SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20231 Data backup system with integrated active protection against ransomware vSafe Agent development Pavel Novák SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20232 Malware Attack Loop ̶ Robust backup system protection against ransomware attack ̶ Backup diversification ̶ Backup testing ̶ Robust backup system is not a bulletproof solution ̶ What if the backup is already infected with “sleeping malware”? ̶ Malware can infect the system and then “sleep” for several weeks or months before detonating ̶ Recovered copy is already infected and full recovery might not be possible at all ̶ This technique is commonly used also to avoid dynamic inspection SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20233 vSafe Project ̶ Cooperation with Agora plus a.s. company ̶ Goal – create “intelligent” and complex system to detect ransomware in backups and avoid attack loops ̶ Leverages machine learning (Faiss) and hash analysis ̶ Similar projects: ̶ Kaspersky Security for Virtualization SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20234 Solution Overview SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20235 vSafe Agent High Level Solution ̶ The agent stands on the edge of the VM and monitors network traffic in real time ̶ Analysis of the traffic (meta)data ̶ The main responsibility of an agent is to extract interesting metadata in real time and look for suspicious patterns SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20236 Agent vs. Agentless Solution ̶ Agentless solution ̶ Original idea ̶ Agent was supposed to be implemented as a VMware plugin ̶ No need to install additional SW on the VM ̶ Problems with network traffic monitoring in the VMware environment ̶ Vendor specific solution ̶ Agent solution ̶ Currently being implemented (C++ language) ̶ An additional SW must be installed and run on the VM ̶ Security concerns ̶ Performance concerns Agent Components SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.20239 JA3 ̶ JA3 lightweight method to quickly detect malicious communication based on TLS handshake ̶ JA3s for the server-side communication ̶ vSafe Agent performs real-time JA3 computation and compares it against the DB of known JA3 signatures ̶ Faiss model is used to quickly determine exact match of the fingerprint SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.202310 C2 Communication ̶ Monitoring of outgoing traffic ̶ Two phases ̶ Learning phase – building local DB of whitelisted IPs and processes that initiates the communication ̶ Monitoring phase ̶ Looking for suspicious communication with potential C2 servers ̶ Looking for unknown processes initiating the outgoing communication SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.202311 Data Scanner ̶ Compare hashes of incoming data against known malicious samples ̶ Lightweight AV solution ̶ OPSWAT ̶ ̶ VirusTotal SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.202312 Suricata/Static Analyzer ̶ Add Suricata module and scan incoming traffic with static rules ̶ Freely available Suricata rulesets ̶ Possibility to detect ̶ Known malware C2 communication patterns ̶ CVE exploits ̶ Exploit scans ̶ etc. ̶ Potential performance issues SitSem 2023 | Telč | 16.9.202313 Next Steps ̶ Implementation of JA3 arbiter is already finished ̶ Implementation of the rest of vSafe Agent components ̶ Integration with the rest of the vSafe project ̶ Performance tests ̶ Quality tests on infected machines 14 Thank you for your attention This presentation is based upon the grant of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Open challenges in security research, VK01030030, Data backup and storage system with integrated active protection against cyber threats.