Audio-reactive visuals Week 10 Marko Řeháček GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING p5 in VScode GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Install p5.vscode p5 in VScode 1. Open Visual Studio Code 2. Open Extensions tab (Shift + Ctrl + X) 3. Search “p5” 4. Install “p5.vscode” GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING 1. Open Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or View -> Command Palette) 2. Start typing “p5” and select “Create p5.js Project” 3. Select folder to put your project in to open your sketch in a browser click the “Go Live” button Installing libraries: Command Palette -> “Install p5.js Contributor Library” and install any library you want to add to your sketch Create new p5 project P5 in VScode GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Live Preview from Microsoft Allows you to see the sketch in the GitHub Copilot Useful extensions p5 in VScode GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Computer audition GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING → Pioneer in audio-visuals. Matrix III John Whitney, 1971 “Musical language, visual action, symbol, and color. But are these elements united in true complementarity? I do not know. But I do know, that the union of color and tone is a very special gift of computer technology.” A Personal Search For the Complementarity of Music and Visual Art (1992) Recreating the visuals in Processing. GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Sound COMPUTER AUDITION amplitude, frequency and-sound-programming-in-the-arts GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING ❏ amplitude ❏ frequency ❏ beat ❏ pitch detection ❏ lyrics, pre-analyzed data about songs (look at Spotify API) ❏ music score – MIDI What can we do? COMPUTER AUDITION GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMINGCOMPUTER AUDITION Decomposing soundwaves GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMINGCOMPUTER AUDITION subbass 20-60 hertz bass 60-250 mid 250-4k high 4k-20k Division of the audio spectrum GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING FFT COMPUTER AUDITION ❏ music to download (Nicolas Jaar) ❏ p5.sound library reference, most important p5.FFT ❏ analyze frequencies using fft.analyze([smoothing=0.8], [bins=1024]) ❏ returns array of length bins, with each value representing the volume of frequencies corresponding to that bin (frequency spectrum divided into 1024 parts) ❏ get the volume of bass using fft.getEnergy(“...”) ❏ try arguments "bass", "lowMid", "mid", "highMid", "treble" ❏ connect to microphone, if you have one mic = new p5.AudioIn(); mic.start(); ❏ detect beat ❏ demo, demo 2 ❏ other examples Code -> GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING → AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING → IMAGE Sound of EARTH ⊕ SOUND OF SPACE thedotisblack, 2017 The audiovisual is made with Processing based on an audible collage constructed from various plasma wave recordings of NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecrafts. The audible collage is part of a collection of works by Brain/Mind Research that was inspired by these audible-frequency plasma waves and arranged selections from these recordings into a "musical" form. Launched in 1977 by NASA, Voyager 1 and 2 passed near different planetary and moon bodies within our solar system. The astrological symbol for the planet Earth is ⊕. It represents the cardinal directions. The audiovisual consists of one original "audio" file, cut down to 3 minutes, and edited with a beginning and end transition for a perfect loop. AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Sonification Sonification is the use of non-speech audio to convey information or perceptualize data (Wiki). Listen to wikipedia: Listen to bitcoin: AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING → An audiovisual performance in which the speech, shouts and songs produced by two abstract vocalists are radically augmented in real-time by custom interactive visualization software. The performance touches on themes of abstract communication, synaesthetic relationships, cartoon language, and writing and scoring systems, within the context of a sophisticated, playful, and virtuosic audiovisual narrative. LIVE PERFORMANCE AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS Messa di Voce (placing the voice) Tmema, 2003 GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING → AUDIO-VISUALS Transfinite RYOJI IKEDA AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Party visuals AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS Party visuals Joelle GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Algoraves An algorave (from an algorithm and rave) is an event where people dance to music generated from algorithms, often using live coding techniques. AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS An example of a live coding dev environment for real-time visual performance: GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Take any of your previous sketches, select proper music, and make it audio-reactive. Make it react AUDIO-REACTIVE VISUALS Make a calming thing. Calming thing GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING 1. Open Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or View -> Command Palette) 2. Start typing “p5” and select “Create p5.js Project” 3. Select folder to put your project in to open your sketch in a browser click the “Go Live” button in bottom blue panel. Installing libraries: Command Palette -> “Install p5.js Contributor Library” and install any library you want to add to your sketch Create new p5 project P5 in VScode