Generative Design Programming

Week 6: Kinetic typography


HW2 assignment

Deadline: 8.11.2023 (including)

Create one of:
- abstract painting using curves
- typographic composition
- kinetic font

Look in the slides for inspiration: landscapes from perlin noise, some blob artistry, explore interesting mathematical concepts like Max Cooper. Look for some projects on instagram or the libraries we’ve shown you. Sky's the limit.

The work needs to show skills learnt from last two weeks of classes and be more than was made during live-coding.


To export your artworks as images, use function save(). In case you are interested in postprocessing in external editor, you can try vector format (SVG) too. If your sketch has motion, choose a best picture (which shows the motion) while also exporting a video.

Download the code from the P5 editor (top-left corner: File > Download).

Add to the downloaded zip:

  • link.txt: the link to the code, a commentary if you want
  • best image(s) - at least 3
  • videos if it's animated/interactive (best is to use Xbox Game Bar on Windows, other option is to try p5.capture library, or save the frames in each draw cycle as png and merge them using a tool like ffmpeg or After Effects)

Upload to IS vault:

Examples of type animation effects