Laboratory of Electronic and Multimedia Applications (Research Section)

[Michal Štefánik, Martin Geletka, Petr Sojka] Math Information Retrieval: The past, the present, and the bright ARQMath 3 future 9. 11. 2023


Math Information Retrieval (MIR) is a challenging practical task to search in digital math archives such as DML-CZ, EuDML,  arXiv, or Math StackExchange.  There are approaches building on established approaches of the inverted index (MIaS on Lucene), or newer neural language models (as CompuBERT). Open question answering of math content is the latest challenge the MIR group is going to tackle and will brainstorm possible approaches.

Visual abstract


[1] A proposal for ARQMath-3 Task 1B: Open-Domain Question Answering

[2] Petr Sojka: Towards a Digital Mathematics Library: from DML-CZ to EuDML (FI MU Colloquium talk 2010)


[4] Vít Novotný et al.: Three is better than one (2020)

Further readings