IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis Deductive Software Verification Jan Strejˇcek Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Focus and sources focus first formal approach to verification of algorithms and computer programs partial and total correctness formal system for verification of flowcharts by Floyd (1967) axiomatic program verification by Hoare (1969) source Chapter 7 of D. A. Peled: Software Reliability Methods, Springer, 2001. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 2/44 Assumptions and basic terminology for simplicity we consider only deterministic programs where the initial values of a program are stored in input variables x0, x1, . . . and these variables do not change their values during any execution of the program a state of a program is an assignment to the program variables given a program P and its states a, b, by P(a, b) we denote the fact that the execution of P starting from the state a terminates with the state b a |= φ denotes that the state a satisfies the formula φ IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 3/44 Terminology in this lecture, a specification (or a desired property) of a program P is given by two first order formulae initial condition φ is a formula with free variables among input variables of P final assertion ψ IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 4/44 Two notions of correctness Definition (partial correctness) A program P is partially correct with respect to φ and ψ, written {φ}P{ψ}, iff for all states a, b it holds P(a, b) ∧ a |= φ =⇒ b |= ψ. Intuitiely, if the program starts with a state satisfying φ and then terminates, then the terminal state satisfies ψ. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 5/44 Two notions of correctness Definition (partial correctness) A program P is partially correct with respect to φ and ψ, written {φ}P{ψ}, iff for all states a, b it holds P(a, b) ∧ a |= φ =⇒ b |= ψ. Intuitiely, if the program starts with a state satisfying φ and then terminates, then the terminal state satisfies ψ. Definition (total correctness) A program P is totally correct with respect to φ and ψ, written ⟨φ⟩P⟨ψ⟩, iff {φ}P{ψ} and for every state a satisfying φ the program terminates. Intuitiely, if the program starts with a state satisfying φ, then it terminates and the terminal state satisfies ψ. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 6/44 Formal system for verification of flowcharts by Robert W Floyd (1936–2001) 1965: associate professor at Carnegie–Mellon University 1968: full professor at Stanford University, without Ph.D. Floyd–Warshall algorithm: shortest paths in a graph Floyd–Steinberg dithering: rendering images program verification, parsing, sorting IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 7/44 Flowcharts: four kinds of nodes begin end v = e p begin one outgoing edge, no incoming edges end one incoming edge, no outgoing edges assignment v = e, where v is a variable, e is a first order term; one or more incoming edges, one outgoing edge decision predicate p is a quantifier-free first order formula; one or more incoming edges, two outgoing edges marked with true and false IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 8/44 Example: what is this program good for? begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end true false initial condition φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 9/44 Example: what is this program good for? begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end true false initial condition φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 final assertion ψ ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 ∧ y2 < x2 IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 10/44 Example: what is this program good for? begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end true false initial condition φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 final assertion ψ ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 ∧ y2 < x2 It computes an integer division. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 11/44 Formal system for verification of flowcharts Proving partial correctness Proving partial correctness A location of a flowchart program is an edge connecting two flowchart nodes. To verify that a program P is partially correct with respect to an initial condition φ and a final assertion ψ, it is sufficient to perform the following two steps. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 13/44 Proving partial correctness: step 1 step 1 to each location of the flowchart we attach a first order formula called assertion or invariants to the location exiting from begin we attach φ to the location entering end we attach ψ Idea These assertions should be satisfied by every state reachable in the corresponding location by an execution starting in a state satisfying φ. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 14/44 Proving partial correctness: step 2 Given an assignment or decision node c, every assumption on an incoming edge is called precondition, written pre(c) an outgoing edge is called postcondition, written post(c) Idea of step 2 We have to prove that whenever the control of the program is just before a node c with a state satisfying pre(c) and execution of c moves the control to the location annotated with post(c), then the state after the move satisfies post(c). IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 15/44 Proving partial correctness: step 2 step 2 Every triple pre(c), c, post(c) is treated according to its form. 1 c is a decision node with a predicate p and post(c) is associated to the outgoing edge marked with true. Then we need to prove: pre(c) ∧ p =⇒ post(c) 2 c is a decision node with a predicate p and post(c) is associated to the outgoing edge marked with false. Then we need to prove: pre(c) ∧ ¬p =⇒ post(c) IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 16/44 Proving partial correctness: step 2 3 c is an assignment of the form v = e, where v is a variable and e an expression. The states before and after the assignment are different (i.e. pre(c) and post(c) reason about different states). Therefore, we relativize the postcondition to assert about the states before the assignment. Hence, we have to prove pre(c) =⇒ post(c)[v/e] where post(c)[v/e] is the assertion post(c) where all occurrences of v are replaced with e. