Seminar on Design and Architecture Patterns
Rossi - Finalization PDM & First Version DD
Seminar 26.10.2023
- First part of the seminar each student will review the analysis part of the project of one team
- the review is done individually not as a team;
- during the review, look at several aspects: i) the analysis model (pdm) in general, if something is missing or not modelled correctly, ii) the analysis patterns implemented, if they make sense and if they have been correctly implemented, iii) consider both the class and object diagrams;
- please write the comments in English and be polite and constructive :) ;
- The second part of the seminar, each team will work towards the finalization of the PDM and creation of the initial design model:
- Take into account the comments from the tutor and the students reviewing both the PDM and the analysis patterns;
- With the help of the tutor, refine the model that will be submitted as the final one;
- Duplicate the the analysis diagram (what you had so far with the analysis patterns) into a design diagram:
- Open the Model Explorer in VP
- Right click on the root (typically the name of your project)
- Model-> Design Model
(or you can use Model->New Model... and create a new namespace for
design models with the name you want)
- Find the newly created model in the Model Explorer (Design Model): right click and select Sub Diagrams->New Diagram... creating a new class diagram that you can name it as you like (something like QualityIS Design Class Diagram).
- Find your analysis
class diagram in VP and open it.
- CTRL+A (select all) then CTRL+C
- Open now your design class diagram (should be empty) right click on the drawing area and select Paste Model Element (important, as you do not want to paste the view to the other diagram). Now you should be ready to modify the diagram.
- Open the Model Explorer in VP
- Modify the copied diagram into a proper design diagram:
- Add any manager class that should be allowing (C)reation, (R)eading,
(U)pdating, (D)eleting instances based on domain classes.
- Update the
classes with methods, parameters, attributes - navigability is now
important (which class should store references to other classes?). You
might now use also aggregation/composition in the models. You can also
use dependencies (either generic, or call / use) to show dependency
between classes
- Extract any interfaces / abstract classes for common behaviour.
- You can also add stereotypes to the classes to highlight the patterns (e.g., AnalysisRun class could be marked as <<Action>>).
- Look that you can run some common scenario you had in the
Use Cases (e.g., if I run analysis, using the model and the method
calls, do I manage to generate a report based on the metrics and the set
quality thresholds?)
- Look also at the analysis patterns you added,
do they need to be modified / simplified / enhanced during the design
The following is an example of the level of detail for the design diagram:
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
- Add any manager class that should be allowing (C)reation, (R)eading,
(U)pdating, (D)eleting instances based on domain classes.
Submit both the A. final analysis diagram (PDM) and the B.initial design diagram (DD). To generate a lightweight PDF from the diagrams you can either:
- use as usual Tools...->Doc...Generate PDF, but in the Options tab unmark everything apart "Generate diagrams" - this way you will get much shorter document, ass we care only about the diagrams. Remember in the Content tab to mark the diagrams to be exported. See the following screenshot for an example;
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst. - you can use Tools...->Doc Composer->Build Doc from Scratch... to just drag & drop the diagrams you need to generate in the PDF and then click on the icon to the right to export as PDF Document...;
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
05 - Final PDM - Initial Design Diagram
Please, no .vp project files: only PDFs
05 - Final PDM - Initial Design Diagram
Please, no .vp project files: only PDFs
Please, as written in week1, remember to name your PDF files surname1-surname2-surname3.pdf or QualityIS-surname1-surname2-surname3.pdf
Please remember to submit the assignment by: