--- author: Oldrich Pecak --- # PB170 Course intro --- ## Course goals - gain insight into basic digital logic building blocks - practice theoretical knowledge from PV170 course - learn to read datasheets/find info about components - the course will not be as fleshed out as some big courses --- ## Course plan - closely follows PV170 - preliminary schedule: - 19.9 / 22.9 - Course intro, digital logic electronics - 26.9 / 29.9 - numerical systems, formats, operations - 3.10 / 6.10 - combinational circuits - 10.10 / 13.10 - arithmetic circuits - 17.10 / 20.10 - hazards in circuits - 24.10 / 27.10 - advanced combinational circuits - 31.10 / 3.11 - sequential circuits I - 7.11 / 10.11 - sequential circuits II - 14.11 / 17.11 - no seminar - 21.11 / 24.11 - counters, registers etc. - 28.11 / 1.12 - intro to verilog/FPGA - 5.12 / 8.12 - continuation of verilog/FPGA - 12.12 / 15.12 - project consultations --- ## Grading - mandatory attendance (2 unexcused absences max) - mandatory homework (graded OK/NOK) - expect two or three homeworks - deadline will be until next seminar - final project (either verilog on FPGA/simulated or built on breadboard) - should be sufficiently advanced - the project will be defended/presented during exam period --- ## Study materials - some short slides (like these) will be in study materials - info and extra materials will also be in interactive syllabus in IS --- ## Tools that we will use - Digital (https://github.com/hneemann/Digital) - Falstad (https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html) - Hardware available in this lab - components, breadboards, power supplies - later Quartus Prime and verilog sim tools --- # 01 - Electronics - digital circuits are just analog circuits with few simplifications - Ohm's law will be sufficient for us - I = U/R - Falstad for simulation --- ## Basic parts - passives - resistors - capacitors - inductors - semiconductors - transistors - diodes - electromechanical - switches - buttons --- ## connecting some parts - light up an LED - light it up through a button - we need some info about the parts first - and also the tools we are going to use --- ## Transistors - transistor ~= switch (very simplified) - connecting a transistor --- ## RTL logic - most basic logic - constructing some logic gates --- ## TTL logic - enhances on RTL - no more resistors which burn power - not easy to build on breadboard --- ## CMOS logic - uses complementary MOSFETs - nowadays most common one (bleeding edge is on FinFETs)