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 17/44 Proving partial correctness proving the consistency between each precondition and postcondition of all nodes guarantees that {φ}P{ψ} in fact, it guarantees even a stronger property: In each execution that starts with a state satisfying the initial condition of the program, when the control of the program is at some location, the assumption attached to that location holds. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 18/44 Example: partial correctness begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end true false φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 ψ ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 ∧ y2 < x2 IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 19/44 Example: partial correctness begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end A B C true D E false F φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 ψ ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 ∧ y2 < x2 φA ≡ φ φB ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 ∧ y1 = 0 φC ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 φD ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ x2 φE ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2 − x2) ∧ ∧ y2 − x2 ≥ 0 φF ≡ ψ IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 20/44 Example: partial correctness begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end A B C true D E false F φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 ψ ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 ∧ y2 < x2 φA ≡ φ φB ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 ∧ y1 = 0 φC ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ 0 φD ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2) ∧ ∧ y2 ≥ x2 φE ≡ (x1 = y1 ∗ x2 + y2 − x2) ∧ ∧ y2 − x2 ≥ 0 φF ≡ ψ step 2: check the consistency IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 21/44 Notes finding assertions for the proof may be a difficult task there are some heuristics and tools suggesting invariants there cannot be a fully automatic way of finding them (the problem is undecidable) in some programming languages, assertions can be inserted into the code as additional runtime checks so that the program will break with a warning message whenever an invariant is violated IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 22/44 Programs with array variables: a problem example precondition pre(c) ≡ x[1] = 1 ∧ x[2] = 3 assignment x[x[1]] = 2 postcondition post(c) ≡ x[x[1]] = 2 it is easy to prove pre(c) =⇒ post(c)[x[x[1]]/2] as post(c)[x[x[1]]/2] is in fact 2 = 2 but if pre(c) holds and the assignment is performed, then x[1] = 2 and x[x[1]] = 3 and post(c) does not hold To handle programs with array variables, the method has to be modified in one point: relativization of postconditions of assignment nodes. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 23/44 Modification for array variables let x be an array variable and e1, e2, e3 terms the syntax of terms is extended with a new construct (x; e1:e2)[e3], where (x; e1:e2) represents almost the same array as x, only the element with the index e1 has been set to e2 to check the consistency of an assignment x[e1] = e2 with a precondition pre(c) and postcondition post(c), we have to prove pre(c) =⇒ post(c)[x/(x; e1:e2)] the added construct does not increase the expressiveness of the logic: a formula ρ containing (x; e1:e2)[e3] can be translated into an equivalent formula (e1 = e3 ∧ ρ[(x; e1:e2)[e3]/e2]) ∨ ∨ (¬(e1 = e3) ∧ ρ[(x; e1:e2)[e3]/x[e3]) IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 24/44 Formal system for verification of flowcharts Proving termination Proving termination: terminology a partially ordered domain is a pair (W, ≺) where W is a set and ≺ is a strict partial order relation over W (i.e. irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive) u ≻ v has the same meaning as v ≺ u we denote u ⪰ v when u ≻ v or u = v a well founded domain is a partially ordered domain containing no infinite sequence of the form w0 ≻ w1 ≻ w2 ≻ w3 ≻ . . . (i.e. no infinite decreasing sequence) IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 26/44 Proving termination To prove the termination with respect to the initial condition φ, we need to do the following steps. 1 We select a well founded domain (W, ≺) such that W is a subset of the domain of program variables and ≺ is expressible using the signature of the program. 2 To each location in the flowchart we attach an invariant and an expression. To the location exiting from begin we attach φ. 3 We show the consistency for each triple pre(c), c, post(c), as in the partial correctness proof. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 27/44 Proving termination 4 We show that whenever an execution starting in a state satisfying φ reaches some location, the value of the expression associated to this location is within W. Formally, we prove that for each location with the associated invariant ρ and expression e it holds: ρ =⇒ (e ∈ W) Note that e ∈ W is not, in general, a first order logic formula. However, it can often be translated into a first order formula. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 28/44 Proving termination 5 We show that in each execution of the program, when proceeding from a location to its successor location, the value of the associated expressions does not increase. Formally, for every node c, an incoming edge with the associated invariant pre(c) and expression e1, and an outgoing edge with the associated expression e2 if c is a decision node with a predicate p and e2 is associated with the true edge, then we prove: pre(c) ∧ p =⇒ e1 ⪰ e2 if c is a decision node with a predicate p and e2 is associated with the false edge, then we prove: pre(c) ∧ ¬p =⇒ e1 ⪰ e2 if c is an assignment v = e, then we prove: pre(c) =⇒ e1 ⪰ e2[v/e] IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 29/44 Proving termination 6 In each execution of the program, during each traversal of a cycle (a loop) in the flowchart there is some point where a decrease occurs in the value of the associated expressions from one location to its successor. Formally, for each path through any cycle we have to find a node with an incoming and an outgoing edge such that the corresponding implication above holds even if ⪰ is replaced with ≻. