Telč 2023 Federated AI communication protocol Václav Oujezský Telč 2023 Overview ● Motivation for the topic ● Federated learning ● Current research projects on the given topic ● Current challenges and conclusion 2 Telč 2023 Motivation ● Safety ○ Data privacy, transfer of sensitive data ● Efficiency ○ Federated learning, federated computing ● Development ○ New possibilities of use (ad hoc encryption, mobile communication, others) 3 Telč 2023 Federated learning? Data processing is increasingly done on end devices ● Improving responsiveness ● Benefits of data security ● Analytics ● Learning 4 Telč 2023 Federated learning? 5 Telč 2023 Federated learning? Specifically defined in 2019 in the publication Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning ( Citation: Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g. service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. FL embodies the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in FL research, this paper discusses recent advances and presents an extensive collection of open problems and challenges. 6 Telč 2023 Federated learning 7 1 Characteristics 2 Basic types 3 Term inology Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ characteristic ● Data is generated locally ● Data remains decentralized ● Data is not shared and distributed ● A central orchestrator coordinates training, but never sees its own data 8 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ basic types Cross-silo federated learning (between objects, institutions) ● smaller number of clients, high availability ● object identity ● each object participates in each round of learning ● computational complexity is the primary weak point Cross-device federated learning (between end devices) ● hundreds of temporarily available clients ● no identification ● usually each client participates only once ● communication is the primary weak point Decentralized learning ● peer-to-peer, without a centralized orchestrator 9 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ terminology ● Client ○ Computing entity holding local data (mobile device, IoT, institution, …) ● Server ○ Federated learning coordinator, nowadays, more than one device 10 Telč 2023 Federated learning 11 1 Algorithm 2 Variations 3 Fram ew orks Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ basic algorithm ● Client ○ The current state of the model is sent to the client from the central element ○ The client trains it with local data ○ The principle of training with the SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) method or its derivation as a function of evaluation ○ The result is model parameter weights that are sent to the central element ● Server ○ It obtains parameter weights from clients and performs averaging (Federated Average) and updates the original model ○ The next procedure already depends on the specific solution (cross-silo, cross-device) 12 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ basic principles ● Optimization of the objective function for the purpose of convergence of weights ● Hyperparameters ○ number of epochs, learning rate, batch size 13 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ list of variations ● Federated stochastic gradient descent (FedSGD) ○ transpose SGD, swap gradients, random number of clients, gradients are averaged and gradient step performed ● Federated averaging (FedAvg) ○ generalization of FedSGD, exchange of updated weights, not gradients ● Federated Learning with Dynamic Regularization (FedDyn) ○ 2021(Acar, et al.), the issue of heterogeneous data distribution. It addresses the dilemma of the difference between device error minimization and global error minimization. Using dynamic control to converge local and global error. ● Hybrid Federated Dual Coordinate Ascent (HyFDCA) ○ 2022 (Overman et al.), solves the problems of hybrid federated learning, where each client solves only a certain subset of data samples (features, samples). ● KafkaFed ○ An example of a design of a federated learning algorithm using Apache Kafka as a communication medium 14 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ frameworks ● TensorFlow Federated ‒ opensource Google Brain 2019, use TFLite flatbuffer files, mostly focused on simulations, still in development, FedAvg integration ● FederatedAITechnologyEnabler(FATE) ‒ Webank, the first open source at an industrial level ‒ in the area of credit risk control, object detection and anti-money laundering ● IBM Federated Learning ‒ possible to use for free, tools for implementation in real situations ● PySyft ‒ the open source solution OpenMined, originally using PyTorch, then also using TensorFlow ● DeepLearning4J ‒ opensource Konduit for JVM, Python, C++ ● Visioner - based on TensorFlow, uses inference graph* files, org.tensorflow:tensorflow-android) ● Flower ‒ uses TensorFlow, possibility of use on AWS, Azure, Android, iOS, Raspberry, Nvidia Jetson ● FedML ‒ cross platform solution 15 Telč 2023 Federated learning 16 1 Com m unication 2 Protocols 3 Research project Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ communication 17 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ communication Transmission of updated data ● most often gRPC (HTTP/2 and protocol buffer, Google 2015) ● also REST HTTP API (Ktor, Retrofit2, others) ● or Apache Kafka, dynamic databases like Google Firebase ning_algorithm 18 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ communication 19 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ communication protocol, ideas 20 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ proposed communication protocol 21 Compatible with both, Apache Kafka and Realtime database Using a text format for the transmission of messages Automatic selection of central nodes Seemless communication Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ proposed communication protocol 22 Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ proposed communication protocol 23 J. Michalek, V. Skorpil and V. Oujezsky, "Federated Learning on Android - Highlights from Recent Developments," 2022 14th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), Valencia, Spain, 2022, pp. 27-30, doi: 10.1109/ICUMT57764.2022.9943382. J. Michalek, V. Oujezsky, and V. Skorpil An Android Federated Learning Framework for Emergency Management Applications, 2023, ICUMT. Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ research project Android federated learning framework for crisis management applications 24 Telč 2023 Current challenges Communication problems ● Security risks ○ Transfer of model, weights ● Principles of data transfer, protocols, synchronization synchronization ● Decentralized learning 25 Telč 2023 Thank you This presentation is based upon the grant of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, Open challenges in security research, VK01030152, ``Android federated learning framework for emergency management applications ''. Telč 2023 Federated learning ‒ appendix 27 Telč 2023 ● Federated stochastic gradient descent (FedSGD) ○ transpose SGD, swap gradients, random number of clients, gradients are averaged and gradient step performed Federated learning ‒ FedSGD 28 Loss on the data sample with the parameters of the weightsA set of client dataClient Data Count The server aggregates the gradients and applies the update Model weights in the communication round training rate Telč 2023 ● Federated averaging (FedAvg) ○ generalization of FedSGD, exchange of updated weights, not gradients In practice, calculations are performed on clients in batches of data Federated learning ‒ FedAvg 29 One step GD locally on the client The server updates the model with a weighted average of the weights