Algorithmic Game Theory Games in Strategic Form Exercise Sheet 1: Games in Strategic Form Due Date: November 6, 2024 Instructions • Submit your exercises as a PDF file through the file vault (odevzd´av´arna) in the IS. • Solutions will be graded based on their correctness and the clarity of the arguments presented. • You do not have to provide proofs and justifications if you are not explicitly instructed to do so. • Collaboration: While you may discuss the exercises with classmates, you must write down the solutions on your own. • The bonus exercise is optional and will not be graded (although feedback will be provided if you submit a solution). Solving the exercise serves mainly your benefit. • To pass the exercise sheet, you need to obtain at least 55 points out of 100 possible. • If you do not meet the threshold for the minimum points, you may resubmit your solution after the first trial is marked. Exercises Exercise 1: (max. 25 points) a) [5 points] Formalize the following scenario as a strategic form game involving two players: There are two shepherds, Alfred and Bob. Alfred owns three cows, while Bob owns two. They have the option to either graze their cows on a shared meadow or keep them on their respective farms. If there are N cows grazing in the same location (whether the meadow, Alfred’s farm, or Bob’s farm), each cow from that location generates the utility 2 − N 3 (in the form of milk) for its owner. Both shepherds must decide how many of their cows (ranging from 0 to all) they want to send to graze in the shared meadow. b) [5 points] We define an IDC (I Don’t Care) strategy as one where a shepherd randomly sends a uniformly distributed number of cows, ranging from 0 to the maximum possible, to graze on the shared meadow. What is the expected utility for each player if both adopt the IDC strategy? c) [5 points] Identify all Alfred’s best responses if Bob adopts the IDC strategy? d) [10 points] Identify all (mixed and pure) Nash equilibria of the game and justify there are no others. (Hint: Use concepts from the lecture to find a simple and concise solution. Avoid long explanations.) Exercise 2: (max. 25 points) a) [10 points] In this exercise, consider only pure strategies. Find a strategic form game with two players, P0 and P1, where all the following conditions are satisfied: • P0 has two strategies (S0 = {A, B}), and P1 has three strategies (S1 = {X, Y, Z}). • There is exactly one Nash equilibrium. • Every strategy profile is Pareto optimal.1 1 A profile s is Pareto optimal if there is no other profile s′ such that ui(s′ ) ≥ ui(s) for all players i, and ui(s′ ) > ui(s) for at least one player i. 1 Algorithmic Game Theory Games in Strategic Form • Neither player has a weakly dominant strategy.2 b) [8 points] Prove that any game meeting the conditions in part (a) must contain a weakly dominated strategy3 . c) [7 points] Characterize all games satisfying the conditions in part (a). Exercise 3: (max. 25 points) Consider a strategic form game of two players P0 and P1 such that P1 has two strategies. Prove that a pure strategy of P0 is strictly dominated by a mixed strategy if and only if it is never a best response. Exercise 4: (max. 25 points) a) [10 points] Determine whether IESDS with pure strategies can introduce new pure Nash equilibria in a finite game. b) [15 points] Determine whether IESDS with pure strategies can introduce new pure Nash equilibria in an infinite game. 2 A strategy si of player i is weakly dominant if for every strategy s′ i of player i, ui(si, s1−i) ≥ ui(s′ i, s1−i) for all s1−i ∈ S1−i, and ui(si, s1−i) > ui(s′ i, s1−i) for at least one s1−i. 3 A strategy si of player i is weakly dominated if there exists a strategy s′ i of player i such that ui(s′ i, s1−i) ≥ ui(si, s1−i) for all s1−i ∈ S1−i, and ui(s′ i, s1−i) > ui(si, s1−i) for at least one s1−i. 2 Algorithmic Game Theory Games in Strategic Form Bonus Exercise: There is a well-known topological result called Brouwer’s Fixed-Point Theorem, which asserts that every continuous function from a convex, closed, and bounded set (such as a ball, simplex, or polyhedron) to itself has at least one fixed point. One way to prove this is through a combinatorial argument known as Sperner’s Lemma. Theorem 1 (Brouwer’s Fixed-Point Theorem). Let X be a non-empty, convex, closed, and bounded set in Rn . Then, every continuous function f : X → X has a fixed point, i.e., there exists x ∈ X such that f(x) = x. In our context, we use this theorem to prove the existence of mixed Nash equilibria in finite games. For simplicity, we will focus on two-player strategic form games, though a similar argument applies to any number of players. Prove the following theorem: Theorem 2. Every finite two-player strategic form game has a mixed Nash equilibrium. The proof should proceed as follows: 1. Observe that the set of strategy profiles can be represented as a subset of Rn for a suitable n. (How is n related to the game?) 2. For any fixed strategy profile x, show that the set of best-response profiles4 is non-empty, compact, convex, and closed. 3. Use (2) to construct a continuous function f : X → X (where X is the set of all strategy profiles) that assigns each x a best-response profile. 4. Apply Brouwer’s Fixed-Point Theorem to conclude the existence of a mixed Nash equilibrium. 4 We call a profile x′ a best-response profile for x if every strategy with non-zero probability in x is a best response to x. 3