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 30/44 Example: termination begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end A B C true D E false F initial condition φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 31/44 Example: termination begin y1 = 0 y2 = x1 y2 >= x2 y1 = y1+1 y2 = y2-x2 end A B C true D E false F initial condition φ ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 φA ≡ φ φB ≡ x1 ≥ 0 ∧ x2 > 0 φC ≡ x2 > 0 ∧ y2 ≥ 0 φD ≡ x2 > 0 ∧ y2 ≥ x2 φE ≡ x2 > 0 ∧ y2 ≥ x2 φF ≡ y2 ≥ 0 eA = x1 eB = x1 eC = y2 eD = y2 eE = y2 eF = y2 IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 32/44 Notes it may be difficult to find the right well founded domain, invariants, and expressions termination and partial correctness can be proven simultaneously IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 33/44 Axiomatic program verification by sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare (1934) studied in Oxford University and Moscow State University Quicksort algorithm (1960) Hoare logic: program verification Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) null pointer now in Microsoft Research IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 34/44 Hoare logic a proof system that includes both logic and pieces of code allows to prove different sequential parts of the program separately (and combine the proofs later) constructed on top of some first order deduction system IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 35/44 Hoare logic contains Hoare triples of the form {φ}S{ψ}, where φ, ψ are first order formulae and S is (a part of) a program with the syntax: S ::= v = e | skip | S; S | if p then S else S fi | while p do S end | begin S end where v is a variable, e is a first order expression, and p is a quantifier-free first order formula a Hoare triple {φ}S{ψ} means that if an execution of S starts with a state satisfying φ and S terminates from that state, then a state satisfying ψ is reached if S is the entire program, then {φ}S{ψ} claims that S is partially correct with respect to initial condition φ and final assertion ψ IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 36/44 Axioms and proof rules assignment axiom {φ[v/e]}v = e{φ} skip axiom {φ}skip{φ} left strengthening rule φ =⇒ φ′ {φ′}S{ψ} {φ}S{ψ} right weakening rule {φ}S{ψ′} ψ′ =⇒ ψ {φ}S{ψ} IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 37/44 Axioms and proof rules sequential composition rule {φ}S1{η} {η}S2{ψ} {φ}S1; S2{ψ} if-then-else rule {φ ∧ p}S1{ψ} {φ ∧ ¬p}S2{ψ} {φ}if p then S1 else S2 fi{ψ} while rule {φ ∧ p}S{φ} {φ}while p do S end{φ ∧ ¬p} begin-end rule {φ}S{ψ} {φ}begin S end{ψ} IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 38/44 Derived rules assignment axiom + left strengthening rule φ =⇒ ψ[v/e] {ψ[v/e]}v = e{ψ} (axiom) {φ}v = e{ψ} sequential composition + right weakening rule {φ}S1{η1} η1 =⇒ η2 {η2}S2{ψ} {φ}S1; S2{ψ} The proof trees are constructed as usual... IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 39/44 Extensions of Hoare logic Extensions of the Hoare proof system for verifying concurrent programs provide axioms for dealing with shared variables synchronous and asynchronous communication procedure calls They are usually tailored for a particular programming language, e.g. Pascal or CSP. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 40/44 Soundness and completeness Hoare’s proof system is sound. It is not complete due to incompleteness of first order logic with natural numbers and basic arithmetic operations over them (Gödel’s incompleteness theorem). It is relatively complete, i.e. any correct assertion can be proved under the following two (sometimes unrealistic) conditions: Every correct (first order) logic assertion that is needed in the proof is already included as an axiom in the proof system. (Alternatively: there is an oracle (e.g. a human) deciding whether such an assertion is correct or not.) Every invariant and intermediate assertion that we need for the proof can be expressed using the underlying (first order) logic. The relative completeness implies that the system is complete for first order logic with natural numbers with addition and subtraction as the only operators. IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 41/44 Notes deductive verification is not limited to finite state systems can handle programs of various domains and datastructures (and even parametrized programs) can be applied directly to the code (in principle) can verify that the program is correct (but a bug can occur in compiler, in hardware, due to a wrong initial condition or difference between an assumed semantics of code and the real one, etc.) is not scalable IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 42/44 Notes in practice, deductive verification needs a great mental effort as it is mostly manual (the result depends strongly on the ingenuity of the people performing verification) is significantly slower than the typical speed of effective programming is not performed frequently on the actual code (this is changing with new tools) can be performed on basic algorithms or on abstractions of the code (the faithfulness of the translation of a program into an abstracted one can sometimes also be formally verified) IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 43/44 Notes in practice, deductive verification needs a great mental effort as it is mostly manual (the result depends strongly on the ingenuity of the people performing verification) is significantly slower than the typical speed of effective programming is not performed frequently on the actual code (this is changing with new tools) can be performed on basic algorithms or on abstractions of the code (the faithfulness of the translation of a program into an abstracted one can sometimes also be formally verified) Dafny a verification-aware programming language with native support for recording specifications and equipped with a static program verifier VSCode plugin available look at https://dafny.org IA159 Formal Methods for Software Analysis: Deductive Software Verification 44/44