Algebra I – autumn 2023 All your assertions should be carefully justified. 1. (10 points) Consider the subsets I1, I2, I3 of the ring Z[ √ 10][x], with Ij consisting exactly of those polynomials whose constant coefficient belongs to the set Cj and whose linear coefficient belongs to the set Lj, where C1 = { 10a + b √ 10 | a, b ∈ Z, [a]9 = [b]9 }, L1 = { 2c + d √ 10 | c, d ∈ Z, [c]3 = [−d]3 }, C2 = { 5a + b √ 10 | a, b ∈ Z, [a]3 = [−b]3 }, L2 = { 2c + d √ 10 | c, d ∈ Z }, C3 = L3 = { 5a + b √ 10 | a, b ∈ Z, [a]4 = [b]4 }. For each of the subsets I1, I2, I3, decide whether it is an ideal of the ring Z[ √ 10][x]. 2. (10 points) Determine all elements of the transition monoid of the automaton 1 b,c HH a // 2 a  b,c // 3 a,c (( b  4 c hh a,b  3. (15 points) Find a direct product of well-known groups that is isomorphic to the quotient group (G, ·)/H, where G =      1 a c 0 1 b 0 0 1   a, b ∈ Z, c ∈ Z[i]    , H =      1 2d 2d i + e 0 1 4d 0 0 1   d, e ∈ Z    . 4. (10 points) Find the minimal polynomial of √ 3 + 1 · i − √ 3 + 1 over Q. 5. (15 points) Express the number 1 α3 + α2 − α without using other than rational numbers in denominators, provided that the number α satisfies the equality α4 + 3α3 = 3 · (1 − α2 ) · (α + 1). 6. (10 points) Provide an example of a ring (R, +, ·) that is not a subring of any field, and a subring of (R, +, ·) that is a field. 7. (10 points) Provide an example of a group (G, ·), an isomorphism ϕ: G → G and a subgroup H ⊆ G such that ϕ(H) ⊆ H and at the same time ϕ(H) = H. 8. (5 points) What does it mean for an integral domain (R, +, ·) to have the unique factorization property? 9. (5 points) Describe ideals of polynomial rings over fields. Which of them are such that the corresponding quotient ring is a field/integral domain? 10. (10 points) Using only the definitions of groups and homomorphisms, prove that every homomorphism of groups preserves identities and inverses.