Emotions, Values, Motivation PV236 – TIME MANAGEMENT & EFFECTIVENESS JOSEF SPURNÝ The “Abigail” Group Activity Žena s bránou Žena s vázaným vlasy The “Abigail” - Instructions Žena s bránou Žena s vázaným vlasy 1.Rank-order the characters by personal sympathy 2. The “Abigail” - Instructions Žena s bránou Žena s vázaným vlasy 1.Rank-order the characters by personal sympathy 2.Group-up with classmates by most sympathetic character 3. The “Abigail” - Instructions Žena s bránou Žena s vázaným vlasy 1.Rank-order the characters by personal sympathy 2.Group-up with classmates by most sympathetic character 3.Per each group, present why given character is most sympathetic 4. The “Abigail” - Instructions Žena s bránou Žena s vázaným vlasy 1.Rank-order the characters by personal sympathy 2.Group-up with classmates by most sympathetic character 3.Per each group, present why given character is most sympathetic 4.Create an ordered list of characters for the whole class 1.Argue 2.Persuade 3.Trade-off 4.… 5. The “Abigail” - Archetypes •Abigail – emotional principle •Courage, willpower... vs. instability, suggestibility, manipulability… •Ivan – assertive principle •Objective, just … vs. uninterested, selfish, buck-passing… • Ahmed – business principle •Good deal, keeps his word vs. cynical, abusing… • Jeffrey – orthodox principle •Has believe in good values… vs. selfish, ruthless… • Rambo – aggressive principle •Protector of weak, knight… vs. aggressor, looking for incentives to fight The “Abigail” - Reflections Žena s bránou Žena s vázaným vlasy •Sympathies are based on your (recent) experience •Sympathies might change throughout your life •Archetypes apply to many situations in life •Work team dynamics •Politics •Family reunion •… •People with similar IQ/Education/Social status/… might have very different preferences! • • •Are you happy with the result of the game? Why (not)? •What life events formed your preferences? •Which character was most irritating? Who from your real life does he/she resembles? • Emotions • Emotions have evolutionary value •To promote beneficial behavior (increase survival) •To avoid harmful or threatening stimuli • • Emotional Brain •MacLean Triune Brain Hypothesis •Limbic system (amygdala, hippocampus, hippothalamus…) • • Experience à Neuronal network à DNA Attachment Theory • 0-4 years • Child needs à parents’ responses • Attachment types •Secure •Insecure •Anxious – Ambivalent •Anxious – Avoidant •Fearful – Avoidant (Disorganized) ◦ àStructure of Personality àEquifinality Equifinality Strength + - •Different initial setup results in the same outcome •Emotional responses tend to repeat themselves •Emotional responses are unexpected, irrational… •People do not change (…just like that…) Are humans rational or emotional? Emotions § Emotions bear energy (stimulation, activation) § Reason does not bear energy § Emotions provide meaning §“I’m gonna kill you!” § § § Long-term emotional patterns give rise to (abstract) values Theory of Human Motivation Motivation, Will § Actions require energy § Emotions bear energy § “Only dead fish swim with the stream” § Maintaining “emotional metabolism” allows one to swim against the stream §Will is a higher-order emotion, token of emotional metabolism § Metabolism has to be provided with resources § Narcissistic Equilibrium § A balance between “wants” and “musts” § In psychoanalytic terms: ego and superego ◦Ego = your values, attitudes, desires ◦Superego = internalized authority (parent, boss, teacher…) ◦“guilty consciousness” ◦ ◦ ◦In order to deliver duties, your ego has to be saturated ◦ àLong-term disequilibrium leads to burnout syndrome àManage your narcissistic equilibrium (resources vs expenses) Emotional saturation – focus on resources § There is no universal guide – you have to know yourself § §Do hobbies §Relax in a way you enjoy §Do anything what would bring you positive emotions §Reward in form of acknowledgement / appreciation Free time is not a wasted time! Homework assignment Resources Expenses ? ? Hints: What charges and discharges your battery? Can one activity both charge and discharge you? What prevails? How much time do you invest in these activities? Does the greatest expense also take the most time? Can you recharge the battery without guilty consciousness?