_4269 MapReduce Jobs Launched: Stage-Stage-1: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 8.2 sec HDFS Read: 8456014 HDFS Write: 107 HDFS EC Read: 0 SUCCESS Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 8 seconds 200 msec OK 4003322 Time taken: 32.929 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) Apache Hive – Query Language • Custom map/reduce scripts: December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 34 FROM ( FROM pv_users SELECT TRANSFORM(pv_users.userid, USING 'map_script' AS (dt, uid) CLUSTER BY(dt) ) map INSERT INTO TABLE pv_users_reduced SELECT TRANSFORM(map.dt, map.uid) USING 'reduce_script' AS (day, count); import sys import datetime for line in sys.stdin: line = line.strip() userid, unixtime = line.split('\t') weekday = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(unixtime)).isoweekday() print ','.join([str(weekday), userid]) Sample Apache Hive – MapReduce December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 35 Apache Hive - HiveQL • Joins – inner, outer • equi-joins with conjunctions supported, also semi-joins supported • Group by December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 36 INSERT INTO TABLE pv_users SELECT pv.pageid, u.age FROM page_view pv JOIN user u ON (pv.userid = u.userid); INSERT INTO TABLE pv_users SELECT pv.*, u.gender, u.age FROM page_view pv FULL OUTER JOIN user u ON (pv.userid = WHERE = 2008-03-03; SELECT pageid, age, count(1) FROM pv_users GROUP BY pageid, age; SELECT pageid, COUNT(DISTINCT userid) FROM page_view GROUP BY pageid Apache Hive – Tables and Files December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 37 FROM pv_users INSERT INTO TABLE pv_gender_sum SELECT pv_users.gender, count_distinct(pv_users.userid) GROUP BY(pv_users.gender) INSERT INTO DIRECTORY ‘/user/facebook/tmp/pv_age_sum.dir’ SELECT pv_users.age, count_distinct(pv_users.userid) GROUP BY(pv_users.age) INSERT INTO LOCAL DIRECTORY ‘/home/me/pv_age_sum.dir’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ LINES TERMINATED BY \013 SELECT pv_users.age, count_distinct(pv_users.userid) GROUP BY(pv_users.age); Apache Impala • a query engine that runs on Apache Hadoop • circumvents MapReduce to access the data directly • a specialized distributed query engine like commercial parallel RDBMSes • in C++, not Java; runtime code generation • low-latency SQL queries to data stored in HDFS and Apache Hbase • an order-of-magnitude faster performance than Hive • uses the same metadata, SQL syntax (HiveQL), ODBC driver, and user interface as Apache Hive • supported storage formats • (compressed) text file, sequence file, RCFile, Avro, Parquet, HBase December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 38 Apache Impala – Architecture December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 39 Source: Apache Impala – Query Language • SQL support: • essentially SQL-92, minus correlated subqueries • only equi-joins; no non-equi joins, no cross products • Order By requires Limit • (Limited) DDL support • SQL-style authorization via Apache Sentry (incubating) • UDFs and UDAFs are supported • Join Limitation • The smaller table has to fit in aggregate memory of all executing nodes. December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 40 Apache Impala – Query Planning • 2-phase planning process: • single-node plan: left‐deep tree of plan operators • plan partitioning: partition single-node plan to maximize scan locality, minimize data movement • Parallelization of operators: • All query operators are fully distributed. • Plan operators: • Scan, HashJoin, HashAggregation, Union, TopN, Exchange December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 41 Apache Impala – Query Planning December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 42 SELECT t1.custid, SUM(t2.revenue) AS revenue FROM LargeHdfsTable t1 JOIN LargeHdfsTable t2 ON (t1.id1 = JOIN SmallHbaseTable t3 ON (t1.id2 = WHERE t3.category = 'Online' GROUP BY t1.custid ORDER BY revenue DESC LIMIT 10; Apache Impala – Execution Engine • Written in C++ for minimal execution overhead • Internal in-memory tuple format • puts fixed-width data at fixed offsets • Uses intrinsics/special cpu instructions • for text parsing, crc32 computation, etc. • Runtime code generation for “big loops” • e.g., insert batch of rows into a hash table; unroll a loop that inlines all function calls, contains no dead code, minimizes branches • code generated using llvm December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 43 Apache Hive vs. Impala - Performance • 20 pre-selected diverse TPC-DS queries • modified to remove unsupported language • Sufficient data scale for realistic comparison (3 TB, 15 TB, and 30 TB) • Realistic nodes (e.g., 8‐core CPU, 96GB RAM, 12x2TB disks) • Methodology - multiple runs, reviewed fairness for competition, … • Results: • Impala vs Hive 0.12 (Impala 6-‐70x faster) • Impala vs “DBMS-Y” (Impala average of 2x faster) • Impala scalability (Impala achieves linear scale) December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 44 Source: Apache Hive vs. Impala - Performance December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 45 Apache Hive vs. Impala - Performance December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 46 Apache Hive vs. Impala Hive Impala Design MapReduce jobs massively parallel processing (MPP) Use case long-running ETL jobs low-latency/interactive queries, also, for multi-user load; interactive BI experience Complex data types Yes No Query processing disk-based in-memory December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 47 Summary • Big Data changes Data Warehousing to Distributed DWH • Based on horizontally scalable frameworks • Transition from batch processing (MR jobs) to stream processing (DAG of tasks) • Query optimizers – special algorithms, in-memory processing • Real-time data processing and visualizations December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 48 Credits • Hive Tutorial • • Facebook Data Team - HIVE: Data Warehousing & Analytics on Hadoop • presentation • Mark Grover - Impala: A Modern, Open-Source SQL Engine for Hadoop • December 14, 2022 PA220 DB for Analytics 49