Interaktivní osnova
👷 Seminar on Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, and Scientific Visualization
[Adam Hájek]: De-Novo Identification of Small Molecules from their GC-EI-MS Spectra 19. 10. 2023
Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique used to determine the
mass-to-charge ratio of ions. When combined with chromatography, it
becomes a powerful tool for identifying molecules in chemical samples.
Typically, the analysis of experimental spectra relies on comparing them
to a well-maintained database of reference data. However, a significant
challenge arises because existing spectral databases don't adequately
cover the vast chemical space. To address this limitation, recent
attention has shifted towards machine learning-based de-novo methods.
These methods can directly derive the molecular structure from the mass
spectrum. In this context, we introduce a novel approach that addresses a
specific use case involving GC-EI-MS spectra. This case is particularly
challenging because it lacks additional information from the initial
stage of MS/MS experiments, which previous methods depend on.
Lecture recordings (2 parts)

Lecture recordings (2 parts)
Readings (NEIMS, forward model for data generation #1) (RASSP, forward model for data generation #2) (MassGenie, backward modelfo r spectra analysis #1) (Spec2Mol, backward model for spectra analysis #2)