ENGLISH I EVA RUDOLFOVA Course information: - 1 credit = 25-30 hrs of work - classes either in zoom (class sessions) or using Google Chat (individual and small group sessions, questions, requests) - work-based course (there is no final test) - use of language – individually: ROPOTs recommended, not obligatory, questions to be dealt with in individual sessions or using the G Chat - vocabulary – according to your own needs, based on your projects, please note the vocab down) Course requirements: - Attendance - Peer review (formal email + feedback to two emails of others, to be uploaded in IS, instructions will follow) - IBM guest lecture (date and topic TBA) - Final project and the work related to on the final project in three-people hubs (deadline last session, have your evidence ready) Suggested Topics: Suggested Outcomes and Project Criteria: Course outline: FIRST SESSION: Intro, getting to know each other, google chat, groups of three, topics and outputs for final project SECOND SESSION: Individual. Be ready to talk about your chosen project in your small groups and how you want to improve your English that way. This session requires preparation in your groups! THIRD SESSION: Group class on FORMAL EMAILS, formal language in general. FOURTH SESSION: Group class on FEEDBACK/ IBM guest lecture – TBS Peer review FIFTH SESSION: Individual. Polishing your final projects. What need to be done before they get presented to the class. SIXTH SESSION: Group class: Final projects show time.